!xselect 07:37:11 21-Jul-2019
mysession:SUZAKU > read events sw00010640002xpcw3po_cl.evt
> Enter the Event file dir >[.] .
Got new mission: SWIFT
> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      SWIFT
 Time keyword is TIME       in units of s
 Default timing binsize =   5.0000
 Image  keywords   = X          Y           with binning =    1
 WMAP   keywords   = X          Y           with binning =    1
 Energy keyword   = PI                     with binning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   2.5073
MJDREF =  5.1910000742870E+04 with TIMESYS = TT
 Number of files read in:            1
at.tmp" "outfile=/mnt/usb/Gaia_transients/ASASSN-18fv/00010640002_lev2/mysessio
n_read_cat.xsl" "keywords=@/mnt/usb/Gaia_transients/ASASSN-18fv/00010640002_lev
2/mysession_obslist.def" maxlen=11 minlen=0 iform=I8 "eform=E8.2" quiet=yes omi
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /mnt/usb/Gaia_transients/ASASSN-18fv/00010640002_lev2/
HK Directory is: /mnt/usb/Gaia_transients/ASASSN-18fv/00010640002_lev2/
" STDOUT "@mysession_display.def" "-" prhead = no pagewidth = 128 wrap = yes sh
owunit = no tdisp = yes
        OBJECT      OBS_ID      DATE-OBS            DATAMODE
      1 ASASSN-18fv 00010640002 2018-09-16T05:00:27 PHOTON
mysession:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > extract image
le = NONE qdpfile = NONE fitsbinlc = NONE unbinlc = NONE phafile = NONE imgfile
 = "mysession_image.xsl" fullimage = yes timefile = NONE adjustgti=yes gstring 
= NONE timeorder = no xcolf = X ycolf = Y xcolh = X ycolh = Y xfkey = TLMAX yfk
ey = TLMAX xhkey = TLMAX yhkey = TLMAX phamax = TLMAX specbin = 1 binh = 1 binf
 = 1 binlc = "5.0000000E+00" tcol = TIME ecol = PI ccol = NONE gcol = GRADE gti
 = GTI events = EVENTS gtitxt = "mysession_ascii_out.xsl" timeref = "40000.00" 
wtmapb = yes wtmapfix = yes swmapx = no swmapy = no wmapver = 2 gtinam = GTI ex
itnow = no
extractor v5.35     2 Aug 2018
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /mnt/usb/Gaia_transients/ASASSN-18fv/00010640002_lev2/sw0001064000
          Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
            792       792            0         0         0         0
    Grand Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
            792       792            0         0         0         0
   in  1599.7     seconds
 Image            has      792 counts for 0.4951     counts/sec
Wrote image to file test.fit
mysession:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > filter region src_xrt.reg
mysession:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > filter grade 0
mysession:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > extract spectrum
le = "mysession_region.xsl" qdpfile = NONE fitsbinlc = NONE unbinlc = NONE phaf
ile = "mysession_hist.xsl" imgfile = NONE timefile = NONE adjustgti=yes gstring
 = 0 timeorder = no xcolf = X ycolf = Y xcolh = X ycolh = Y xfkey = TLMAX yfkey
 = TLMAX xhkey = TLMAX yhkey = TLMAX phamax = TLMAX specbin = 1 binh = 1 binf =
 1 binlc = "5.0000000E+00" tcol = TIME ecol = PI ccol = NONE gcol = GRADE gti =
 GTI events = EVENTS gtitxt = "mysession_ascii_out.xsl" timeref = "40000.00" wt
mapb = yes wtmapfix = yes swmapx = no swmapy = no wmapver = 2 gtinam = GTI exit
now = no
extractor v5.35     2 Aug 2018
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /mnt/usb/Gaia_transients/ASASSN-18fv/00010640002_lev2/sw0001064000
          Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
            193       120            0         0        73         0
    Grand Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
            193       120            0         0        73         0
   in  1599.7     seconds
 Spectrum         has      120 counts for 7.5016E-02 counts/sec
Keyword TLM2FITS has two values: 'V6.4' and 'V6.4    '
 ... written the PHA data Extension
Wrote spectrum to spec.pha
mysession:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > clear pha_cutoff
mysession:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > filter pha_cutoff 30 200
mysession:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > extract spectrum
le = "mysession_region.xsl" qdpfile = NONE fitsbinlc = NONE unbinlc = NONE phaf
ile = "mysession_hist.xsl" imgfile = NONE timefile = NONE adjustgti=yes gstring
 = 0 timeorder = no xcolf = X ycolf = Y xcolh = X ycolh = Y xfkey = TLMAX yfkey
 = TLMAX xhkey = TLMAX yhkey = TLMAX phamax = TLMAX specbin = 1 binh = 1 binf =
 1 binlc = "5.0000000E+00" tcol = TIME ecol = PI ccol = NONE gcol = GRADE gti =
 GTI events = EVENTS gtitxt = "mysession_ascii_out.xsl" timeref = "40000.00" wt
mapb = yes wtmapfix = yes swmapx = no swmapy = no wmapver = 2 gtinam = GTI exit
now = no
extractor v5.35     2 Aug 2018
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /mnt/usb/Gaia_transients/ASASSN-18fv/00010640002_lev2/sw0001064000
          Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
            193        58            0         0        73        62
    Grand Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
            193        58            0         0        73        62
   in  1599.7     seconds
 Spectrum         has       58 counts for 3.6258E-02 counts/sec
Keyword TLM2FITS has two values: 'V6.4' and 'V6.4    '
 ... written the PHA data Extension
Wrote spectrum to spec_03_2keV.pha
mysession:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > clear pha_cutoff
mysession:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > filter pha_cutoff 200 1000
mysession:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > extract spectrum
le = "mysession_region.xsl" qdpfile = NONE fitsbinlc = NONE unbinlc = NONE phaf
ile = "mysession_hist.xsl" imgfile = NONE timefile = NONE adjustgti=yes gstring
 = 0 timeorder = no xcolf = X ycolf = Y xcolh = X ycolh = Y xfkey = TLMAX yfkey
 = TLMAX xhkey = TLMAX yhkey = TLMAX phamax = TLMAX specbin = 1 binh = 1 binf =
 1 binlc = "5.0000000E+00" tcol = TIME ecol = PI ccol = NONE gcol = GRADE gti =
 GTI events = EVENTS gtitxt = "mysession_ascii_out.xsl" timeref = "40000.00" wt
mapb = yes wtmapfix = yes swmapx = no swmapy = no wmapver = 2 gtinam = GTI exit
now = no
extractor v5.35     2 Aug 2018
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /mnt/usb/Gaia_transients/ASASSN-18fv/00010640002_lev2/sw0001064000
          Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
            193        62            0         0        73        58
    Grand Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
            193        62            0         0        73        58
   in  1599.7     seconds
 Spectrum         has       62 counts for 3.8758E-02 counts/sec
Keyword TLM2FITS has two values: 'V6.4' and 'V6.4    '
 ... written the PHA data Extension
Wrote spectrum to spec_2_10keV.pha
mysession:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > exit
> Save this session? >[no] no