################ 00010640027 ################

Swift observed ASASSN-18fv for 3.3ks on 2019-06-08.238 
detected an X-ray source with 
the net count rate of 0.0291 +/-0.0032 cts/s at the position 
of the transient. 
The spectrum can be fit with the absorbed power law with the photon 
index of 2.29 +/-0.52, the absorbing column density of 
(0.0 +/-0.0)x10^20 cm^-2 and the unabsorbed 0.3-10 keV flux 
of 8x10^-13 ergs/cm^2/s. 

An ultraviolet source is detected at the position of the transient 
with the following UVOT magnitudes (Vega system): 
   JD        Band   Mag.  Err.
 2458642.74  UVM2  11.78  0.02
