#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <libgen.h> // for basename() int main(int argc,char **argv){ if( argc<5 ){ fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s OBSERVED_MAG ERR BAND E(B-V)\nEample: %s 18.61 0.15 UVW1 0.011",argv[0],argv[0]); return 1; } double mag = atof(argv[1]); double mag_err = atof(argv[2]); double EBmV=atof(argv[4]); double Rv=3.1; double A,a,b; double c_m_sec = 299792458; /* speed of light m/sec */ // double lambda_eff,nu,flux_convertion_factor,Zpt,flux,flux_max,flux_min; // int band_id=0; // 0 - unknown band; 1 - known band /* Set filter parameters in the fllowing lines. Zero_mag_flux * W/m^2/Hz->erg/sec/cm^2/Hz */ if( strlen(argv[3])<3 ){ if( band_id==0 && 0==strncmp("V",argv[3], strlen(argv[3]) ) ){ lambda_eff = 0.5402 * 1e-6; /* micron to meter */ nu = c_m_sec/lambda_eff; flux_convertion_factor = 2.614e-16 * c_m_sec*1e10/(nu*nu); Zpt = 17.89; a = 1.0015; b = 0.0126; band_id=1; } if( band_id==0 && 0==strncmp("B",argv[3], strlen(argv[3]) ) ){ lambda_eff = 0.4329 * 1e-6; /* micron to meter */ nu = c_m_sec/lambda_eff; flux_convertion_factor = 1.472e-16 * c_m_sec*1e10/(nu*nu); Zpt = 19.11; a = 0.9994; b = 1.0171; band_id=1; } if( band_id==0 && 0==strncmp("U",argv[3], strlen(argv[3]) ) ){ lambda_eff = 0.3501 * 1e-6; /* micron to meter */ nu = c_m_sec/lambda_eff; flux_convertion_factor = 1.63e-16 * c_m_sec*1e10/(nu*nu); Zpt = 18.34; a = 0.9226; b = 2.1019; band_id=1; } } if( band_id==0 && 0==strncmp("UVW1",argv[3], strlen(argv[3]) ) ){ lambda_eff = 0.2634 * 1e-6; /* micron to meter */ nu = c_m_sec/lambda_eff; //flux_convertion_factor = 4.3e-16 * c_m_sec*1e10/(nu*nu); flux_convertion_factor = 4.0e-16 * c_m_sec*1e10/(nu*nu); Zpt = 17.49; a = 0.4346; b = 5.3286; band_id=1; } if( band_id==0 && 0==strncmp("UVM2",argv[3], strlen(argv[3]) ) ){ lambda_eff = 0.2231 * 1e-6; /* micron to meter */ nu = c_m_sec/lambda_eff; //flux_convertion_factor = 7.5e-16 * c_m_sec*1e10/(nu*nu); flux_convertion_factor = 8.5e-16 * c_m_sec*1e10/(nu*nu); Zpt = 16.82; a = 0.0773; b = 9.1784; band_id=1; } if( band_id==0 && 0==strncmp("UVW2",argv[3], strlen(argv[3]) ) ){ lambda_eff = 0.2030 * 1e-6; /* micron to meter */ nu = c_m_sec/lambda_eff; //flux_convertion_factor = 6.0e-16 * c_m_sec*1e10/(nu*nu); flux_convertion_factor = 6.2e-16 * c_m_sec*1e10/(nu*nu); Zpt = 17.35; a = -0.0581; b = 8.4402; band_id=1; } if( band_id==0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: unknown band %s\n",argv[3]); return 1; } A=EBmV*(a*Rv+b); // extinction in this band mag=mag-A; // apply extinction correction // --------------------------------------------------------- // if( 0==strcmp("UVOT2ergcm2sA_wavelength_Poole2008",basename(argv[0])) ){ // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck%27s_law flux_convertion_factor=flux_convertion_factor*(nu*nu)/(c_m_sec*1e10); } // pow(10,0.4*(Zpt-mag)) is the XRT count rate // We need to multiply it by the flux conversion factor to get the flux flux = flux_convertion_factor * pow(10,0.4*(Zpt-mag)); flux_max = flux_convertion_factor * pow(10,0.4*(Zpt-mag-mag_err)); flux_min = flux_convertion_factor * pow(10,0.4*(Zpt-mag+mag_err)); if( 0==strcmp("UVOT2ergcm2sA_wavelength_Poole2008",basename(argv[0])) ){ fprintf(stdout,"%7.2lf %lg %lg\n", 1e10*c_m_sec/nu, flux, fabs(flux_max-flux_min)/2.0 ); } else{ fprintf(stdout,"%lg %lg %lg\n",nu,flux*pow(10,23)*pow(10,6),( fabs(flux_max-flux_min)/2.0 )*pow(10,23)*pow(10,6)); } return 0; }