Name of the input exposure file or NONE[sw00088679010xpcw3po_ex.img] sw00088679010xpcw3po_ex.img Name of the input PHA FITS file[spec_2_10keV.pha] spec.pha Apply PSF correction (used if extended=no)?(yes/no)[yes] yes Name of the output ARF FITS file[spec_2_10keV.arf] spec.arf Source X coordinate (SKY for PC and WT modes, DET for PD mode)(used if extended=no):[-1] -1 Source Y coordinate (SKY for PC and WT modes, DET for PD mode)(used if extended=no):[-1] -1 --------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'xrtmkarf_0.6.3' --------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input RMF file :'CALDB' Name of the input mirror effective area file :'CALDB' Name of the input filter transmission file :'CALDB' Name of the input arf file :'CALDB' Name of the input exposure map file :'sw00088679010xpcw3po_ex.img' Name of the input vignetting file :'CALDB' Name of the input spectrum file :'spec.pha' Name of the input PSF file :'CALDB' Name of the output ARF file :'spec.arf' Source SKYX :'-1.000000' Source SKYY :'-1.000000' Source off-axis angle (arcmin) :'-99.000000' Extended source? : no --------------------------------------------------------------- vig_flag (in) : 0 min exposure : 0.000000 in 0 0 max exposure : 1188.460205 in 491 218 MAXIMUM EXPOSURE : 1.000000 CENTER of the ROI (SKY) 425.573730 501.051151 CENTER of the SRC (SKY) 425.573730 501.051147 xrtmkarf_0.6.3: Info: WMAP region boundaries (X1:X2,Y1:Y2):[ 406 : 445 , 482 : 521 ] xrtmkarf_0.6.3: Info: Source position (X,Y): [425.573730 , 501.051147] min ROI exposure : 573.799622 in 416 486 max ROI exposure : 1188.460205 in 406 497 xrtmkarf_0.6.3: Info: Processing '/mnt/usb/caldb/data/swift/xrt/cpf/rmf/swxpc0s6_20130101v014.rmf' CALDB file. xrtmkarf_0.6.3: Info: Processing '/mnt/usb/caldb/data/swift/xrt/cpf/arf/swxs6_20010101v001.arf' CALDB file. 158.967296 -59.598725 158.967300 -59.598730 Optical Axis SKY coordinate X: 500.502824 Optical Axis SKY coordinate Y: 500.507284 CX: 425.573730 CY: 501.051147 Off-axis Angle (arcmin): 2.947289 vig_flag : 0 >>> using a not vignetted exposure map xrtmkarf_0.6.3: Info: Processing '/mnt/usb/caldb/data/swift/xrt/cpf/vign/swxvign20010101v001.fits' CALDB file. xrtmkarf_0.6.3: Info: Processing '/mnt/usb/caldb/data/swift/xrt/cpf/psf/swxpsf20010101v005.fits' CALDB file. PERC. OF FLUENCE WITHIN THE ROI: 90.844548 % (AT 1.002500 keV ) PERC. OF FLUENCE WITHIN THE ROI: 90.964335 % (ON AVERAGE) xrtmkarf_0.6.3: Info: 'spec.arf' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- xrtmkarf_0.6.3: Exit with success. ---------------------------------------------------------------------