!xselect 22:12:39 01-Nov-2019 Command not found; type ? for a command listing !xsel18060:SUZAKU > read eve sw00010640011xwtw2st_cl.evt !> Enter the Event file dir >[./00010640011_lev2] ./00010640011_lev2// Got new mission: SWIFT !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] Notes: XSELECT set up for SWIFT Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 1.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 1023 Got the minimum time resolution of the read data: 0.17791E-02 MJDREF = 5.1910000742870E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 d_spectrum_changing_fast/xsel18060_obscat.tmp" "outfile=/mnt/usb/Gaia_transient s/ASASSN-18fv/stacks_new/stacks__180_250d__bad_spectrum_changing_fast/xsel18060 _read_cat.xsl" "keywords=@/mnt/usb/Gaia_transients/ASASSN-18fv/stacks_new/stack s__180_250d__bad_spectrum_changing_fast/xsel18060_obslist.def" maxlen=11 minlen =0 iform=I8 "eform=E8.2" quiet=yes omit=no ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /mnt/usb/Gaia_transients/ASASSN-18fv/stacks_new/stacks__180_ 250d__bad_spectrum_changing_fast/00010640011_lev2/ HK Directory is: /mnt/usb/Gaia_transients/ASASSN-18fv/stacks_new/stacks__180_25 0d__bad_spectrum_changing_fast/00010640011_lev2/ um_changing_fast/xsel18060_read_cat.xsl" STDOUT "@xsel18060_display.def" "-" pr head = no pagewidth = 128 wrap = yes showunit = no tdisp = yes OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS DATAMODE 1 ASASSN-18fv 00010640011 2018-11-18T00:41:03 WINDOWED !xsel18060:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > set wmapname X Y Warning : downstream software assumes that the WMAP is in detector coordinates !xsel18060:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > set xyname X Y !xsel18060:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > filter region ./00010640011_lev2/sw00010640011x wtw2st.reg !xsel18060:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > set binsize 0.1 !xsel18060:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > extract spectrum le = "xsel18060_region.xsl" qdpfile = NONE fitsbinlc = NONE unbinlc = NONE phaf ile = "xsel18060_hist.xsl" imgfile = NONE timefile = NONE adjustgti=yes gstring = NONE timeorder = no xcolf = X ycolf = Y xcolh = X ycolh = Y xfkey = TLMAX yf key = TLMAX xhkey = TLMAX yhkey = TLMAX phamax = TLMAX specbin = 1 binh = 1 bin f = 1 binlc = "1.0000000E-01" tcol = TIME ecol = PI ccol = NONE gcol = GRADE gt i = GTI events = EVENTS gtitxt = "xsel18060_ascii_out.xsl" timeref = "40000.00" wtmapb = yes wtmapfix = yes swmapx = no swmapy = no wmapver = 2 gtinam = GTI e xitnow = no extractor v5.35 2 Aug 2018 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /mnt/usb/Gaia_transients/ASASSN-18fv/stacks_new/stacks__180_250d__ bad_spectrum_changing_fast/00010640011_lev2/sw00010640011xwtw2st_cl.evt[regfilt er("xsel18060_region.xsl",X,Y)] Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 9 9 0 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 9 9 0 0 0 0 in 7.3122 seconds Spectrum has 9 counts for 1.231 counts/sec Keyword TLM2FITS has two values: 'V6.4' and 'V6.4 ' ... written the PHA data Extension wtw2stsr.pha Wrote spectrum to ./00010640011_lev2/sw00010640011xwtw2stsr.pha !xsel18060:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > filter pha_cutoff 30 1000 !xsel18060:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > extract curve exposure=0.0 le = "xsel18060_region.xsl" qdpfile = NONE fitsbinlc = "xsel18060_fits_curve.xs l" lcthresh = "0.0000000E+00" lctzero = yes xronwn = "/mnt/usb/Gaia_transients/ ASASSN-18fv/stacks_new/stacks__180_250d__bad_spectrum_changing_fast/xsel18060_x ronos_out.xsl" unbinlc = NONE phafile = NONE imgfile = NONE timefile = NONE adj ustgti=yes gstring = NONE timeorder = no xcolf = X ycolf = Y xcolh = X ycolh = Y xfkey = TLMAX yfkey = TLMAX xhkey = TLMAX yhkey = TLMAX phamax = TLMAX specbi n = 1 binh = 1 binf = 1 binlc = "1.0000000E-01" tcol = TIME ecol = PI ccol = NO NE gcol = GRADE gti = GTI events = EVENTS gtitxt = "xsel18060_ascii_out.xsl" ti meref = "40000.00" wtmapb = yes wtmapfix = yes swmapx = no swmapy = no wmapver = 2 gtinam = GTI exitnow = no extractor v5.35 2 Aug 2018 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /mnt/usb/Gaia_transients/ASASSN-18fv/stacks_new/stacks__180_250d__ bad_spectrum_changing_fast/00010640011_lev2/sw00010640011xwtw2st_cl.evt[regfilt er("xsel18060_region.xsl",X,Y)] Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 9 3 0 0 0 6 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 9 3 0 0 0 6 in 7.3122 seconds Fits light curve has 3 counts for 0.4103 counts/sec 2stsr.lc Wrote FITS light curve to file ./00010640011_lev2/sw00010640011xwtw2stsr.lc !xsel18060:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no