This folder contains calibrated X-ray data as well as some scripts and plots used in preparation of the MNRAS paper "X-ray Spectroscopy of the gamma-ray Brightest Nova V906 Car (ASASSN-18fv)" by Sokolovsky et al. 2020. Please send your questions and comments to Kirill Sokolovsky or ****###### NuSTAR ######**** * raw_and_pipelined_data__plus_lightcurves - contains the input and results for the NuSTAR pipeline. The contents of 80301306002_lev3 and 90401322002_lev3 is used for the spectral analysis (see below), while 80301306002_lev3_lightcurvetest and 90401322002_lev3_lightcurvetest are produced by the script and are used to perform the Chi^2 test on the ligtcurves. (The difference with the spectral dataset is only in the lightcurve binning time.) The folder also includes the code to convert FITS lightcurves to ASCII ( lightcurves__code_NUSTARLC2ASCII ) to feed them to the code performing the chi^2 test ( lightcurves__code_for_chi2test ). * two_epochs_joint_fit_v999_new_model_with_lower_limit_on_Galactic_absorption__cflux_final - contains calibrated NuSTAR spectra for the source and the background produced by the NuSTAR pipeline: nu80301306002A01_bk.pha nu80301306002A01_sr.pha nu80301306002B01_bk.pha nu80301306002B01_sr.pha nu90401322002A01_bk.pha nu90401322002A01_sr.pha nu90401322002B01_bk.pha nu90401322002B01_sr.pha as well as the gruped versions of the spectra ready to be imported to XSPEC: epoch01_grouped_spec_A.pha epoch01_grouped_spec_B.pha epoch02_grouped_spec_A.pha epoch02_grouped_spec_B.pha All the processing is done by the script that groups the original spectra and fits various models (.xcm files) using XSPEC. The input (_xspec_in.txt) and output (_xspec_out.txt) of each SXPEC session are saved together with the corresponding plots (.ps and .png). ****###### Swift ######**** The folder contains Swift data downloaded from the archive and the results of running script that performs per-epoch analysis creating autoswift_results__ASASSN-18fv and stacked_xrt_observation The folder stacks_new contains the observations grouped and stacked into ~50day bins using the same script. The results of XSPEC analysis of the binned Swift spectra are in Swift/stacks_new/allstacks/ ****###### XMM ######**** Requests regarding the XMM data should be directed to Raimundo Lopes who lead the XMM analysis. ****###### Fermi ######**** Requests regarding the Fermi/LAT data should be directed to Ray Li who lead the Fermi/LAT analysis.