Processing 90701312002 No aberration correction required for 90701312002 Chatter level: 3 Observation Mode Extracted: ALL Instruments to run: ALL ( Local pfiles directory: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/30012_pfiles Clobber status: yes Operations flags: cleancols status: no runcalcpha status: yes runcalcpi status: yes runmetrology status: yes metflag status: yes runmkarf status: no runmkrmf status: yes aberation status: no Extract background: no GTI Screening used? yes EVENT screening used? yes GRADEEXPR: DEFAULT STATUSEXPR: DEFAULT Use attitude file to make GTI? yes Use instrument HK files to make GTI? yes Pipeline syntax: nupipeline cleancols=no chatter=3 clobber=yes obsmode=ALL instrument=ALL indir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002 steminput=nu90701312002 outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl entrystage=1 exitstage=3 runcalcpha=yes runcalcpi=yes runmetrology=yes metflag=yes runmkrmf=yes runmkarf=no gtiscreen=yes evtscreen=yes gradeexpr=DEFAULT statusexp=DEFAULT pntra=OBJECT pntdec=OBJECT createattgti=yes createinstrgti=yes bkgextract=no srcra=OBJECT srcdec=OBJECT srcradius=20 runbackscale=no aberration=no ============================================================ Running NuSTAR pipeline Task: nupipeline Version: 0.4.8 Release Date: 2020-05-20 ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - TELDEF 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "-" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef 0 nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - TELDEF 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "-" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef 0 nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPM - - ALIGNMENT 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ Setting Optical Axis Direction ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'pntra' and/or 'pntdec' input parameter set to OBJECT nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Using OBJECT keywords from /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_uf/nu90701312002A_uf.evt file nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Optical Axis RA : 351.1989375(deg) nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Optical Axis DEC : 61.18745(deg) ------------------------------------------------------------ Setting source RA and DEC position ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Input parameters 'srcra' and/or 'srcdec' set to 'OBJECT' nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Using OBJECT keywords from /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_uf/nu90701312002A_uf.evt file nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Input RA Source Position : 351.1989375 nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Input DEC Source Position : 61.18745 nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'numetrology' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: numetrology outpsdfilecor=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits outpsdfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_psd.fits chatter=3 metrologyfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002_met.fits alignfile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits history=yes metflag=yes metgridfile=CALDB mastaspectfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits inpsdfilecor= clobber=yes psdcal=yes --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'numetrology_0.1.9' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Metrology File :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002_met.fits' Name of the input Metrology Grid File :'CALDB' Name of the output Position Sensing Detector File :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_psd.fits' Name of the output corrected Position Sensing Detector File :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits' Apply PSD linearization to the corrected Position Sensing Detector File : yes Name of the input Alignment File :'/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits' Name of the output Mast Aspect Solution File :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits' --------------------------------------------------------------------- numetrology_0.1.9: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_psd.fits' file exists, numetrology_0.1.9: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the numetrology_0.1.9: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_psd.fits' file will be overwritten. numetrology_0.1.9: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits' file exists, numetrology_0.1.9: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the numetrology_0.1.9: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits' file will be overwritten. numetrology_0.1.9: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits' file exists, numetrology_0.1.9: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the numetrology_0.1.9: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits' file will be overwritten. numetrology_0.1.9: Warning: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002_met.fits file (ext 'MET_CMP') is empty. numetrology_0.1.9: Info: value of keyword METSTATE: 6 numetrology_0.1.9: Number of used LAS0_ON/LAS1_ON = 1 rows: 226799 numetrology_0.1.9: Number of anomalous LAS0_ON/LAS1_ON rows: 0 numetrology_0.1.9: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/metrology/nuCmetgrid20100101v002.fits' file for metgrid data of PSD0. numetrology_0.1.9: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/metrology/nuCmetgrid20100101v002.fits' file for metgrid data of PSD1. numetrology_0.1.9: Warning: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002_met.fits file (ext 'MET_CMP') is empty. numetrology_0.1.9: Info: value of keyword METSTATE: 6 numetrology_0.1.9: Number of used LAS0_ON/LAS1_ON = 1 rows: 226799 numetrology_0.1.9: Number of anomalous LAS0_ON/LAS1_ON rows: 0 numetrology_0.1.9: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- numetrology_0.1.9: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'numetrology' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits' mast aspect solution file created. nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuattcorr' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuattcorr attfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/auxil/nu90701312002_att.fits chatter=3 history=yes chuoffsetfile=CALDB outattfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits clobber=yes --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nuattcorr_0.1.2' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Attitude file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/auxil/nu90701312002_att.fits' Name of the output Corrected Attitude file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits' Name of the input CHUs Quaternion Offset FITS file :'CALDB' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuattcorr_0.1.2: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits' file exists, nuattcorr_0.1.2: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the nuattcorr_0.1.2: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits' file will be overwritten. nuattcorr_0.1.2: Info: Creating '32608_tmp_nuattcorr/32608in_nu90701312002_att.fits' symbolic link to input Attitude file. nuattcorr_0.1.2: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuCchuoffset20100101v001.fits file. nuattcorr_0.1.2: Info: executing 'ftcopy infile='32608_tmp_nuattcorr/32608in_nu90701312002_att.fits[col @32608_tmp_nuattcorr/32608in.col]' outfile=32608_tmp_nuattcorr/32608out_nu90701312002_att.fits' nuattcorr_0.1.2: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuattcorr_0.1.2: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuattcorr' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits' corrected attitude file created. nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Copying OBEB HK File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/' in '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Copying Level 1 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_uf/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' in '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Stage I: Calibrating '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuflagbad' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuflagbad outbpfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_bp.fits chatter=3 history=yes bpfile=CALDB infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp clobber=yes dispixfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002A_dspx.fits userbpfile=NONE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nuflagbad_0.1.7' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' Name of the output Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' Name of the input on-board disabled pixel file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002A_dspx.fits' Name of the input on-ground bad pixel file :'CALDB' Name of the input user bad pixel file :'NONE' Name of the output Bad Pixel file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_bp.fits' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_bp.fits' file exists, nuflagbad_0.1.7: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the nuflagbad_0.1.7: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_bp.fits' file will be overwritten. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/badpix/nuAbadpix20100101v003.fits' file for on-ground bad pixel data of detector DET0. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/badpix/nuAbadpix20100101v003.fits' file for on-ground bad pixel data of detector DET1. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/badpix/nuAbadpix20100101v003.fits' file for on-ground bad pixel data of detector DET2. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/badpix/nuAbadpix20100101v003.fits' file for on-ground bad pixel data of detector DET3. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002A_dspx.fits' file for on-board disabled pixel data of detector DET0. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002A_dspx.fits' file for on-board disabled pixel data of detector DET1. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002A_dspx.fits' file for on-board disabled pixel data of detector DET2. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002A_dspx.fits' file for on-board disabled pixel data of detector DET3. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' file. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' file successfully written. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Creating output bad pixel file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuflagbad_0.1.7: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuflagbad' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' updated nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuhotpix' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuhotpix clobber=yes binsize=600 logpos=-6 cellsize=5 infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp history=yes iterate=yes impfac=1.0 bthresh=6 chatter=3 cleanflick=yes outhpfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_hp.fits --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nuhotpix_0.1.6' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' Name of the output Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' Name of the output Hot Pixel file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_hp.fits' Bin size (seconds) for count image generation :'600.000000' Search and flag flickering pixels? : yes Iterate the search : yes --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_hp.fits' file exists, nuhotpix_0.1.6: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the nuhotpix_0.1.6: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_hp.fits' file will be overwritten. nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' file. nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353976903.000000 - 353977503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353977503.000000 - 353978103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=26 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353978103.000000 - 353978703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353978703.000000 - 353979303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=28 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353979303.000000 - 353979903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353979903.000000 - 353980503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=23 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353980503.000000 - 353981103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353981103.000000 - 353981703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy=15 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353981703.000000 - 353982303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353982303.000000 - 353982903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=23 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=25 rawy=10 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353982903.000000 - 353983503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353983503.000000 - 353984103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 1 rawy=29 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=29 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353984103.000000 - 353984703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=26 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353984703.000000 - 353985303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353985303.000000 - 353985903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=26 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353985903.000000 - 353986503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=26 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353986503.000000 - 353987103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy= 2 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353987103.000000 - 353987703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=28 rawy=18 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353987703.000000 - 353988303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy=22 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353988303.000000 - 353988903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 9 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 2 rawy= 4 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353988903.000000 - 353989503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy= 2 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=29 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353989503.000000 - 353990103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353990103.000000 - 353990703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=23 rawy= 1 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=26 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353990703.000000 - 353991303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=24 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353991303.000000 - 353991903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=26 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy= 2 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353991903.000000 - 353992503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=25 rawy= 0 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353992503.000000 - 353993103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy= 9 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353993103.000000 - 353993703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=26 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=28 rawy= 1 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353993703.000000 - 353994303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=15 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353994303.000000 - 353994903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=28 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353994903.000000 - 353995503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353995503.000000 - 353996103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 2 rawy=23 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353996103.000000 - 353996703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353996703.000000 - 353997303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353997303.000000 - 353997903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=22 rawy=25 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=28 rawy= 1 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353997903.000000 - 353998503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=26 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=24 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353998503.000000 - 353999103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 1 rawy= 7 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353999103.000000 - 353999703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy= 7 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353999703.000000 - 354000303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy= 7 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy= 7 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=22 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354000303.000000 - 354000903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 1 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354000903.000000 - 354001503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=27 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354001503.000000 - 354002103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy= 2 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 5 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354002103.000000 - 354002703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=29 rawy= 2 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354002703.000000 - 354003303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354003303.000000 - 354003903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=29 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354003903.000000 - 354004503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=25 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354004503.000000 - 354005103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=26 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354005103.000000 - 354005703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=24 rawy= 3 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354005703.000000 - 354006303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=22 rawy=25 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=25 rawy= 3 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy= 4 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354006303.000000 - 354006903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 1 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354006903.000000 - 354007503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 1 rawy=29 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=11 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=22 rawy=30 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=11 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354007503.000000 - 354008103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 1 rawy=12 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354008103.000000 - 354008703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy= 1 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354008703.000000 - 354009303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=27 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354009303.000000 - 354009903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354009903.000000 - 354010503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=30 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354010503.000000 - 354011103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=21 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354011103.000000 - 354011703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 5 rawy= 6 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354011703.000000 - 354012303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 1 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354012303.000000 - 354012903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354012903.000000 - 354013503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=26 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=15 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354013503.000000 - 354014103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=28 rawy= 2 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy=15 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 2 rawy= 4 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy= 3 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354014103.000000 - 354014703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=18 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354014703.000000 - 354015303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=15 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354015303.000000 - 354015903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=26 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354015903.000000 - 354016503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354016503.000000 - 354017103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=26 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=14 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354017103.000000 - 354017703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy=22 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354017703.000000 - 354018303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=18 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354018303.000000 - 354018903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354018903.000000 - 354019503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=22 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354019503.000000 - 354020103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354020103.000000 - 354020703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 9 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=24 rawy= 1 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 1 rawy=24 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354020703.000000 - 354021303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354021303.000000 - 354021903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 3 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354021903.000000 - 354022503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=23 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy=29 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy= 0 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354022503.000000 - 354023103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=28 rawy=12 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=26 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354023103.000000 - 354023703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=18 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354023703.000000 - 354024303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=26 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354024303.000000 - 354024903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 7 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy= 8 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354024903.000000 - 354025503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=29 rawy=25 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354025503.000000 - 354026103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy= 3 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy=29 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy= 0 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354026103.000000 - 354026703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=31 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354026703.000000 - 354027303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354027303.000000 - 354027903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354027903.000000 - 354028503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 8 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=24 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy= 4 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354028503.000000 - 354029103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=20 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354029103.000000 - 354029703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy= 7 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354029703.000000 - 354030303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=29 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354030303.000000 - 354030903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=22 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy=15 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=15 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354030903.000000 - 354031503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354031503.000000 - 354032103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354032103.000000 - 354032703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354032703.000000 - 354033303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=29 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354033303.000000 - 354033603.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=20 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy= 8 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=19 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 1 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' file successfully written. nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating output hot pixel file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuhotpix_0.1.6: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuhotpix' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' updated nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nucalcpha' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nucalcpha phaparfile=CALDB gradefile=CALDB offsetfile=CALDB chatter=3 clobber=yes cleancols=no evtthr=55 history=yes infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp timerise=0.0016 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nucalcpha_0.2.1' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' Name of the output Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' Name of the input Offset file :'CALDB' Name of the input Grade file :'CALDB' Name of the input PHAPAR file :'CALDB' Delete temporary columns : no --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/grade/nuCgrade20100101v002.fits' file. nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/cap_offset/nuAoffset20100101v001.fits' file. nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAphapar20100101v001.fits' file for PHAPAR data of detector DET0. nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAphapar20100101v001.fits' file for PHAPAR data of detector DET1. nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAphapar20100101v001.fits' file for PHAPAR data of detector DET2. nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAphapar20100101v001.fits' file for PHAPAR data of detector DET3. nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' file. --------------------------------------------------- nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: NuSTAR GRADES nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events 421856 nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 0 65379 15.4979% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 1 9270 2.1974% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 2 7885 1.8691% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 3 8800 2.0860% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 4 7978 1.8912% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 5 767 0.1818% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 6 802 0.1901% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 7 850 0.2015% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 8 888 0.2105% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 9 1109 0.2629% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 10 1048 0.2484% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 11 1039 0.2463% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 12 1152 0.2731% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 13 231 0.0548% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 14 248 0.0588% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 15 267 0.0633% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 16 234 0.0555% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 17 273 0.0647% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 18 220 0.0522% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 19 230 0.0545% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 20 241 0.0571% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 21 731 0.1733% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 22 731 0.1733% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 23 710 0.1683% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 24 675 0.1600% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 25 1670 0.3959% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 26 170 0.0403% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 27 83 0.0197% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 28 66 0.0156% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 29 37 0.0088% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 30 35 0.0083% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 31 169 0.0401% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 32 307868 72.9794% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcpha_0.2.1: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nucalcpha' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' updated nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nucalcpi' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nucalcpi clobber=yes hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ history=yes temperature=5 infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt clcfile=CALDB gainfile=CALDB outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp clcfilterfile=CALDB chatter=3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nucalcpi_0.2.1' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' Name of the input HK Header file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/' Name of the input GAIN file :'CALDB' Name of the output Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' file. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ file. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/gain/nuAgain20100101v008.fits' file for gain data of detector DET0. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/gain/nuAgain20100101v008.fits' file for gain data of detector DET1. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/gain/nuAgain20100101v008.fits' file for gain data of detector DET2. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/gain/nuAgain20100101v008.fits' file for gain data of detector DET3. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/clc/nuAclc20100101v004.fits' file for charge loss correction data of detector DET0. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/clc/nuAclc20100101v004.fits' file for charge loss correction data of detector DET1. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/clc/nuAclc20100101v004.fits' file for charge loss correction data of detector DET2. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/clc/nuAclc20100101v004.fits' file for charge loss correction data of detector DET3. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/clc/nuCclcfilter20100101v001.fits file. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.299090 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.332572 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.369754 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.580053 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.766176 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.844047 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.903592 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.042823 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.188924 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.216904 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.227121 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.337426 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.339639 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcpi_0.2.1: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nucalcpi' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' updated nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuflagevt' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuflagevt depthcutfile=CALDB clobber=yes evtcutfile=CALDB history=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt chatter=3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nuflagevt_0.1.3' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' Name of the output Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET0_SINGLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET1_SINGLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET2_SINGLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET3_SINGLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET0_DOUBLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET1_DOUBLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET2_DOUBLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET3_DOUBLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAevtcut20100101v001.fits' file for event cut data of detector DET0. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAevtcut20100101v001.fits' file for event cut data of detector DET1. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAevtcut20100101v001.fits' file for event cut data of detector DET2. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAevtcut20100101v001.fits' file for event cut data of detector DET3. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' file. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuflagevt_0.1.3: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuflagevt' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' updated nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nucoord' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nucoord seedcoordinator=-1956 aberration=no initseed=no pixposfile=CALDB attfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits chatter=3 pntdec=61.18745 follow_sun=yes teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef det1yref=350 randomizecoordinator=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt clobber=yes optaxisfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_oa.fits det1reffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_det1.fits timemargin=32. pntra=351.1989375 history=yes det1xref=350 alignfile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits mastaspectfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits attinterpol=LINEAR -------------------------------------------------------------- Running ' nucoord version 0.1.8 ' -------------------------------------------------------------- nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Name of the Input Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Name of the Output Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' -------------------------------------------------------------- nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Copying input file to '534_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Computing DET1 and DET2 coordinates nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Running 'nucalcpos' nucoord_0.1.8: Command: nucalcpos mastaspectfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits outfile=534_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002A_uf.534tmp chatter=3 saveraw2coord=no initseed=no history=yes pixposfile=CALDB infile=534_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp clobber=yes alignfile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nucalcpos_0.2.3' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'534_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' Name of the output Event file :'534_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002A_uf.534tmp' Name of the input pixel location file :'CALDB' Name of the input Alignment File :'/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits' Name of the input Mast Aspect Solution File :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcpos_0.2.3: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits file. nucalcpos_0.2.3: Info: Processing '534_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' file. nucalcpos_0.2.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuApixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET0. nucalcpos_0.2.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuApixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET1. nucalcpos_0.2.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuApixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET2. nucalcpos_0.2.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuApixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET3. nucalcpos_0.2.3: Info: '534_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002A_uf.534tmp' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcpos_0.2.3: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucoord_0.1.8: Info: 'nucalcpos' exit with success. DET1 and DET2 coordinates computed. nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Computing X and Y coordinates nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Running 'coordinator' nucoord_0.1.8: Command: coordinator aberration=no timemargin=32. timecol=TIME seed=-1956 dec=61.18745 follow_sun=yes ra=351.1989375 chatter=3 eventfile=534_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp randomize=yes skyynull=-1 history=yes eventext=EVENTS interpolation=LINEAR attfile=534_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002_att.fits teldef=534_tmp_nucoord/nuA20100101v002.teldef skyxnull=-1 using LINEAR interpolation for aspecting 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 3% done 3% done 3% done 3% done 3% done 3% done 3% done 3% done 3% done 3% done 3% done 4% done 4% done 4% done 4% done 4% done 4% done 4% done 4% done 4% done 4% done 4% done 5% done 5% done 5% done 5% done 5% done 5% done 5% done 5% done 5% done 5% done 5% done 6% done 6% done 6% done 6% done 6% done 6% done 6% done 6% done 6% done 6% done 6% done 7% done 7% done 7% done 7% done 7% done 7% done 7% done 7% done 7% done 7% done 7% done 8% done 8% done 8% done 8% done 8% done 8% done 8% done 8% done 8% done 8% done 8% done 9% done 9% done 9% done 9% done 9% done 9% done 9% done 9% done 9% done 9% done 9% done 10% done 10% done 10% done 10% done 10% done 10% done 10% done 10% done 10% done 10% done 10% done 11% done 11% done 11% done 11% done 11% done 11% done 11% done 11% done 11% done 11% done 11% done 12% done 12% done 12% done 12% done 12% done 12% done 12% done 12% done 12% done 12% done 12% done 13% done 13% done 13% done 13% done 13% done 13% done 13% done 13% done 13% done 13% done 13% done 14% done 14% done 14% done 14% done 14% done 14% done 14% done 14% done 14% done 14% done 14% done 15% done 15% done 15% done 15% done 15% done 15% done 15% done 15% done 15% done 15% 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done 86% done 86% done 87% done 87% done 87% done 87% done 87% done 87% done 87% done 87% done 87% done 87% done 87% done 88% done 88% done 88% done 88% done 88% done 88% done 88% done 88% done 88% done 88% done 88% done 89% done 89% done 89% done 89% done 89% done 89% done 89% done 89% done 89% done 89% done 89% done 90% done 90% done 90% done 90% done 90% done 90% done 90% done 90% done 90% done 90% done 90% done 91% done 91% done 91% done 91% done 91% done 91% done 91% done 91% done 91% done 91% done 91% done 92% done 92% done 92% done 92% done 92% done 92% done 92% done 92% done 92% done 92% done 92% done 93% done 93% done 93% done 93% done 93% done 93% done 93% done 93% done 93% done 93% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 100% done nucoord_0.1.8: Info: 'coordinator' exit with success. X and Y coordinates computed. nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Moving temporary file '534_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' to output file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Output Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.30012tmp' successfully written. nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Creating Optical Axis File nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Running 'nuskypos' nucoord_0.1.8: Command: nuskypos mastaspectfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits instrument=FPMA teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef det1xref=350 clobber=yes pntra=351.1989375 optaxisfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_oa.fits attfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits pntdec=61.18745 history=yes initseed=no det1yref=350 chatter=3 det1reffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_det1.fits alignfile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits aberration=no --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nuskypos_0.1.3' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuskypos_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_oa.fits' file exists, nuskypos_0.1.3: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the nuskypos_0.1.3: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_oa.fits' file will be overwritten. nuskypos_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_det1.fits' file exists, nuskypos_0.1.3: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the nuskypos_0.1.3: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_det1.fits' file will be overwritten. nuskypos_0.1.3: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits file. nuskypos_0.1.3: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits file. nuskypos_0.1.3: Warning: No mast aspect data for TIME=353976903.000000 , not computing Aperture Stop columns. nuskypos_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_oa.fits' file successfully written. nuskypos_0.1.3: Warning: No mast aspect data for TIME=353976903.000000 excluding this row from DET2 calculation nuskypos_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_det1.fits' file successfully written. nucoord_0.1.8: Info: 'nuskypos' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_oa.fits' Optical Axis File created. ---------------------------------------------------------- nucoord_0.1.8: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nucoord' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' updated ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Stage I: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' calibrated. ============================================================ ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Stage II: Screening '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nucalcsaa' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nucalcsaa evtfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt saaparfile=CALDB hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ saamode=NONE history=yes optimizedsanitychecks=yes tentaclerms=4.5 tentacleregcut=yes evtexpr="STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0&&GRADE.LE.26" tentacle=no clobber=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/ sourcethr=4.0 orbitfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/auxil/nu90701312002_orb.fits tentaclesanitychecks=yes optimizedrms=4.5 saacalc=3 eliminatesource=yes chatter=3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nucalcsaa_0.1.7' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Housekeeping file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/' Name of the input Orbit file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/auxil/nu90701312002_orb.fits' Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' Name of the output Housekeeping file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' SAA calculation algorithm ('1'=v1; '2'=v2; '3'=v3) :'3' SAA removal function mode :'NONE' New Optimized SAA filtering RMS threshold :'4.500000' New Tentacle SAA filtering RMS threshold :'4.500000' Eliminate the source for events rate estimation : yes Sigma upper limit cut-off for source elimination :'4.000000' Apply Longitude restriction for new tentacle calculation : yes Perform Sanity Checks for new optimized SAA calculation : yes Perform Sanity Checks for new Tentacle SAA calculation : yes --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' file exists, nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' file will be overwritten. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: global.par.saaparfile = '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuCsaapar20100101v003.fits'. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: global.par.hkfile = '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/'. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuCsaapar20100101v003.fits file. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: SAANEW Extension 'SAANEW' nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: TENTACLENEW Extension 'TENTACLENEW' nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: 'SHIELD' column found in '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' file. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: Creating '1149_tmp_nucalcsaa/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' symbolic link to input event file. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: Processing 1149_tmp_nucalcsaa/nu90701312002A_uf.evt file. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: FPM'/' nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: hknrows = 56700 nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: evtnrows = 421856. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: orbitnrows = 56700 nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: SW_SAA column will be added and filled nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: in output file. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: SW_TENTACLE column will be added and filled nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: in output file. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nucalcsaa' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf' filter file created. nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nufilter' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nufilter cebhkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ leapfile=$HEADAS/refdata/leapsec.fits hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/ history=yes mkfconfigfile=CALDB rigfile=$HEADAS/refdata/ origin=NASA/GSFC nonulls=yes pntra=351.1989375 gtiexpr="NONE" psdcorfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits mkffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf clobber=yes tlemode=TLE_TEXT2 tlefile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/auxil/NUSTAR_TLE_ARCHIVE.txt.2021080 outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl orbitfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/auxil/nu90701312002_orb.fits pntdec=61.18745 teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef attorbfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.attorb preconfigfile=CALDB attfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits interval=1 chatter=3 -------------------------------------------------------------- Running ' nufilter version 0.1.6 ' -------------------------------------------------------------- nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Running 'prefilter' nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Prefilter Attitude Orbit output will be /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.attorb nufilter_0.1.6: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPM - - PRECONF NOW - "-" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuCpreconf20100101v001.fits 1 nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Using FITS PRECONF File from CALDB: nufilter_0.1.6: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuCpreconf20100101v001.fits' extension '1' nufilter_0.1.6: Command: prefilter timeadj=DEFAULT ranom=351.1989375 columns="TIME POSITION VELOCITY QUATERNION PNTUNIT POLAR SAT_ALT SAT_LAT SAT_LON RA DEC ROLL ELV BR_EARTH FOV_FLAG SUNSHINE SUN_ANGLE MOON_ANGLE RAM_ANGLE ANG_DIST COR_ASCA COR_SAX MCILWAIN_L SAA SAA_TIME " orbname=1363_tmp_nufilter/NUSTAR_TLE_ARCHIVE.txt.2021080 start=353976903. orbmode=TLE_TEXT2 chatter=3 rigname=/home/nustar1/ran/heasoft-6.28/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-libc2.27/refdata/ history=yes outname=1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb interval=1 end=354033603. origin=NASA/GSFC leapname=/home/nustar1/ran/heasoft-6.28/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-libc2.27/refdata/leapsec.fits alignfile=1363_tmp_nufilter/nuA20100101v002.teldef decnom=61.18745 missepoch=2010-01-01T00:00:00.000 clobber=yes attname=1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_att.fits monitor: 2010-01-01T00:00:00.000 => mjd[utc]=55197.000000000000 str=10/01/01 00:00:00.000000 status: no special handling for TELESCOP 'NuSTAR' status: derived time offset -3.000000 from leap seconds nufilter_0.1.6: Info: 'prefilter' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.attorb' created nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Create an ASCII Makefilter configuration file nufilter_0.1.6: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPM - - MKFCONF NOW - "-" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuCmkfconf20100101v005.fits 1 nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Using FITS Makefilter Configuration File from CALDB: nufilter_0.1.6: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuCmkfconf20100101v005.fits' extension '1' nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Created '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_mkf.conf' file nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Makefilter output will be /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf nufilter_0.1.6: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf' file exists, nufilter_0.1.6: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the nufilter_0.1.6: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf' file will be overwritten. nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Running 'makefilter' nufilter_0.1.6: Command: makefilter mission=NuSTAR clobber=yes chatter=3 outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf history=yes infileroot="" configure=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_mkf.conf Reading ASCII configuration file /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_mkf.conf Config: OCCULTED 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Opening 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] File 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] TSTART=353976903.00000000000000 TSTOP=354033603.00000000000000 Warning: column OCCULTED in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: SAA 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Warning: column SAA in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: SAA_A 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Warning: column SAA_A in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: SAA_B 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Warning: column SAA_B in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: GEOCOR 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Config: DAY 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Warning: column DAY in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: SLEW 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Warning: column SLEW in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: ORBIT 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Warning: column ORBIT in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] has no TNULL keyword Will use -2147483648 for TNULL Config: SOURCE 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_att.fits ATTITUDE D D % Opening 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_att.fits[ATTITUDE] File 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_att.fits[ATTITUDE] TSTART=353976903.00000000000000 TSTOP=354033603.00000000000000 Warning: column SOURCE in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_att.fits[ATTITUDE] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: RESIDUAL 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_att.fits ATTITUDE D D % Warning: column RESIDUAL in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_att.fits[ATTITUDE] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: LIVETIME 1363_tmp_nufilter/ HK1FPM D D % Opening 1363_tmp_nufilter/[HK1FPM] File 1363_tmp_nufilter/[HK1FPM] TSTART=353976903.00000000000000 TSTOP=354033603.00000000000000 Config: SHLDLO 1363_tmp_nufilter/ HK1FPM D D % Warning: column SHLDLO in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/[HK1FPM] has no TNULL keyword Will use -2147483648 for TNULL Config: SHLDHI 1363_tmp_nufilter/ HK1FPM D D % Warning: column SHLDHI in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/[HK1FPM] has no TNULL keyword Will use -2147483648 for TNULL Config: SW_SAA 1363_tmp_nufilter/ HK1FPM D D % Warning: column SW_SAA in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/[HK1FPM] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: SW_TENTACLE 1363_tmp_nufilter/ HK1FPM D D % Warning: column SW_TENTACLE in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/[HK1FPM] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: CAL0STAT 1363_tmp_nufilter/ HK4CEB D D % Opening 1363_tmp_nufilter/[HK4CEB] File 1363_tmp_nufilter/[HK4CEB] TSTART=353976903.00000000000000 TSTOP=354033603.00000000000000 Warning: column CAL0STAT in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/[HK4CEB] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: CAL1STAT 1363_tmp_nufilter/ HK4CEB D D % Warning: column CAL1STAT in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/[HK4CEB] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: X0_INT 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits PSDPOS D D % Opening 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits[PSDPOS] File 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits[PSDPOS] TSTART=353976903.00000000000000 TSTOP=354033603.00000000000000 Config: Y0_INT 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits PSDPOS D D % Config: X1_INT 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits PSDPOS D D % Config: Y1_INT 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits PSDPOS D D % Config: METGRID_FLAG 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits PSDPOS D D % Warning: column METGRID_FLAG in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits[PSDPOS] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: ANG_DIST 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb PREFILTER D D % Opening 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb[PREFILTER] File 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb[PREFILTER] TSTART=353976903.00000000000000 TSTOP=354033603.00000000000000 Config: RA 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: DEC 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: ROLL 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: ELV 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: BR_EARTH 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: COR_SAX 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: FOV_FLAG 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: MCILWAIN_L 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: MOON_ANGLE 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: RAM_ANGLE 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: SAA 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb PREFILTER D D SAA_PREFILTER Warning: column SAA in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb[PREFILTER] has no TNULL keyword Will use -32768 for TNULL Config: SUNSHINE 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb PREFILTER D D % Warning: column SUNSHINE in file 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb[PREFILTER] has no TNULL keyword Will use -32768 for TNULL Config: SUN_ANGLE 1363_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002A.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: nufilter_0.1.6: Info: 'makefilter' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf' created nufilter_0.1.6: Command: ftstat infile='/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf[FILTER][col TIME]' outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl1363ftstat.out nsigma=3 maxiter=20 clip=no centroid=yes nufilter_0.1.6: Command: pget ftstat null ---------------------------------------------------------- nufilter_0.1.6: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nufilter' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf' filter file created. nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuscreen' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuscreen cleanup=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt timecol=TIME gtiext=GTI usrgtifile=NONE createinstrgti=yes infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt obsmode="SCIENCE" clobber=yes mkffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf evtscreen=yes chatter=3 gtifile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_gti.fits createattgti=yes outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl statusexpr="DEFAULT" history=yes cleancols=no evtrangefile=CALDB hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ gtiscreen=yes gtiexpr=DEFAULT gradeexpr=DEFAULT depthcut=NOMINAL hkrangefile=CALDB nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: ftstat nsigma=3 outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl1707ftstat.out maxiter=20 centroid=yes infile='/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf[FILTER][col TIME]' clip=no nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: pget ftstat null nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GTI file for TIME selection will be: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_gti.fits nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Using Maketime input file: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords not found in /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf file nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords of /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf file and event file are not consistent nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.ATTITUDE.and.OBSMODE.eq.01" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange01_20100101v007.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for ATTITUDE GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange01_20100101v007.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.INSTRUMENT.and.OBSMODE.eq.01" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange01_20100101v007.fits 2 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for INSTRUMENT GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange01_20100101v007.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' input: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' output: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_gti.fits' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'maketime' . nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Creating /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_gti.fits file using '"(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==1&&RESIDUAL<7)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(CAL0STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)"' expression nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: maketime outfile=1707_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A01_gti.fits expr="(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==1&&RESIDUAL<7)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(CAL0STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)" postfr=0.999999 clobber=yes infile=1707_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A.mkf compact=no prefr=0 time=TIME nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_gti.fits' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' input: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' output: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/psd-1707_gti.fits' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'maketime' . nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Creating /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/psd-1707_gti.fits file using '"(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==1&&RESIDUAL<7)&&(CAL0STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==1)"' expression nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: maketime expr="(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==1&&RESIDUAL<7)&&(CAL0STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==1)" outfile=1707_tmp_nuscreen/psd-1707_gti.fits postfr=0.999999 clobber=yes compact=no infile=1707_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A.mkf time=TIME prefr=0 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/psd-1707_gti.fits' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - EVTRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DEPTHCUT.eq.NOMINAL" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAcutevtrange20100101v001.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Event Selection Expressions from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAcutevtrange20100101v001.fits' file HDU Number 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'gradeexpr' set to: '0-26' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'statusexpr' set to: 'STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'xselect' on '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME selection using GTIs from '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_gti.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE expression for 'xselect' selection: '"0-26"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: xselect @1707_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A01_nuscreen.xco ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel1707 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/1707_tmp_nuscreen/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/1707_tmp_nuscreen/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/1707_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A_uf.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 421856 69473 19148 0 308258 24977 Writing events file 69473 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 421856 69473 19148 0 308258 24977 in 44061. seconds Command not found; type ? for a command listing Wrote events list to file 1707_tmp_nuscreen/xselect1707evt.flt Changing Data directory from: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/1707_tmp_nuscreen/ to the current working directory. !xsel1707:SUZAKU > read event !> Enter the Event file dir >[./] 1707_tmp_nuscreen !> Enter Event file list >[] nu90701312002A_uf.evt !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes !xsel1707:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter time file 1707_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A01_gti.fits !xsel1707:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter grade "0-26" !xsel1707:NUSTAR-FPMA > extract events copyall=yes !xsel1707:NUSTAR-FPMA > yes !xsel1707:NUSTAR-FPMA > save events 1707_tmp_nuscreen/xselect1707evt.flt !> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] yes !xsel1707:NUSTAR-FPMA > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Output file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/xselect1707evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: Cannot delete 'xautosav.xcm' temporary file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect keycopy=yes infile=1707_tmp_nuscreen/xselect1707evt.flt expr=".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))" histkw=yes outfile=1707_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-1707evt.flt clobber=yes copyall=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fsel2425-1707evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '"STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect clobber=yes copyall=yes infile=1707_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-1707evt.flt expr="STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0" keycopy=yes outfile=1707_tmp_nuscreen/fselect1707evt.flt histkw=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fselect1707evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Filtered event file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Selections applied: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME: "(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==1&&RESIDUAL<7)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(CAL0STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE: "0-26" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: EVENT: STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'nulivetime' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: nulivetime infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt outfile=NONE history=yes clobber=yes chatter=3 hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nulivetime_0.1.3' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt' Name of the input HK file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/' Name of the output Event file :'NONE' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ file. nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'nulivetime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt' updated ---------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuscreen' exit with success. Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt' created (Observing Mode '01'). nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuscreen' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuscreen depthcut=NOMINAL gradeexpr=DEFAULT gtiexpr=DEFAULT hkrangefile=CALDB history=yes hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ gtiscreen=yes cleancols=no evtrangefile=CALDB chatter=3 evtscreen=yes statusexpr="DEFAULT" outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl createattgti=yes gtifile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A02_gti.fits timecol=TIME gtiext=GTI usrgtifile=NONE infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt createinstrgti=yes cleanup=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A02_cl.evt mkffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf clobber=yes obsmode="OCCULTATION" nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: ftstat nsigma=3 maxiter=20 outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl1894ftstat.out centroid=yes infile='/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf[FILTER][col TIME]' clip=no nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: pget ftstat null nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GTI file for TIME selection will be: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A02_gti.fits nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Using Maketime input file: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords not found in /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf file nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords of /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf file and event file are not consistent nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.ATTITUDE.and.OBSMODE.eq.02" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange02_20100101v005.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for ATTITUDE GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange02_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.INSTRUMENT.and.OBSMODE.eq.02" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange02_20100101v005.fits 2 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for INSTRUMENT GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange02_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' input: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' output: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A02_gti.fits' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'maketime' . nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Creating /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A02_gti.fits file using '"(ELV<=3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(CAL0STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)"' expression nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: maketime clobber=yes time=TIME outfile=1894_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A02_gti.fits prefr=0 compact=no expr="(ELV<=3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(CAL0STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)" infile=1894_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A.mkf postfr=0.999999 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A02_gti.fits' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - EVTRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DEPTHCUT.eq.NOMINAL" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAcutevtrange20100101v001.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Event Selection Expressions from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAcutevtrange20100101v001.fits' file HDU Number 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'gradeexpr' set to: '0-26' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'statusexpr' set to: 'STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'xselect' on '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME selection using GTIs from '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A02_gti.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE expression for 'xselect' selection: '"0-26"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: xselect @1894_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A02_nuscreen.xco ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel1707] xsel1894 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/1894_tmp_nuscreen/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/1894_tmp_nuscreen/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/1894_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A_uf.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 421856 11072 98509 0 308258 4017 Writing events file 11072 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 421856 11072 98509 0 308258 4017 in 7235.0 seconds Command not found; type ? for a command listing Wrote events list to file 1894_tmp_nuscreen/xselect1894evt.flt Changing Data directory from: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/1894_tmp_nuscreen/ to the current working directory. !xsel1894:SUZAKU > read event !> Enter the Event file dir >[1707_tmp_nuscreen] 1894_tmp_nuscreen !> Enter Event file list >[nu90701312002A_uf.evt] nu90701312002A_uf.evt !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes !xsel1894:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter time file 1894_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A02_gti.fits !xsel1894:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter grade "0-26" !xsel1894:NUSTAR-FPMA > extract events copyall=yes !xsel1894:NUSTAR-FPMA > yes !xsel1894:NUSTAR-FPMA > save events 1894_tmp_nuscreen/xselect1894evt.flt !> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] yes !xsel1894:NUSTAR-FPMA > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Output file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/xselect1894evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: Cannot delete 'xautosav.xcm' temporary file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect keycopy=yes copyall=yes outfile=1894_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-1894evt.flt expr=".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))" histkw=yes clobber=yes infile=1894_tmp_nuscreen/xselect1894evt.flt nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fsel2425-1894evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '"STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect expr="STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0" keycopy=yes outfile=1894_tmp_nuscreen/fselect1894evt.flt copyall=yes infile=1894_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-1894evt.flt histkw=yes clobber=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fselect1894evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Filtered event file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A02_cl.evt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Selections applied: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME: "(ELV<=3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(CAL0STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE: "0-26" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: EVENT: STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'nulivetime' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: nulivetime history=yes outfile=NONE hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ chatter=3 clobber=yes infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A02_cl.evt --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nulivetime_0.1.3' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A02_cl.evt' Name of the input HK file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/' Name of the output Event file :'NONE' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ file. nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A02_cl.evt' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'nulivetime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A02_cl.evt' updated ---------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuscreen' exit with success. Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A02_cl.evt' created (Observing Mode '02'). nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuscreen' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuscreen cleanup=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A03_cl.evt timecol=TIME gtiext=GTI usrgtifile=NONE createinstrgti=yes infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt mkffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf clobber=yes obsmode="SLEW" evtscreen=yes chatter=3 outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl statusexpr="DEFAULT" gtifile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A03_gti.fits createattgti=yes history=yes cleancols=no evtrangefile=CALDB gtiscreen=yes hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ gradeexpr=DEFAULT depthcut=NOMINAL gtiexpr=DEFAULT hkrangefile=CALDB nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: ftstat infile='/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf[FILTER][col TIME]' nsigma=3 centroid=yes clip=no outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl2079ftstat.out maxiter=20 nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: pget ftstat null nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GTI file for TIME selection will be: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A03_gti.fits nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Using Maketime input file: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords not found in /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf file nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords of /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf file and event file are not consistent nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.ATTITUDE.and.OBSMODE.eq.03" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange03_20100101v005.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for ATTITUDE GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange03_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.INSTRUMENT.and.OBSMODE.eq.03" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange03_20100101v005.fits 2 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for INSTRUMENT GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange03_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' input: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' output: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A03_gti.fits' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'maketime' . nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Creating /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A03_gti.fits file using '"(SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==1)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(CAL0STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)"' expression nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: maketime expr="(SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==1)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(CAL0STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)" postfr=0.999999 compact=no clobber=yes time=TIME prefr=0 infile=2079_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A.mkf outfile=2079_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A03_gti.fits nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A03_gti.fits' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - EVTRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DEPTHCUT.eq.NOMINAL" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAcutevtrange20100101v001.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Event Selection Expressions from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAcutevtrange20100101v001.fits' file HDU Number 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'gradeexpr' set to: '0-26' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'statusexpr' set to: 'STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'xselect' on '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME selection using GTIs from '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A03_gti.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE expression for 'xselect' selection: '"0-26"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: xselect @2079_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A03_nuscreen.xco ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel1894] xsel2079 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2079_tmp_nuscreen/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2079_tmp_nuscreen/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2079_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A_uf.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 421856 11 113580 0 308258 7 Writing events file 11 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 421856 11 113580 0 308258 7 in 10.000 seconds Command not found; type ? for a command listing Wrote events list to file 2079_tmp_nuscreen/xselect2079evt.flt Changing Data directory from: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2079_tmp_nuscreen/ to the current working directory. !xsel2079:SUZAKU > read event !> Enter the Event file dir >[1894_tmp_nuscreen] 2079_tmp_nuscreen !> Enter Event file list >[nu90701312002A_uf.evt] nu90701312002A_uf.evt !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes !xsel2079:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter time file 2079_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A03_gti.fits !xsel2079:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter grade "0-26" !xsel2079:NUSTAR-FPMA > extract events copyall=yes !xsel2079:NUSTAR-FPMA > yes !xsel2079:NUSTAR-FPMA > save events 2079_tmp_nuscreen/xselect2079evt.flt !> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] yes !xsel2079:NUSTAR-FPMA > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Output file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/xselect2079evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: Cannot delete 'xautosav.xcm' temporary file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect clobber=yes histkw=yes outfile=2079_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-2079evt.flt keycopy=yes infile=2079_tmp_nuscreen/xselect2079evt.flt expr=".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))" copyall=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fsel2425-2079evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '"STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect keycopy=yes infile=2079_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-2079evt.flt clobber=yes histkw=yes outfile=2079_tmp_nuscreen/fselect2079evt.flt copyall=yes expr="STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fselect2079evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Filtered event file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A03_cl.evt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Selections applied: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME: "(SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==1)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(CAL0STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE: "0-26" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: EVENT: STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'nulivetime' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: nulivetime chatter=3 clobber=yes outfile=NONE hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A03_cl.evt history=yes --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nulivetime_0.1.3' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A03_cl.evt' Name of the input HK file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/' Name of the output Event file :'NONE' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ file. nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A03_cl.evt' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'nulivetime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A03_cl.evt' updated ---------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuscreen' exit with success. Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A03_cl.evt' created (Observing Mode '03'). nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuscreen' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuscreen chatter=3 evtscreen=yes gtifile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A04_gti.fits createattgti=yes outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl statusexpr="DEFAULT" outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A04_cl.evt cleanup=yes gtiext=GTI timecol=TIME usrgtifile=NONE createinstrgti=yes infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt obsmode="SAA" clobber=yes mkffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf gtiexpr=DEFAULT gradeexpr=DEFAULT depthcut=NOMINAL hkrangefile=CALDB history=yes evtrangefile=CALDB cleancols=no hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ gtiscreen=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: ftstat maxiter=20 centroid=yes infile='/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf[FILTER][col TIME]' outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl2323ftstat.out nsigma=3 clip=no nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: pget ftstat null nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GTI file for TIME selection will be: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A04_gti.fits nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Using Maketime input file: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords not found in /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf file nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords of /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf file and event file are not consistent nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.ATTITUDE.and.OBSMODE.eq.04" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange04_20100101v005.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for ATTITUDE GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange04_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.INSTRUMENT.and.OBSMODE.eq.04" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange04_20100101v005.fits 2 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for INSTRUMENT GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange04_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' input: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' output: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A04_gti.fits' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'maketime' . nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Creating /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A04_gti.fits file using '"(SAA_A==1||SAA_B==1||SW_SAA==1||SW_TENTACLE==1)&&(LIVETIME==0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)"' expression nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: maketime compact=no expr="(SAA_A==1||SAA_B==1||SW_SAA==1||SW_TENTACLE==1)&&(LIVETIME==0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)" infile=2323_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A.mkf outfile=2323_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A04_gti.fits prefr=0 postfr=0.999999 clobber=yes time=TIME nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A04_gti.fits' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - EVTRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DEPTHCUT.eq.NOMINAL" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAcutevtrange20100101v001.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Event Selection Expressions from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAcutevtrange20100101v001.fits' file HDU Number 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'gradeexpr' set to: '0-26' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'statusexpr' set to: 'STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'xselect' on '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME selection using GTIs from '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A04_gti.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE expression for 'xselect' selection: '"0-26"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: xselect @2323_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A04_nuscreen.xco ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel2079] xsel2323 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2323_tmp_nuscreen/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2323_tmp_nuscreen/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2323_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A_uf.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 421856 0 113598 0 308258 0 Writing events file 0 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 421856 0 113598 0 308258 0 in 3743.0 seconds Command not found; type ? for a command listing Wrote events list to file 2323_tmp_nuscreen/xselect2323evt.flt Changing Data directory from: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2323_tmp_nuscreen/ to the current working directory. !xsel2323:SUZAKU > read event !> Enter the Event file dir >[2079_tmp_nuscreen] 2323_tmp_nuscreen !> Enter Event file list >[nu90701312002A_uf.evt] nu90701312002A_uf.evt !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes !xsel2323:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter time file 2323_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A04_gti.fits !xsel2323:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter grade "0-26" !xsel2323:NUSTAR-FPMA > extract events copyall=yes !xsel2323:NUSTAR-FPMA > yes !xsel2323:NUSTAR-FPMA > save events 2323_tmp_nuscreen/xselect2323evt.flt !> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] yes !xsel2323:NUSTAR-FPMA > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Output file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/xselect2323evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: Cannot delete 'xautosav.xcm' temporary file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect clobber=yes outfile=2323_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-2323evt.flt infile=2323_tmp_nuscreen/xselect2323evt.flt histkw=yes keycopy=yes copyall=yes expr=".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fsel2425-2323evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: output of event list screening is empty nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: no filtered event file generated for nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' event file ---------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuscreen' exit with success. WARNING No Level 2 Event File created (Observing Mode '04'). nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuscreen' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuscreen evtscreen=yes chatter=3 gtifile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A05_gti.fits createattgti=yes outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl statusexpr="DEFAULT" cleanup=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A05_cl.evt timecol=TIME gtiext=GTI infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt usrgtifile=NONE createinstrgti=yes obsmode="CALIBRATION" clobber=yes mkffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf gtiexpr=DEFAULT gradeexpr=DEFAULT depthcut=NOMINAL hkrangefile=CALDB history=yes evtrangefile=CALDB cleancols=no hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ gtiscreen=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: ftstat maxiter=20 infile='/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf[FILTER][col TIME]' outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl2489ftstat.out clip=no centroid=yes nsigma=3 nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: pget ftstat null nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GTI file for TIME selection will be: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A05_gti.fits nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Using Maketime input file: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords not found in /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf file nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords of /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf file and event file are not consistent nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.ATTITUDE.and.OBSMODE.eq.05" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange05_20100101v005.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for ATTITUDE GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange05_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.INSTRUMENT.and.OBSMODE.eq.05" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange05_20100101v005.fits 2 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for INSTRUMENT GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange05_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' input: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' output: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A05_gti.fits' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'maketime' . nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Creating /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A05_gti.fits file using '"(SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0)&&(CAL0STAT==1&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)"' expression nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: maketime expr="(SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0)&&(CAL0STAT==1&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)" outfile=2489_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A05_gti.fits time=TIME compact=no prefr=0 infile=2489_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A.mkf clobber=yes postfr=0.999999 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A05_gti.fits' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - EVTRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DEPTHCUT.eq.NOMINAL" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAcutevtrange20100101v001.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Event Selection Expressions from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAcutevtrange20100101v001.fits' file HDU Number 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'gradeexpr' set to: '0-26' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'statusexpr' set to: 'STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'xselect' on '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME selection using GTIs from '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A05_gti.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE expression for 'xselect' selection: '"0-26"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: xselect @2489_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A05_nuscreen.xco ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel2323] xsel2489 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2489_tmp_nuscreen/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2489_tmp_nuscreen/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2489_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A_uf.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 421856 0 113598 0 308258 0 Writing events file 0 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 421856 0 113598 0 308258 0 in 0.0000 seconds Command not found; type ? for a command listing Wrote events list to file 2489_tmp_nuscreen/xselect2489evt.flt Changing Data directory from: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2489_tmp_nuscreen/ to the current working directory. !xsel2489:SUZAKU > read event !> Enter the Event file dir >[2323_tmp_nuscreen] 2489_tmp_nuscreen !> Enter Event file list >[nu90701312002A_uf.evt] nu90701312002A_uf.evt !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes !xsel2489:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter time file 2489_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A05_gti.fits !xsel2489:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter grade "0-26" !xsel2489:NUSTAR-FPMA > extract events copyall=yes !xsel2489:NUSTAR-FPMA > yes !xsel2489:NUSTAR-FPMA > save events 2489_tmp_nuscreen/xselect2489evt.flt !> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] yes !xsel2489:NUSTAR-FPMA > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Output file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/xselect2489evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: Cannot delete 'xautosav.xcm' temporary file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect histkw=yes keycopy=yes expr=".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))" outfile=2489_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-2489evt.flt copyall=yes clobber=yes infile=2489_tmp_nuscreen/xselect2489evt.flt nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fsel2425-2489evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: output of event list screening is empty nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: no filtered event file generated for nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' event file ---------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuscreen' exit with success. WARNING No Level 2 Event File created (Observing Mode '05'). nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuscreen' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuscreen obsmode="SCIENCE_SC" mkffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf clobber=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A06_cl.evt cleanup=yes usrgtifile=NONE gtiext=GTI timecol=TIME createinstrgti=yes infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt gtifile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A06_gti.fits createattgti=yes outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl statusexpr="DEFAULT" chatter=3 evtscreen=yes evtrangefile=CALDB cleancols=no gtiscreen=yes hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ history=yes hkrangefile=CALDB gtiexpr=DEFAULT gradeexpr=DEFAULT depthcut=NOMINAL nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: ftstat nsigma=3 clip=no maxiter=20 centroid=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl2690ftstat.out infile='/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf[FILTER][col TIME]' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: pget ftstat null nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GTI file for TIME selection will be: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A06_gti.fits nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Using Maketime input file: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords not found in /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf file nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords of /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf file and event file are not consistent nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.ATTITUDE.and.OBSMODE.eq.06" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange06_20100101v005.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for ATTITUDE GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange06_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.INSTRUMENT.and.OBSMODE.eq.06" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange06_20100101v005.fits 2 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for INSTRUMENT GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAhkrange06_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' input: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A.mkf' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' output: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A06_gti.fits' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'maketime' . nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Creating /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A06_gti.fits file using '"(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==2)&&(CAL0STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)"' expression nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: maketime time=TIME compact=no postfr=0.999999 infile=2690_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A.mkf outfile=2690_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A06_gti.fits expr="(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==2)&&(CAL0STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)" prefr=0 clobber=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A06_gti.fits' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMA - - EVTRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DEPTHCUT.eq.NOMINAL" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAcutevtrange20100101v001.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Event Selection Expressions from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuAcutevtrange20100101v001.fits' file HDU Number 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'gradeexpr' set to: '0-26' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'statusexpr' set to: 'STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'xselect' on '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME selection using GTIs from '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A06_gti.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE expression for 'xselect' selection: '"0-26"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: xselect @2690_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A06_nuscreen.xco ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel2489] xsel2690 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2690_tmp_nuscreen/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2690_tmp_nuscreen/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2690_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A_uf.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 421856 2322 110388 0 308258 888 Writing events file 2322 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 421856 2322 110388 0 308258 888 in 1556.6 seconds Command not found; type ? for a command listing Wrote events list to file 2690_tmp_nuscreen/xselect2690evt.flt Changing Data directory from: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2690_tmp_nuscreen/ to the current working directory. !xsel2690:SUZAKU > read event !> Enter the Event file dir >[2489_tmp_nuscreen] 2690_tmp_nuscreen !> Enter Event file list >[nu90701312002A_uf.evt] nu90701312002A_uf.evt !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes !xsel2690:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter time file 2690_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002A06_gti.fits !xsel2690:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter grade "0-26" !xsel2690:NUSTAR-FPMA > extract events copyall=yes !xsel2690:NUSTAR-FPMA > yes !xsel2690:NUSTAR-FPMA > save events 2690_tmp_nuscreen/xselect2690evt.flt !> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] yes !xsel2690:NUSTAR-FPMA > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Output file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/xselect2690evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: Cannot delete 'xautosav.xcm' temporary file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect expr=".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))" copyall=yes outfile=2690_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-2690evt.flt infile=2690_tmp_nuscreen/xselect2690evt.flt clobber=yes histkw=yes keycopy=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fsel2425-2690evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '"STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect keycopy=yes histkw=yes clobber=yes outfile=2690_tmp_nuscreen/fselect2690evt.flt infile=2690_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-2690evt.flt copyall=yes expr="STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fselect2690evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Filtered event file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A06_cl.evt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Selections applied: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME: "(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==2)&&(CAL0STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE: "0-26" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: EVENT: STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'nulivetime' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: nulivetime chatter=3 clobber=yes history=yes hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ outfile=NONE infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A06_cl.evt --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nulivetime_0.1.3' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A06_cl.evt' Name of the input HK file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/' Name of the output Event file :'NONE' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ file. nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A06_cl.evt' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'nulivetime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A06_cl.evt' updated ---------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuscreen' exit with success. Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A06_cl.evt' created (Observing Mode '06'). ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Stage II: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' Screened. ============================================================ ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Stage III: Generating '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt' products and images ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuproducts' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuproducts lcbkgcorrfile=NONE runbackscale=no apstophisto=NONE clobber=yes instrument=fpma steminputs=nu90701312002 psfdir=CALDB apstopcorrfile=CALDB srcregionfile=DEFAULT offaxisfile=NONE pihigh=1909 cleanup=yes bkgphafile=nu90701312002A01_bk.pha detabsflag=yes srcra=351.1989375 history=yes runmkrmf=yes grphibin=10 plotdevice=gif teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef aberration=no initseed=no pixposfile=CALDB pilow=35 flatflagarf=no binsize=10 percent=0.02 vignflag=yes indir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl outrmffile=nu90701312002A01_sr.rmf obebhkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/ cmprmf=yes offaxishisto=NONE pilowarf=35 lcsrccorrfile=NONE grflag=yes chatter=3 srcdec=61.18745 bkgextract=no imagefile=nu90701312002A01_sk.img pixbin=5 rungrppha=no grprmffile=CALDB detabscorrfile=CALDB correctlc=yes vignfile=CALDB usrgtifile=NONE infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt runmkarf=no extended=no phibin=30 apstopphibin=10 grcorrfile=CALDB psfflag=yes barycorr=no hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/ rmfdir=CALDB stemout=nu90701312002A01 alignfile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits psffile=CALDB outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl apstopflag=yes lcpsfflag=yes usrgtibarycorr=yes instrprobmapfile=CALDB cutmaps=yes lcenergy=10 srcradius=20 lcvignflag=yes grppsffile=CALDB lcexpoflag=yes phafile=nu90701312002A01_sr.pha grhisto=NONE write_baryevtfile=no inarffile=CALDB pihigharf=1909 boxsize=20 nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: RaDec2XY: Converting ra: 351.1989375 deg and dec: 61.18745 deg into x,y pixel nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: RaDec2XY: Calculated x: 500.47353140138pixel and y: 500.500000007588pixel nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: Source Extraction Region: CIRCLE( 500.47353140138,500.500000007588,20) nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: Running 'xselect' nuproducts_0.3.2: Command: xselect @2902_tmp_nuproducts/nu90701312002A01_srcxsel.xco ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel2690] xsel2902 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2902_tmp_nuproducts/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2902_tmp_nuproducts/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2902_tmp_nuproducts/lnk-nu90701312002A01_cl.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 42497 26454 0 0 0 16043 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 42497 26454 0 0 0 16043 in 44061. seconds Image has 26454 counts for 0.6004 counts/sec Wrote image to file 2902_sk.img Command not found; type ? for a command listing Warning : downstream software assumes that the WMAP is in detector coordinates extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2902_tmp_nuproducts/lnk-nu90701312002A01_cl.evt[regfilter("xsel2902_region.xsl",X,Y)] 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 525 525 0 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 525 525 0 0 0 0 in 44061. seconds Spectrum has 525 counts for 1.1915E-02 counts/sec Keyword RA_NOM has two values: 351.1989375 and 3.511989E+02 ... written the PHA data Extension Wrote spectrum to 2902_sr.pha Command not found; type ? for a command listing extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/2902_tmp_nuproducts/lnk-nu90701312002A01_cl.evt[regfilter("xsel2902_region.xsl",X,Y)] 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 525 357 0 0 0 168 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 525 357 0 0 0 168 in 44061. seconds Fits light curve has 357 counts for 8.1023E-03 counts/sec Wrote FITS light curve to file Command not found; type ? for a command listing !xsel2902:SUZAKU > read eve lnk-nu90701312002A01_cl.evt !> Enter the Event file dir >[2690_tmp_nuscreen] 2902_tmp_nuproducts/ !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter pha_cutoff 35 1909 !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > extract image !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > save image 2902_sk.img !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > yes !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > clear pha_cutoff !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > set wmapname X Y !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > set xyname X Y !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter region 2902_tmp_nuproducts/2902_src.reg !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > extract spectrum !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > save spectrum 2902_sr.pha !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > yes !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > set binsize 10 !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter pha_cutoff 35 1909 !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > extract curve exposure=0.0 !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > save curve !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > yes !xsel2902:NUSTAR-FPMA > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Light Curve and/or Spectrum and/or Image generated nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: Running 'nulccorr' nuproducts_0.3.2: Command: nulccorr vignflag=yes psfflag=yes skyinstrfile=NONE optaxisfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_oa.fits det1reffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_det1.fits history=yes alignfile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits inskyinstrfile=NONE boxsize=20 cutmaps=yes mastaspectfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits pixposfile=CALDB teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef aberration=no infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt psffile=CALDB pixbin=5 clobber=yes extended=no percent=0.02 instrprobmapfile=CALDB lcfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/ initseed=no energy=10 expoflag=yes hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/ phafile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_sr.pha vignfile=CALDB chatter=3 corrfile=NONE attfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits outlcfile=NONE inaspecthistofile=NONE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nulccorr_0.1.8' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Light Curve file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' Name of the input Housekeeping file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' Name of the output Corrected Light Curve file :'NONE' Name of the input FITS Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt' Name of the input pixel location file :'CALDB' Name of the input alignment file :'/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits' Name of the input Mast Aspect Solution file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits' Name of the input attitude file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits' Name of the input teldef calibration file :'/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef' Name of the input Instrument Probability Map file :'CALDB' Name of the input DET1 Reference Point file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_det1.fits' Bin size of aspect histogram in pixels :'5' Apply Vignetting correction : yes Name of the input PSF File :'CALDB' Name of the input Vignetting file :'CALDB' Name of the input Optical Axis file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_oa.fits' Name of the output correction file :'NONE' Energy value for PSF and vignetting calculation (keV) :'10.000000' Apply PSF correction : yes Apply EXPOSURE correction : yes --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'nuexpomap infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt pixposfile=CALDB alignfile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits mastaspectfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits attfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef instrprobmapfile=CALDB aberration=no det1reffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_det1.fits pixbin=5 expomapfile=3064tmp_expo.fits aspecthistofile=3064tmp_asphisto.fits offsetfile=3064tmp_offset.fits det1instrfile=NONE det2instrfile=NONE skyinstrfile=3064tmp_sky.fits vignflag=yes skyx=500.473531 skyy=500.500000 skysize=40 initseed=no energy=10.000000 chatter=3 clobber=yes history=yes percent=0.020000 indet2instrfile=NONE' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nuexpomap_0.2.5' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt' Name of the input pixel location file :'CALDB' Name of the input Mast Aspect Solution file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits' Name of the input Instrument Probability Map file :'CALDB' Name of the teldef calibration file :'/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef' Name of the input alignment file :'/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits' Name of the input vignetting file :'CALDB' Apply Vignetting correction : yes Energy value for vignetting calculation (keV) :'10.000000' Name of the input DET1 Reference Point file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_det1.fits' Bin size of aspect histogram in pixels :'5' Name of the output Offset file :'3064tmp_offset.fits' Name of the output Aspect Histogram file :'3064tmp_asphisto.fits' Name of the output DET1 Instrument Map file :'NONE' Name of the output DET2 Instrument Map file :'NONE' Name of the output SKY Instrument Map file :'3064tmp_sky.fits' Name of the output Exposure Map file :'3064tmp_expo.fits' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits file. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: '3064tmp_offset.fits' file successfully written. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: '3064tmp_asphisto.fits' file successfully written. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrmap/nuAinstrprobmap20100101v001.fits' file for instrument probability map of detector DET0. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrmap/nuAinstrprobmap20100101v001.fits' file for instrument probability map of detector DET1. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrmap/nuAinstrprobmap20100101v001.fits' file for instrument probability map of detector DET2. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrmap/nuAinstrprobmap20100101v001.fits' file for instrument probability map of detector DET3. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'nuskytodet pntra=351.198900 pntdec=61.187450 attfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits instrument=FPMA skydetfile=3065tmp_skytodet.fits skyxref=500.473531 skyyref=500.500000 mastaspectfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits alignfile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef aberration=no initseed=no' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nuskytodet_0.1.0' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: R.A. of S/C nominal pointing :'351.198900' Declination of S/C nominal pointing :'61.187450' Focal Plane Module :'FPMA' X coordinate of the SKY reference pixel :'500.473531' Y coordinate of the SKY reference pixel :'500.500000' Name of the input attitude file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits' Name of the input alignement file :'/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits' Name of the input teldef calibration file :'/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef' Name of the input mast aspect solution file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits' Name of the output SKY reference pixel file :'3065tmp_skytodet.fits' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuskytodet_0.1.0: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits file. nuskytodet_0.1.0: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits file. nuskytodet_0.1.0: Info: '3065tmp_skytodet.fits' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuskytodet_0.1.0: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing 3065tmp_skytodet.fits file. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuApixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET0. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuApixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET1. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuApixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET2. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuApixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET3. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 1 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 2 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 3 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 4 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 5 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 6 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 7 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 8 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 9 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 10 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 11 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 12 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 13 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 14 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 15 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 16 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 17 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 18 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 19 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 20 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 21 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 22 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 23 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 24 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 25 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 26 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 27 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 28 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 29 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 30 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 31 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 32 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 33 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 34 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 35 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 36 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 37 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 38 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 39 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 40 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 41 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 42 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 43 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 44 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 45 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 46 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 47 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 48 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 49 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 50 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 51 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 52 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 53 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 54 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 55 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 56 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 57 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 58 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 59 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 60 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 61 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 62 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 63 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 64 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 65 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 66 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 67 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 68 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 69 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 70 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 71 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 72 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 73 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 74 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 75 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 76 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 77 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 78 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 79 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 80 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 81 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 82 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 83 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 84 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 85 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 86 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 87 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 88 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 89 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 90 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 91 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 92 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 93 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 94 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 95 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 96 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 97 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 98 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 99 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 100 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 101 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 102 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 103 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 104 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 105 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 106 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 107 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 108 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 109 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 110 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 111 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 112 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 113 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 114 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 115 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 116 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 117 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 118 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 119 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 120 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 121 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 122 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 123 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 124 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 125 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 126 image in 3065tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'ftcopy infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits+0 outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits copyall=no chatter=1 history=no clobber=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform0.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_0.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform0.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_0.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd0.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[1] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform1.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_1.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform1.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_1.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd1.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[2] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform2.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_2.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform2.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_2.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd2.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[3] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform3.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform3.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_3.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform3.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_3.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform3.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd3.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[4] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd3.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform4.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform4.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_4.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform4.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_4.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform4.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd4.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[5] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd4.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform5.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform5.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_5.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform5.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_5.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform5.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd5.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[6] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd5.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform6.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform6.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_6.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform6.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_6.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform6.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd6.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[7] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd6.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform7.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform7.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_7.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform7.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_7.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform7.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd7.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[8] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd7.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform8.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform8.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_8.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform8.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_8.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform8.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd8.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[9] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd8.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform9.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform9.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_9.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform9.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_9.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform9.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd9.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[10] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd9.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform10.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform10.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_10.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform10.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_10.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform10.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd10.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[11] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd10.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform11.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform11.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_11.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform11.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_11.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform11.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd11.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[12] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd11.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform12.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform12.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_12.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform12.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_12.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform12.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd12.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[13] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd12.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform13.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform13.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_13.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform13.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_13.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform13.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd13.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[14] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd13.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform14.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform14.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_14.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform14.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_14.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform14.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd14.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[15] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd14.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform15.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform15.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_15.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform15.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_15.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform15.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd15.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[16] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd15.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform16.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform16.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_16.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform16.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_16.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform16.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd16.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[17] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd16.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform17.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform17.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_17.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform17.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_17.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform17.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd17.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[18] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd17.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform18.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform18.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_18.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform18.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_18.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform18.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd18.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[19] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd18.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform19.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform19.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_19.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform19.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_19.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform19.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd19.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[20] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd19.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform20.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform20.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_20.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform20.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_20.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform20.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd20.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[21] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd20.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform21.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform21.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_21.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform21.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_21.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform21.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd21.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[22] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd21.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform22.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform22.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_22.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform22.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_22.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform22.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd22.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[23] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd22.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform23.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform23.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_23.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform23.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_23.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform23.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd23.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[24] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd23.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform24.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform24.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_24.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform24.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_24.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform24.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd24.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[25] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd24.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform25.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform25.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_25.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform25.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_25.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform25.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd25.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[26] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd25.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform26.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform26.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_26.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform26.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_26.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform26.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd26.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[27] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd26.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform27.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform27.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_27.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform27.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_27.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform27.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd27.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[28] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd27.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform28.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform28.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_28.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform28.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_28.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform28.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd28.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[29] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd28.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform29.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform29.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_29.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform29.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_29.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform29.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd29.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[30] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd29.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform30.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform30.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_30.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform30.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_30.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform30.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd30.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[31] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd30.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform31.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform31.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_31.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform31.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_31.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform31.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd31.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[32] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd31.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform32.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform32.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_32.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform32.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_32.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform32.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd32.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[33] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd32.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform33.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform33.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_33.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform33.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_33.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform33.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd33.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[34] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd33.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform34.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform34.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_34.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform34.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_34.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform34.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd34.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[35] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd34.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform35.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform35.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_35.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform35.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_35.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform35.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd35.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[36] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd35.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform36.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform36.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_36.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform36.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_36.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform36.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd36.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[37] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd36.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform37.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform37.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_37.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform37.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_37.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform37.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd37.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[38] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd37.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform38.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform38.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_38.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform38.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_38.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform38.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd38.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[39] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd38.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform39.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform39.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_39.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform39.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_39.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform39.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd39.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[40] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd39.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform40.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform40.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_40.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform40.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_40.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform40.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd40.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[41] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd40.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform41.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform41.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_41.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform41.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_41.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform41.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd41.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[42] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd41.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform42.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform42.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_42.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform42.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_42.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform42.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd42.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[43] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd42.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform43.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform43.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_43.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform43.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_43.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform43.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd43.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[44] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd43.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform44.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform44.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_44.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform44.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_44.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform44.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd44.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[45] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd44.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform45.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform45.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_45.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform45.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_45.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform45.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd45.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[46] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd45.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform46.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform46.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_46.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform46.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_46.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform46.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd46.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[47] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd46.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform47.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform47.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_47.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform47.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_47.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform47.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd47.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[48] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd47.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform48.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform48.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_48.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform48.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_48.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform48.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd48.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[49] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd48.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform49.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform49.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_49.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform49.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_49.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform49.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd49.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[50] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd49.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform50.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform50.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_50.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform50.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_50.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform50.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd50.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[51] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd50.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform51.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform51.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_51.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform51.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_51.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform51.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd51.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[52] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd51.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform52.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform52.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_52.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform52.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_52.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform52.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd52.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[53] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd52.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform53.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform53.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_53.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform53.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_53.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform53.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd53.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[54] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd53.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform54.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform54.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_54.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform54.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_54.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform54.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd54.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[55] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd54.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform55.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform55.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_55.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform55.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_55.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform55.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd55.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[56] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd55.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform56.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform56.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_56.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform56.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_56.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform56.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd56.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[57] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd56.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform57.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform57.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_57.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform57.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_57.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform57.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd57.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[58] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd57.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform58.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform58.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_58.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform58.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_58.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform58.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd58.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[59] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd58.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform59.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform59.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_59.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform59.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_59.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform59.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd59.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[60] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd59.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform60.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform60.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_60.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform60.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_60.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform60.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd60.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[61] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd60.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform61.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform61.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_61.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform61.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_61.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform61.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd61.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[62] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd61.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform62.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform62.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_62.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform62.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_62.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform62.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd62.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[63] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd62.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform63.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform63.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_63.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform63.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_63.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform63.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd63.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[64] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd63.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform64.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform64.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_64.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform64.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_64.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform64.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd64.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[65] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd64.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform65.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform65.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_65.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform65.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_65.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform65.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd65.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[66] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd65.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform66.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform66.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_66.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform66.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_66.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform66.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd66.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[67] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd66.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform67.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform67.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_67.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform67.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_67.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform67.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd67.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[68] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd67.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform68.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform68.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_68.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform68.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_68.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform68.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd68.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[69] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd68.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform69.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform69.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_69.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform69.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_69.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform69.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd69.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[70] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd69.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform70.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform70.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_70.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform70.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_70.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform70.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd70.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[71] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd70.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform71.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform71.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_71.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform71.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_71.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform71.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd71.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[72] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd71.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform72.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform72.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_72.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform72.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_72.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform72.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd72.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[73] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd72.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform73.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform73.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_73.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform73.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_73.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform73.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd73.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[74] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd73.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform74.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform74.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_74.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform74.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_74.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform74.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd74.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[75] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd74.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform75.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform75.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_75.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform75.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_75.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform75.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd75.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[76] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd75.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform76.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform76.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_76.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform76.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_76.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform76.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd76.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[77] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd76.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform77.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform77.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_77.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform77.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_77.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform77.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd77.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[78] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd77.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform78.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform78.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_78.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform78.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_78.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform78.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd78.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[79] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd78.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform79.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform79.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_79.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform79.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_79.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform79.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd79.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[80] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd79.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform80.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform80.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_80.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform80.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_80.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform80.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd80.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[81] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd80.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform81.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform81.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_81.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform81.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_81.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform81.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd81.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[82] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd81.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform82.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform82.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_82.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform82.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_82.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform82.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd82.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[83] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd82.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform83.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform83.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_83.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform83.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_83.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform83.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd83.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[84] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd83.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform84.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform84.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_84.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform84.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_84.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform84.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd84.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[85] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd84.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform85.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform85.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_85.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform85.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_85.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform85.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd85.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[86] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd85.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform86.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform86.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_86.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform86.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_86.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform86.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd86.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[87] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd86.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform87.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform87.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_87.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform87.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_87.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform87.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd87.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[88] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd87.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform88.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform88.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_88.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform88.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_88.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform88.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd88.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[89] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd88.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform89.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform89.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_89.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform89.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_89.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform89.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd89.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[90] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd89.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform90.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform90.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_90.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform90.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_90.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform90.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd90.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[91] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd90.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform91.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform91.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_91.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform91.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_91.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform91.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd91.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[92] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd91.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform92.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform92.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_92.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform92.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_92.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform92.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd92.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[93] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd92.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform93.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform93.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_93.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform93.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_93.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform93.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd93.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[94] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd93.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform94.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform94.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_94.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform94.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_94.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform94.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd94.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[95] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd94.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform95.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform95.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_95.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform95.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_95.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform95.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd95.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[96] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd95.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform96.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform96.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_96.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform96.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_96.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform96.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd96.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[97] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd96.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform97.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform97.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_97.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform97.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_97.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform97.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd97.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[98] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd97.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform98.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform98.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_98.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform98.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_98.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform98.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd98.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[99] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd98.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform99.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform99.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_99.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform99.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_99.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform99.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd99.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[100] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd99.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform100.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform100.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_100.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform100.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_100.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform100.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd100.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[101] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd100.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform101.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform101.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_101.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform101.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_101.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform101.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd101.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[102] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd101.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform102.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform102.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_102.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform102.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_102.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform102.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd102.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[103] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd102.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform103.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform103.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_103.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform103.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_103.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform103.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd103.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[104] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd103.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform104.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform104.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_104.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform104.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_104.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform104.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd104.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[105] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd104.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform105.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform105.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_105.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform105.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_105.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform105.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd105.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[106] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd105.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform106.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform106.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_106.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform106.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_106.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform106.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd106.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[107] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd106.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform107.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform107.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_107.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform107.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_107.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform107.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd107.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[108] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd107.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform108.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform108.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_108.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform108.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_108.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform108.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd108.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[109] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd108.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform109.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform109.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_109.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform109.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_109.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform109.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd109.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[110] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd109.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform110.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform110.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_110.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform110.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_110.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform110.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd110.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[111] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd110.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform111.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform111.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_111.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform111.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_111.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform111.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd111.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[112] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd111.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform112.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform112.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_112.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform112.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_112.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform112.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd112.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[113] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd112.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform113.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform113.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_113.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform113.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_113.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform113.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd113.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[114] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd113.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform114.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform114.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_114.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform114.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_114.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform114.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd114.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[115] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd114.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform115.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform115.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_115.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform115.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_115.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform115.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd115.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[116] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd115.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform116.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform116.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_116.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform116.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_116.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform116.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd116.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[117] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd116.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform117.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform117.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_117.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform117.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_117.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform117.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd117.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[118] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd117.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform118.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform118.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_118.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform118.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_118.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform118.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd118.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[119] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd118.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform119.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform119.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_119.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform119.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_119.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform119.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd119.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[120] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd119.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform120.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform120.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_120.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform120.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_120.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform120.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd120.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[121] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd120.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform121.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform121.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_121.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform121.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_121.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform121.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd121.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[122] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd121.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform122.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform122.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_122.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform122.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_122.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform122.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd122.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[123] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd122.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform123.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform123.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_123.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform123.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_123.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform123.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd123.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[124] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd123.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform124.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform124.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_124.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform124.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_124.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform124.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd124.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[125] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd124.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform125.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform125.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det1_125.txt transform=3065tmp_trasform125.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_det2_125.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_trasform125.txt outfile=3065tmp_trasform_upd125.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det1instr.fits[126] outfile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits transform=3065tmp_trasform_upd125.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/vign/nuAvign20100101v007.fits file. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'ftcopy infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits+0 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits copyall=no chatter=1 history=no clobber=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353976915.124994 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform0.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.300085 Dec=61.153304 Roll=233.633776 at time 353976915.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594189 * x + 0.804325 * y + 7.35111 y' = 0.804325 * x + -0.59419 * y + 387.191 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_0.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform0.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_0.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform0.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform0.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[1] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[1] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[1] keyword=@3065tmp_0_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353977055.000008 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform1.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.302100 Dec=61.155353 Roll=233.644836 at time 353977055.00001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594059 * x + 0.804422 * y + 5.9422 y' = 0.804422 * x + -0.594059 * y + 390.127 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_1.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform1.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_1.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform1.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform1.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[2] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[2] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[2] keyword=@3065tmp_1_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354028139.999992 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform2.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.299726 Dec=61.148038 Roll=233.575080 at time 354028139.99999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595009 * x + 0.80372 * y + 7.52854 y' = 0.803719 * x + -0.595009 * y + 379.909 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_2.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform2.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_2.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform2.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform2.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[3] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[3] keyword=@3065tmp_2_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354028039.374998 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform3.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.298733 Dec=61.150820 Roll=233.574005 at time 354028039.375 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595011 * x + 0.803717 * y + 8.23644 y' = 0.803717 * x + -0.595012 * y + 383.982 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_3.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform3.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_3.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform3.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform3.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform3.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[4] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[4] keyword=@3065tmp_3_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354016554.874990 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform4.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.298645 Dec=61.153843 Roll=233.574348 at time 354016554.87499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595006 * x + 0.803722 * y + 8.30551 y' = 0.803722 * x + -0.595006 * y + 388.407 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_4.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform4.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_4.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform4.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform4.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform4.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[5] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[5] keyword=@3065tmp_4_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354016469.874998 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform5.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.297340 Dec=61.155727 Roll=233.563730 at time 354016469.875 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595138 * x + 0.803623 * y + 9.22181 y' = 0.803623 * x + -0.595139 * y + 391.235 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_5.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform5.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_5.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform5.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform5.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[6] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform5.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[6] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[6] keyword=@3065tmp_5_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353976944.250011 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform6.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.296303 Dec=61.153517 Roll=233.647963 at time 353976944.25001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.593944 * x + 0.804507 * y + 10.043 y' = 0.804507 * x + -0.593944 * y + 387.37 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_6.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform6.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_6.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform6.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform6.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[7] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform6.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[7] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[7] keyword=@3065tmp_6_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353976985.500000 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform7.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.295127 Dec=61.156139 Roll=233.663769 at time 353976985.5 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.593707 * x + 0.804681 * y + 10.8986 y' = 0.804681 * x + -0.593708 * y + 391.085 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_7.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform7.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_7.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform7.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform7.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[8] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform7.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[8] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[8] keyword=@3065tmp_7_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354028021.874998 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform8.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.293869 Dec=61.147462 Roll=233.566436 at time 354028021.875 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595058 * x + 0.803683 * y + 11.6624 y' = 0.803683 * x + -0.595058 * y + 379.085 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_8.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform8.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_8.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform8.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform8.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[9] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform8.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[9] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[9] keyword=@3065tmp_8_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354022191.124994 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform9.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.293789 Dec=61.151264 Roll=233.566577 at time 354022191.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595055 * x + 0.803685 * y + 11.7276 y' = 0.803685 * x + -0.595055 * y + 384.651 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_9.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform9.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_9.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform9.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform9.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[10] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform9.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[10] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[10] keyword=@3065tmp_9_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354022243.124994 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform10.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.293808 Dec=61.153831 Roll=233.573525 at time 354022243.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594958 * x + 0.803757 * y + 11.7272 y' = 0.803757 * x + -0.594958 * y + 388.359 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_10.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform10.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_10.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform10.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform10.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[11] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform10.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[11] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[11] keyword=@3065tmp_10_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353977827.125002 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform11.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.290656 Dec=61.167309 Roll=233.645608 at time 353977827.125 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.593907 * x + 0.804534 * y + 14.0648 y' = 0.804534 * x + -0.593908 * y + 407.545 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_11.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform11.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_11.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform11.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform11.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[12] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform11.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[12] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[12] keyword=@3065tmp_11_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354029078.000008 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform12.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.283545 Dec=61.141758 Roll=233.610501 at time 354029078.00001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594313 * x + 0.804234 * y + 19.0062 y' = 0.804234 * x + -0.594313 * y + 370.329 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_12.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform12.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_12.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform12.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform12.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[13] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform12.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[13] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[13] keyword=@3065tmp_12_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354023245.125002 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform13.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.284097 Dec=61.145268 Roll=233.592558 at time 354023245.125 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594571 * x + 0.804043 * y + 18.6029 y' = 0.804043 * x + -0.594572 * y + 375.606 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_13.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform13.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_13.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform13.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform13.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[14] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform13.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[14] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[14] keyword=@3065tmp_13_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354017428.125002 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform14.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.286011 Dec=61.147343 Roll=233.602441 at time 354017428.125 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594456 * x + 0.804128 * y + 17.2631 y' = 0.804128 * x + -0.594456 * y + 378.587 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_14.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform14.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_14.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform14.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform14.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[15] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform14.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[15] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[15] keyword=@3065tmp_14_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354027873.249981 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform15.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.284366 Dec=61.151039 Roll=233.536850 at time 354027873.24998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595356 * x + 0.803462 * y + 18.3624 y' = 0.803462 * x + -0.595356 * y + 384.471 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_15.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform15.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_15.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform15.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform15.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[16] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform15.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[16] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[16] keyword=@3065tmp_15_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353999034.249989 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform16.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.286104 Dec=61.153562 Roll=233.560917 at time 353999034.24999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59504 * x + 0.803696 * y + 17.1635 y' = 0.803696 * x + -0.59504 * y + 388.001 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_16.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform16.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_16.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform16.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform16.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[17] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform16.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[17] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[17] keyword=@3065tmp_16_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354027576.999992 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform17.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.287514 Dec=61.158435 Roll=233.507770 at time 354027576.99999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595802 * x + 0.803131 * y + 16.1178 y' = 0.803131 * x + -0.595803 * y + 395.54 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_17.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform17.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_17.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform17.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform17.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[18] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform17.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[18] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[18] keyword=@3065tmp_17_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354033382.124994 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform18.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.285268 Dec=61.161458 Roll=233.518690 at time 354033382.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595622 * x + 0.803265 * y + 17.7241 y' = 0.803265 * x + -0.595622 * y + 399.869 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_18.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform18.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_18.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform18.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform18.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[19] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform18.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[19] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[19] keyword=@3065tmp_18_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354027548.374960 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform19.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.280790 Dec=61.163500 Roll=233.512234 at time 354027548.37496 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595657 * x + 0.803239 * y + 20.8883 y' = 0.803239 * x + -0.595658 * y + 402.874 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_19.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform19.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_19.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform19.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform19.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[20] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform19.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[20] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[20] keyword=@3065tmp_19_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354029543.375006 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform20.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.276707 Dec=61.141194 Roll=233.598692 at time 354029543.37501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594394 * x + 0.804174 * y + 23.8329 y' = 0.804174 * x + -0.594395 * y + 369.541 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_20.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform20.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_20.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform20.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform20.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[21] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform20.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[21] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[21] keyword=@3065tmp_20_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354029291.375013 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform21.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.278274 Dec=61.145005 Roll=233.599536 at time 354029291.37501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594402 * x + 0.804169 * y + 22.7314 y' = 0.804168 * x + -0.594402 * y + 375.127 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_21.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform21.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_21.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform21.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform21.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[22] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform21.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[22] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[22] keyword=@3065tmp_21_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354011845.625002 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform22.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.277630 Dec=61.148072 Roll=233.591569 at time 354011845.625 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594506 * x + 0.804092 * y + 23.1832 y' = 0.804091 * x + -0.594506 * y + 379.673 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_22.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform22.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_22.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform22.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform22.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[23] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform22.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[23] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[23] keyword=@3065tmp_22_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353993313.874998 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform23.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.280078 Dec=61.151373 Roll=233.557935 at time 353993313.875 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595008 * x + 0.80372 * y + 21.4204 y' = 0.80372 * x + -0.595008 * y + 384.773 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_23.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform23.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_23.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform23.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform23.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[24] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform23.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[24] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[24] keyword=@3065tmp_23_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354004611.499977 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform24.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.279404 Dec=61.155880 Roll=233.537826 at time 354004611.49998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595281 * x + 0.803517 * y + 21.8829 y' = 0.803517 * x + -0.595282 * y + 391.517 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_24.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform24.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_24.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform24.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform24.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[25] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform24.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[25] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[25] keyword=@3065tmp_24_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354027594.749973 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform25.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.279834 Dec=61.157760 Roll=233.510109 at time 354027594.74997 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595675 * x + 0.803225 * y + 21.5519 y' = 0.803225 * x + -0.595676 * y + 394.477 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_25.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform25.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_25.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform25.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform25.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[26] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform25.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[26] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[26] keyword=@3065tmp_25_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354010103.749989 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform26.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.278130 Dec=61.161143 Roll=233.510833 at time 354010103.74999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595644 * x + 0.803248 * y + 22.7642 y' = 0.803248 * x + -0.595645 * y + 399.414 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_26.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform26.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_26.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform26.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform26.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[27] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform26.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[27] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[27] keyword=@3065tmp_26_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354027519.749989 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform27.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.279135 Dec=61.165037 Roll=233.516532 at time 354027519.74999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595577 * x + 0.803299 * y + 22.0669 y' = 0.803298 * x + -0.595577 * y + 405.083 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_27.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform27.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_27.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform27.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform27.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[28] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform27.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[28] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[28] keyword=@3065tmp_27_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354026709.499977 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform28.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.277928 Dec=61.169011 Roll=233.512015 at time 354026709.49998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595625 * x + 0.803262 * y + 22.9227 y' = 0.803263 * x + -0.595626 * y + 410.926 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_28.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform28.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_28.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform28.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform28.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[29] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform28.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[29] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[29] keyword=@3065tmp_28_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354026967.874998 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform29.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.278663 Dec=61.170395 Roll=233.521092 at time 354026967.875 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595507 * x + 0.80335 * y + 22.4152 y' = 0.80335 * x + -0.595507 * y + 412.892 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_29.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform29.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_29.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform29.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform29.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[30] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform29.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[30] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[30] keyword=@3065tmp_29_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354032740.124994 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform30.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.281751 Dec=61.174071 Roll=233.514078 at time 354032740.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595643 * x + 0.803249 * y + 20.2303 y' = 0.803249 * x + -0.595644 * y + 418.35 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_30.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform30.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_30.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform30.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform30.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[31] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform30.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[31] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[31] keyword=@3065tmp_30_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354032670.124994 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform31.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.277276 Dec=61.177738 Roll=233.515005 at time 354032670.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595575 * x + 0.803299 * y + 23.4019 y' = 0.8033 * x + -0.595576 * y + 423.68 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_31.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform31.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_31.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform31.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform31.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[32] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform31.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[32] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[32] keyword=@3065tmp_31_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354029487.750004 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform32.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.269111 Dec=61.142742 Roll=233.588585 at time 354029487.75 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594443 * x + 0.804138 * y + 29.2008 y' = 0.804138 * x + -0.594443 * y + 371.827 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_32.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform32.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_32.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform32.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform32.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[33] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform32.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[33] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[33] keyword=@3065tmp_32_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354012086.249996 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform33.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.268800 Dec=61.145329 Roll=233.583537 at time 354012086.25 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59451 * x + 0.804089 * y + 29.4189 y' = 0.804088 * x + -0.59451 * y + 375.65 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_33.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform33.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_33.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform33.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform33.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[34] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform33.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[34] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[34] keyword=@3065tmp_33_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353994570.875013 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform34.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.269019 Dec=61.149058 Roll=233.593612 at time 353994570.87501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594371 * x + 0.804191 * y + 29.2812 y' = 0.804191 * x + -0.594371 * y + 381.039 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_34.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform34.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_34.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform34.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform34.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[35] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform34.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[35] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[35] keyword=@3065tmp_34_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353994997.750011 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform35.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.269224 Dec=61.153077 Roll=233.611162 at time 353994997.75001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594127 * x + 0.804371 * y + 29.1621 y' = 0.804371 * x + -0.594128 * y + 386.797 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_35.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform35.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_35.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform35.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform35.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[36] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform35.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[36] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[36] keyword=@3065tmp_35_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353987416.874990 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform36.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.272185 Dec=61.155819 Roll=233.528353 at time 353987416.87499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595326 * x + 0.803485 * y + 26.9802 y' = 0.803485 * x + -0.595326 * y + 391.444 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_36.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform36.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_36.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform36.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform36.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[37] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform36.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[37] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[37] keyword=@3065tmp_36_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354001049.125017 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform37.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.265140 Dec=61.160760 Roll=233.570785 at time 354001049.12502 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594644 * x + 0.803989 * y + 32.0181 y' = 0.803989 * x + -0.594644 * y + 398.318 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_37.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform37.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_37.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform37.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform37.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[38] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform37.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[38] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[38] keyword=@3065tmp_37_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353983785.250019 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform38.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.272395 Dec=61.166744 Roll=233.577477 at time 353983785.25002 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594639 * x + 0.803993 * y + 26.9032 y' = 0.803993 * x + -0.594639 * y + 407.084 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_38.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform38.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_38.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform38.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform38.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[39] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform38.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[39] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[39] keyword=@3065tmp_38_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354014400.499992 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform39.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.270993 Dec=61.162894 Roll=233.521296 at time 354014400.49999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59541 * x + 0.803422 * y + 27.8275 y' = 0.803422 * x + -0.59541 * y + 401.849 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_39.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform39.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_39.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform39.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform39.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[40] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform39.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[40] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[40] keyword=@3065tmp_39_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354026805.124987 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform40.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.271790 Dec=61.167867 Roll=233.513731 at time 354026805.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595526 * x + 0.803336 * y + 27.2632 y' = 0.803336 * x + -0.595526 * y + 409.193 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_40.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform40.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_40.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform40.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform40.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[41] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform40.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[41] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[41] keyword=@3065tmp_40_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354032530.374990 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform41.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.275893 Dec=61.170484 Roll=233.514289 at time 354032530.37499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595568 * x + 0.803305 * y + 24.3665 y' = 0.803305 * x + -0.595569 * y + 413.052 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_41.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform41.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_41.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform41.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform41.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[42] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform41.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[42] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[42] keyword=@3065tmp_41_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354015253.624987 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform42.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.275671 Dec=61.174459 Roll=233.516979 at time 354015253.62499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595528 * x + 0.803335 * y + 24.5334 y' = 0.803335 * x + -0.595528 * y + 418.852 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_42.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform42.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_42.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform42.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform42.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[43] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform42.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[43] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[43] keyword=@3065tmp_42_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354032662.999992 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform43.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.272459 Dec=61.178498 Roll=233.526047 at time 354032662.99999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595361 * x + 0.803458 * y + 26.8213 y' = 0.803458 * x + -0.595362 * y + 424.678 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_43.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform43.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_43.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform43.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform43.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[44] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform43.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[44] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[44] keyword=@3065tmp_43_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354026906.374990 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform44.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.272353 Dec=61.180199 Roll=233.523310 at time 354026906.37499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595398 * x + 0.803431 * y + 26.8962 y' = 0.803431 * x + -0.595399 * y + 427.188 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_44.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform44.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_44.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform44.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform44.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[45] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform44.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[45] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[45] keyword=@3065tmp_44_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354012117.250019 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform45.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.263777 Dec=61.142276 Roll=233.594830 at time 354012117.25002 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59429 * x + 0.804252 * y + 32.982 y' = 0.804251 * x + -0.59429 * y + 371.06 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_45.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform45.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_45.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform45.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform45.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[46] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform45.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[46] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[46] keyword=@3065tmp_45_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354018040.375013 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform46.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.263748 Dec=61.145961 Roll=233.588970 at time 354018040.37501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594371 * x + 0.804191 * y + 33.0015 y' = 0.804191 * x + -0.594372 * y + 376.5 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_46.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform46.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_46.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform46.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform46.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[47] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform46.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[47] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[47] keyword=@3065tmp_46_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353988975.750019 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform47.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.267024 Dec=61.148702 Roll=233.595085 at time 353988975.75002 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594326 * x + 0.804225 * y + 30.6943 y' = 0.804224 * x + -0.594326 * y + 380.492 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_47.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform47.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_47.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform47.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform47.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[48] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform47.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[48] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[48] keyword=@3065tmp_47_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353983022.000031 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform48.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.272019 Dec=61.156160 Roll=233.593492 at time 353983022.00003 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59441 * x + 0.804163 * y + 27.1696 y' = 0.804162 * x + -0.59441 * y + 391.462 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_48.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform48.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_48.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform48.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform48.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[49] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform48.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[49] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[49] keyword=@3065tmp_48_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353981760.374990 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform49.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.270560 Dec=61.160393 Roll=233.559705 at time 353981760.37499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594866 * x + 0.803825 * y + 28.1718 y' = 0.803825 * x + -0.594866 * y + 397.9 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_49.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform49.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_49.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform49.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform49.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[50] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform49.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[50] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[50] keyword=@3065tmp_49_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354025858.499992 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform50.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.262882 Dec=61.156034 Roll=233.501466 at time 354025858.49999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595588 * x + 0.80329 * y + 33.5329 y' = 0.80329 * x + -0.595589 * y + 391.889 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_50.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform50.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_50.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform50.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform50.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[51] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform50.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[51] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[51] keyword=@3065tmp_50_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354008091.124994 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform51.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.261149 Dec=61.160821 Roll=233.519378 at time 354008091.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595316 * x + 0.803492 * y + 34.7853 y' = 0.803492 * x + -0.595316 * y + 398.757 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_51.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform51.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_51.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform51.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform51.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[52] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform51.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[52] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[52] keyword=@3065tmp_51_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353992737.374975 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform52.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.264808 Dec=61.164919 Roll=233.497352 at time 353992737.37498 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59567 * x + 0.80323 * y + 32.1791 y' = 0.80323 * x + -0.59567 * y + 404.946 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_52.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform52.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_52.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform52.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform52.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[53] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform52.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[53] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[53] keyword=@3065tmp_52_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354009461.749996 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform53.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.267247 Dec=61.167302 Roll=233.513381 at time 354009461.75 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595475 * x + 0.803374 * y + 30.4751 y' = 0.803374 * x + -0.595475 * y + 408.336 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_53.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform53.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_53.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform53.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform53.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[54] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform53.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[54] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[54] keyword=@3065tmp_53_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354020847.749989 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform54.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.266510 Dec=61.170983 Roll=233.511412 at time 354020847.74999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595494 * x + 0.80336 * y + 30.9994 y' = 0.80336 * x + -0.595494 * y + 413.737 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_54.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform54.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_54.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform54.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform54.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[55] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform54.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[55] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[55] keyword=@3065tmp_54_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354009187.999985 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform55.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.265366 Dec=61.173949 Roll=233.504494 at time 354009187.99998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595576 * x + 0.803299 * y + 31.8055 y' = 0.803299 * x + -0.595577 * y + 418.122 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_55.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform55.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_55.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform55.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform55.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[56] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform55.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[56] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[56] keyword=@3065tmp_55_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354032373.000000 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform56.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.266992 Dec=61.177857 Roll=233.524620 at time 354032373 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595314 * x + 0.803493 * y + 30.6839 y' = 0.803493 * x + -0.595314 * y + 423.709 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_56.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform56.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_56.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform56.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform56.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[57] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform56.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[57] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[57] keyword=@3065tmp_56_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354003437.125002 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform57.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.267789 Dec=61.179070 Roll=233.528256 at time 354003437.125 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595273 * x + 0.803523 * y + 30.126 y' = 0.803524 * x + -0.595273 * y + 425.465 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_57.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform57.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_57.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform57.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform57.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[58] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform57.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[58] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[58] keyword=@3065tmp_57_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354012230.625025 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform58.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.260864 Dec=61.143783 Roll=233.591277 at time 354012230.62502 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594304 * x + 0.804241 * y + 35.0419 y' = 0.804241 * x + -0.594304 * y + 373.272 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_58.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform58.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_58.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform58.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform58.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[59] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform58.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[59] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[59] keyword=@3065tmp_58_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353977408.250011 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform59.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.262838 Dec=61.156180 Roll=233.623124 at time 353977408.25001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.593881 * x + 0.804553 * y + 33.6977 y' = 0.804553 * x + -0.593881 * y + 391.209 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_59.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform59.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_59.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform59.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform59.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[60] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform59.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[60] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[60] keyword=@3065tmp_59_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353989066.875013 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform60.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.254820 Dec=61.148958 Roll=233.581253 at time 353989066.87501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59437 * x + 0.804192 * y + 39.3151 y' = 0.804192 * x + -0.59437 * y + 380.883 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_60.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform60.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_60.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform60.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform60.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[61] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform60.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[61] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[61] keyword=@3065tmp_60_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353988846.000031 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform61.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.257519 Dec=61.152952 Roll=233.584777 at time 353988846.00003 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594354 * x + 0.804204 * y + 37.4144 y' = 0.804204 * x + -0.594354 * y + 386.725 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_61.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform61.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_61.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform61.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform61.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[62] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform61.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[62] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[62] keyword=@3065tmp_61_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353991980.249996 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform62.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.258283 Dec=61.154004 Roll=233.506393 at time 353991980.25 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595463 * x + 0.803383 * y + 36.7891 y' = 0.803383 * x + -0.595463 * y + 388.849 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_62.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform62.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_62.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform62.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform62.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[63] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform62.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[63] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[63] keyword=@3065tmp_62_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353981421.874990 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform63.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.264263 Dec=61.164881 Roll=233.526633 at time 353981421.87499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595252 * x + 0.803539 * y + 32.5965 y' = 0.803539 * x + -0.595253 * y + 404.671 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_63.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform63.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_63.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform63.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform63.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[64] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform63.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[64] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[64] keyword=@3065tmp_63_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353981286.249981 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform64.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.262481 Dec=61.167768 Roll=233.520204 at time 353981286.24998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595321 * x + 0.803488 * y + 33.8539 y' = 0.803488 * x + -0.595321 * y + 408.935 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_64.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform64.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_64.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform64.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform64.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[65] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform64.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[65] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[65] keyword=@3065tmp_64_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353996916.249996 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform65.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.256895 Dec=61.164300 Roll=233.516910 at time 353996916.25 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595298 * x + 0.803505 * y + 37.7965 y' = 0.803505 * x + -0.595298 * y + 403.84 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_65.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform65.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_65.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform65.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform65.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[66] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform65.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[66] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[66] keyword=@3065tmp_65_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353991719.374983 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform66.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.259297 Dec=61.166808 Roll=233.501181 at time 353991719.37498 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595548 * x + 0.80332 * y + 36.0832 y' = 0.803319 * x + -0.595549 * y + 407.645 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_66.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform66.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_66.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform66.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform66.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[67] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform66.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[67] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[67] keyword=@3065tmp_66_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353992148.999985 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform67.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.259874 Dec=61.171993 Roll=233.496469 at time 353992148.99998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595621 * x + 0.803265 * y + 35.6772 y' = 0.803265 * x + -0.595622 * y + 415.278 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_67.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform67.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_67.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform67.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform67.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[68] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform67.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[68] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[68] keyword=@3065tmp_67_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353992210.749996 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform68.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.261888 Dec=61.173764 Roll=233.526644 at time 353992210.75 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595223 * x + 0.803561 * y + 34.2888 y' = 0.803561 * x + -0.595223 * y + 417.664 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_68.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform68.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_68.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform68.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform68.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[69] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform68.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[69] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[69] keyword=@3065tmp_68_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353989011.125017 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform69.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.252475 Dec=61.147683 Roll=233.588211 at time 353989011.12502 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594244 * x + 0.804285 * y + 40.9807 y' = 0.804285 * x + -0.594244 * y + 378.947 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_69.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform69.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_69.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform69.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform69.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[70] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform69.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[70] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[70] keyword=@3065tmp_69_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353994847.250034 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform70.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.250478 Dec=61.149525 Roll=233.589774 at time 353994847.25003 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594197 * x + 0.80432 * y + 42.398 y' = 0.80432 * x + -0.594197 * y + 381.62 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_70.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform70.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_70.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform70.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform70.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[71] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform70.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[71] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[71] keyword=@3065tmp_70_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980483.499985 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform71.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.256369 Dec=61.155721 Roll=233.497487 at time 353980483.49998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595564 * x + 0.803308 * y + 38.1359 y' = 0.803308 * x + -0.595564 * y + 391.415 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_71.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform71.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_71.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform71.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform71.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[72] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform71.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[72] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[72] keyword=@3065tmp_71_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353986079.249981 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform72.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.255939 Dec=61.155083 Roll=233.504640 at time 353986079.24998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595459 * x + 0.803386 * y + 38.4471 y' = 0.803386 * x + -0.595459 * y + 390.425 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_72.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform72.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_72.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform72.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform72.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[73] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform72.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[73] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[73] keyword=@3065tmp_72_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980443.874975 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform73.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.257894 Dec=61.163763 Roll=233.503002 at time 353980443.87498 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595506 * x + 0.803351 * y + 37.074 y' = 0.803351 * x + -0.595506 * y + 403.163 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_73.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform73.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_73.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform73.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform73.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[74] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform73.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[74] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[74] keyword=@3065tmp_73_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980733.374975 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform74.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.259081 Dec=61.166793 Roll=233.500414 at time 353980733.37498 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595556 * x + 0.803314 * y + 36.2353 y' = 0.803313 * x + -0.595557 * y + 407.628 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_74.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform74.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_74.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform74.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform74.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[75] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform74.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[75] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[75] keyword=@3065tmp_74_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353985953.749989 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform75.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.253689 Dec=61.164109 Roll=233.496182 at time 353985953.74999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59555 * x + 0.803319 * y + 40.0408 y' = 0.803319 * x + -0.59555 * y + 403.691 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_75.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform75.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_75.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform75.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform75.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[76] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform75.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[76] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[76] keyword=@3065tmp_75_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353985802.874998 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform76.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.255278 Dec=61.167448 Roll=233.498689 at time 353985802.875 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595534 * x + 0.80333 * y + 38.9237 y' = 0.80333 * x + -0.595534 * y + 408.573 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_76.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform76.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_76.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform76.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform76.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[77] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform76.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[77] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[77] keyword=@3065tmp_76_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353986128.374983 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform77.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.256192 Dec=61.170534 Roll=233.506413 at time 353986128.37498 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595437 * x + 0.803402 * y + 38.2898 y' = 0.803402 * x + -0.595437 * y + 413.043 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_77.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform77.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_77.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform77.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform77.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[78] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform77.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[78] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[78] keyword=@3065tmp_77_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980229.124994 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform78.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.251554 Dec=61.156637 Roll=233.505976 at time 353980229.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595386 * x + 0.80344 * y + 41.553 y' = 0.80344 * x + -0.595386 * y + 392.66 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_78.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform78.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_78.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform78.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform78.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[79] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform78.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[79] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[79] keyword=@3065tmp_78_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980423.249981 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform79.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.252062 Dec=61.159101 Roll=233.507040 at time 353980423.24998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595377 * x + 0.803446 * y + 41.1977 y' = 0.803446 * x + -0.595377 * y + 396.265 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_79.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform79.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_79.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform79.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform79.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[80] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform79.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[80] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[80] keyword=@3065tmp_79_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980500.249981 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform80.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.254326 Dec=61.162729 Roll=233.504274 at time 353980500.24998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595444 * x + 0.803397 * y + 39.5978 y' = 0.803397 * x + -0.595444 * y + 401.614 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_80.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform80.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_80.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform80.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform80.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[81] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform80.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[81] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[81] keyword=@3065tmp_80_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980335.749981 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform81.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.251623 Dec=61.167087 Roll=233.507497 at time 353980335.74998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595366 * x + 0.803455 * y + 41.518 y' = 0.803455 * x + -0.595366 * y + 407.954 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_81.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform81.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_81.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform81.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform81.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[82] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform81.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[82] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[82] keyword=@3065tmp_81_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353979539.374983 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform82.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.249629 Dec=61.169745 Roll=233.518115 at time 353979539.37498 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595192 * x + 0.803584 * y + 42.9431 y' = 0.803583 * x + -0.595192 * y + 411.754 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_82.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform82.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_82.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform82.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform82.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[83] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform82.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[83] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[83] keyword=@3065tmp_82_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353985573.749996 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform83.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.245996 Dec=61.168650 Roll=233.493423 at time 353985573.75 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595494 * x + 0.80336 * y + 45.484 y' = 0.80336 * x + -0.595494 * y + 410.307 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_83.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform83.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_83.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform83.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform83.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[84] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform83.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[84] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[84] keyword=@3065tmp_83_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980061.374990 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform84.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.251535 Dec=61.176112 Roll=233.503253 at time 353980061.37499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595424 * x + 0.803412 * y + 41.5866 y' = 0.803412 * x + -0.595424 * y + 421.202 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_84.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform84.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_84.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform84.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform84.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[85] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform84.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[85] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[85] keyword=@3065tmp_84_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978156.375006 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform85.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.238291 Dec=61.183294 Roll=233.593602 at time 353978156.37501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.593993 * x + 0.80447 * y + 51.0562 y' = 0.80447 * x + -0.593994 * y + 430.963 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_85.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform85.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_85.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform85.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform85.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[86] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform85.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[86] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[86] keyword=@3065tmp_85_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980231.124994 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform86.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.249326 Dec=61.157261 Roll=233.494781 at time 353980231.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595516 * x + 0.803344 * y + 43.1173 y' = 0.803344 * x + -0.595516 * y + 393.64 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_86.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform86.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_86.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform86.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform86.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[87] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform86.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[87] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[87] keyword=@3065tmp_86_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354013857.624994 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform87.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.235095 Dec=61.161485 Roll=233.506272 at time 354013857.62499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59518 * x + 0.803593 * y + 53.2018 y' = 0.803593 * x + -0.59518 * y + 399.644 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_87.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform87.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_87.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform87.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform87.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[88] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform87.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[88] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[88] keyword=@3065tmp_87_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354030293.375021 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform88.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.229085 Dec=61.167873 Roll=233.531830 at time 354030293.37502 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594747 * x + 0.803913 * y + 57.4853 y' = 0.803913 * x + -0.594747 * y + 408.77 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_88.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform88.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_88.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform88.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform88.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[89] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform88.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[89] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[89] keyword=@3065tmp_88_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353979556.499985 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform89.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.239812 Dec=61.173414 Roll=233.505913 at time 353979556.49998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595243 * x + 0.803546 * y + 49.8754 y' = 0.803546 * x + -0.595243 * y + 417.149 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_89.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform89.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_89.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform89.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform89.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[90] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform89.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[90] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[90] keyword=@3065tmp_89_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978447.250004 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform90.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.236354 Dec=61.180202 Roll=233.565475 at time 353978447.25 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594364 * x + 0.804196 * y + 52.3917 y' = 0.804196 * x + -0.594365 * y + 426.629 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_90.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform90.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_90.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform90.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform90.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[91] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform90.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[91] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[91] keyword=@3065tmp_90_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978048.500000 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform91.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.237146 Dec=61.184794 Roll=233.594694 at time 353978048.5 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.593964 * x + 0.804492 * y + 51.8685 y' = 0.804492 * x + -0.593964 * y + 433.144 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_91.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform91.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_91.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform91.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform91.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[92] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform91.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[92] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[92] keyword=@3065tmp_91_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978351.374998 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform92.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.233178 Dec=61.185422 Roll=233.547944 at time 353978351.375 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594571 * x + 0.804043 * y + 54.6217 y' = 0.804043 * x + -0.594572 * y + 434.381 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_92.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform92.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_92.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform92.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform92.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[93] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform92.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[93] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[93] keyword=@3065tmp_92_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354007819.124994 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform93.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.224502 Dec=61.164226 Roll=233.487194 at time 354007819.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595317 * x + 0.803491 * y + 60.6753 y' = 0.803491 * x + -0.595317 * y + 403.727 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_93.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform93.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_93.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform93.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform93.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[94] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform93.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[94] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[94] keyword=@3065tmp_93_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354001888.000000 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform94.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.223655 Dec=61.167965 Roll=233.497811 at time 354001888 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595158 * x + 0.803609 * y + 61.2884 y' = 0.803609 * x + -0.595158 * y + 409.118 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_94.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform94.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_94.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform94.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform94.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[95] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform94.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[95] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[95] keyword=@3065tmp_94_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354001454.875013 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform95.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.223224 Dec=61.172201 Roll=233.519935 at time 354001454.87501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594842 * x + 0.803843 * y + 61.6195 y' = 0.803843 * x + -0.594842 * y + 415.156 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_95.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform95.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_95.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform95.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform95.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[96] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform95.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[96] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[96] keyword=@3065tmp_95_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353989886.500008 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform96.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.221931 Dec=61.176673 Roll=233.525085 at time 353989886.50001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594754 * x + 0.803908 * y + 62.5417 y' = 0.803908 * x + -0.594754 * y + 421.66 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_96.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform96.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_96.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform96.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform96.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[97] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform96.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[97] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[97] keyword=@3065tmp_96_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978096.750004 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform97.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.230960 Dec=61.187926 Roll=233.567193 at time 353978096.75 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594274 * x + 0.804263 * y + 56.2128 y' = 0.804263 * x + -0.594274 * y + 437.89 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_97.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform97.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_97.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform97.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform97.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[98] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform97.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[98] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[98] keyword=@3065tmp_97_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978095.125002 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform98.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.227788 Dec=61.189419 Roll=233.577080 at time 353978095.125 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594096 * x + 0.804394 * y + 58.4665 y' = 0.804394 * x + -0.594096 * y + 439.983 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_98.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform98.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_98.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform98.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform98.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[99] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform98.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[99] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[99] keyword=@3065tmp_98_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354013844.624994 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform99.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.216469 Dec=61.163968 Roll=233.477066 at time 354013844.62499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59536 * x + 0.803459 * y + 66.3458 y' = 0.803459 * x + -0.59536 * y + 403.37 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_99.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform99.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_99.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform99.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform99.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[100] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform99.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[100] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[100] keyword=@3065tmp_99_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354013443.000008 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform100.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.218006 Dec=61.168165 Roll=233.480268 at time 354013443.00001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595334 * x + 0.803478 * y + 65.2641 y' = 0.803478 * x + -0.595334 * y + 409.503 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_100.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform100.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_100.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform100.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform100.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[101] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform100.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[101] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[101] keyword=@3065tmp_100_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353990620.874998 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform101.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.216956 Dec=61.170655 Roll=233.493694 at time 353990620.875 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595133 * x + 0.803627 * y + 66.0228 y' = 0.803627 * x + -0.595133 * y + 413.044 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_101.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform101.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_101.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform101.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform101.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[102] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform101.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[102] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[102] keyword=@3065tmp_101_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353983996.125010 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform102.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.221489 Dec=61.179891 Roll=233.519967 at time 353983996.12501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59482 * x + 0.803859 * y + 62.8504 y' = 0.803859 * x + -0.59482 * y + 426.407 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_102.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform102.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_102.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform102.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform102.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[103] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform102.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[103] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[103] keyword=@3065tmp_102_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353984112.250011 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform103.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.222701 Dec=61.181688 Roll=233.544421 at time 353984112.25001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594492 * x + 0.804101 * y + 62.0218 y' = 0.804101 * x + -0.594492 * y + 428.868 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_103.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform103.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_103.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform103.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform103.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[104] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform103.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[104] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[104] keyword=@3065tmp_103_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978092.750004 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform104.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.222698 Dec=61.189692 Roll=233.573195 at time 353978092.75 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594088 * x + 0.8044 * y + 62.0596 y' = 0.8044 * x + -0.594088 * y + 440.377 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_104.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform104.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_104.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform104.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform104.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[105] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform104.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[105] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[105] keyword=@3065tmp_104_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353996451.249996 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform105.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.214221 Dec=61.164679 Roll=233.473543 at time 353996451.25 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595382 * x + 0.803443 * y + 67.9327 y' = 0.803443 * x + -0.595382 * y + 404.421 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_105.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform105.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_105.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform105.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform105.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[106] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform105.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[106] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[106] keyword=@3065tmp_105_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354019609.874998 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform106.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.210509 Dec=61.168436 Roll=233.490167 at time 354019609.875 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595103 * x + 0.803649 * y + 70.5771 y' = 0.803649 * x + -0.595103 * y + 409.777 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_106.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform106.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_106.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform106.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform106.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[107] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform106.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[107] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[107] keyword=@3065tmp_106_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353996329.000000 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform107.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.211450 Dec=61.171041 Roll=233.484017 at time 353996329 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595201 * x + 0.803577 * y + 69.9058 y' = 0.803577 * x + -0.595201 * y + 413.644 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_107.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform107.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_107.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform107.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform107.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[108] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform107.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[108] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[108] keyword=@3065tmp_107_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353996008.625010 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform108.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.210142 Dec=61.175487 Roll=233.493248 at time 353996008.62501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595056 * x + 0.803685 * y + 70.842 y' = 0.803684 * x + -0.595056 * y + 420.078 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_108.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform108.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_108.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform108.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform108.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[109] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform108.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[109] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[109] keyword=@3065tmp_108_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353984740.749996 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform109.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.210652 Dec=61.181414 Roll=233.498482 at time 353984740.75 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594989 * x + 0.803734 * y + 70.4887 y' = 0.803734 * x + -0.594989 * y + 428.724 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_109.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform109.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_109.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform109.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform109.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[110] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform109.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[110] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[110] keyword=@3065tmp_109_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353989801.000023 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform110.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.208474 Dec=61.183227 Roll=233.517801 at time 353989801.00002 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594691 * x + 0.803955 * y + 72.0498 y' = 0.803955 * x + -0.594691 * y + 431.223 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_110.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform110.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_110.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform110.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform110.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[111] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform110.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[111] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[111] keyword=@3065tmp_110_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354019450.875006 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform111.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.204063 Dec=61.169173 Roll=233.473473 at time 354019450.87501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595258 * x + 0.803534 * y + 75.1175 y' = 0.803534 * x + -0.595258 * y + 410.938 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_111.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform111.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_111.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform111.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform111.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[112] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform111.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[112] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[112] keyword=@3065tmp_111_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354013523.625010 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform112.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.202426 Dec=61.170649 Roll=233.482158 at time 354013523.62501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595116 * x + 0.80364 * y + 76.2852 y' = 0.80364 * x + -0.595116 * y + 413.024 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_112.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform112.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_112.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform112.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform112.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[113] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform112.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[113] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[113] keyword=@3065tmp_112_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353990038.875006 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform113.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.199007 Dec=61.176216 Roll=233.509313 at time 353990038.87501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594693 * x + 0.803953 * y + 78.7324 y' = 0.803953 * x + -0.594693 * y + 420.956 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_113.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform113.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_113.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform113.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform113.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[114] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform113.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[114] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[114] keyword=@3065tmp_113_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353984325.625010 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform114.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.206428 Dec=61.181350 Roll=233.499237 at time 353984325.62501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594926 * x + 0.80378 * y + 73.4757 y' = 0.80378 * x + -0.594926 * y + 428.597 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_114.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform114.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_114.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform114.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform114.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[115] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform114.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[115] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[115] keyword=@3065tmp_114_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353984288.875006 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform115.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.208547 Dec=61.185151 Roll=233.508984 at time 353984288.87501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594815 * x + 0.803862 * y + 71.9893 y' = 0.803862 * x + -0.594815 * y + 434.106 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_115.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform115.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_115.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform115.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform115.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[116] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform115.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[116] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[116] keyword=@3065tmp_115_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354025401.499992 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform116.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.196618 Dec=61.171269 Roll=233.466051 at time 354025401.49999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595271 * x + 0.803525 * y + 80.3748 y' = 0.803525 * x + -0.595271 * y + 414.014 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_116.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform116.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_116.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform116.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform116.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[117] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform116.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[117] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[117] keyword=@3065tmp_116_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354001268.250019 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform117.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.195637 Dec=61.177632 Roll=233.514650 at time 354001268.25002 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594577 * x + 0.804039 * y + 81.1215 y' = 0.804039 * x + -0.594577 * y + 422.969 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_117.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform117.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_117.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform117.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform117.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[118] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform117.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[118] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[118] keyword=@3065tmp_117_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353989667.875021 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform118.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.194158 Dec=61.179791 Roll=233.509569 at time 353989667.87502 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59463 * x + 0.803999 * y + 82.1609 y' = 0.803999 * x + -0.59463 * y + 426.158 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_118.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform118.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_118.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform118.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform118.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[119] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform118.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[119] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[119] keyword=@3065tmp_118_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354001243.000008 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform119.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.193972 Dec=61.182256 Roll=233.516675 at time 354001243.00001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594528 * x + 0.804075 * y + 82.3003 y' = 0.804075 * x + -0.594528 * y + 429.715 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_119.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform119.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_119.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform119.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform119.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[120] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform119.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[120] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[120] keyword=@3065tmp_119_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354030251.875013 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform120.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.188661 Dec=61.177938 Roll=233.515018 at time 354030251.87501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594486 * x + 0.804106 * y + 86.054 y' = 0.804106 * x + -0.594486 * y + 423.369 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_120.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform120.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_120.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform120.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform120.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[121] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform120.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[121] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[121] keyword=@3065tmp_120_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354030231.250011 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform121.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.187959 Dec=61.181537 Roll=233.503398 at time 354030231.25001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594641 * x + 0.803992 * y + 86.5363 y' = 0.803992 * x + -0.594641 * y + 428.721 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_121.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform121.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_121.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform121.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform121.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[122] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform121.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[122] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[122] keyword=@3065tmp_121_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354030232.625025 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform122.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.185728 Dec=61.181707 Roll=233.507575 at time 354030232.62502 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594555 * x + 0.804055 * y + 88.1183 y' = 0.804055 * x + -0.594555 * y + 428.926 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_122.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform122.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_122.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform122.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform122.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[123] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform122.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[123] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[123] keyword=@3065tmp_122_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354030246.500015 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform123.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.180396 Dec=61.180845 Roll=233.516421 at time 354030246.50002 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594365 * x + 0.804196 * y + 91.8978 y' = 0.804196 * x + -0.594365 * y + 427.565 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_123.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform123.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_123.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform123.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform123.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[124] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform123.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[124] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[124] keyword=@3065tmp_123_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354030239.000023 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform124.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.177427 Dec=61.182230 Roll=233.491704 at time 354030239.00002 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594675 * x + 0.803966 * y + 93.9684 y' = 0.803966 * x + -0.594675 * y + 429.757 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_124.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform124.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_124.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform124.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform124.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[125] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform124.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[125] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[125] keyword=@3065tmp_124_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354030240.875021 attfile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=3065tmp_getxform125.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMA pointing RA=351.175730 Dec=61.181442 Roll=233.489653 at time 354030240.87502 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594683 * x + 0.80396 * y + 95.1663 y' = 0.80396 * x + -0.594683 * y + 428.607 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=3065tmp_from_det2_125.txt transform=3065tmp_getxform125.xform outfile=3065tmp_to_sky_125.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3065tmp_skytrasform125.txt outfile=3065tmp_skytrasform125.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=3065tmp_det2instr.fits[126] outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits transform=3065tmp_skytrasform125.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuA20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=3064tmp_sky.fits[126] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=3064tmp_sky.fits[126] keyword=@3065tmp_125_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fchecksum infile=3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits update=yes' Checksum keywords updated successfully. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: '3064tmp_sky.fits' file successfully written. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'ximage @3065tmp_ximage.xco' No of detectors read in: 34 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+1 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+1 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 8.4578571 Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+2 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+2 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 10.238944 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+3 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+3 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 26.927896 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+4 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+4 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 29.646450 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+5 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+5 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 7.3448892 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+6 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+6 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.2225891 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+7 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+7 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 18.362625 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+8 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+8 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 494.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 107.05934 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+9 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+9 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 71.220909 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+10 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+10 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 374.79556 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+11 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+11 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 302.28061 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+12 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+12 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 20.476824 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+13 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+13 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 494.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 27.552294 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+14 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+14 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 328.40305 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+15 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+15 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 494.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 202.06398 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+16 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+16 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 511.39404 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+17 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+17 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 977.48248 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+18 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+18 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 293.17072 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+19 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+19 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 69.113701 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+20 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+20 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.6677455 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+21 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+21 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 500.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 57.965897 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+22 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+22 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 627.95844 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+23 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+23 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 500.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 717.58655 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+24 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+24 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 525.85010 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+25 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+25 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1120.6033 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+26 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+26 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1013.0790 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+27 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+27 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 621.50092 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+28 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+28 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 72.784096 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+29 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+29 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 2.2258708 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+30 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+30 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 22.481579 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+31 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+31 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 501.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 22.035986 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+32 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+32 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 3.5613816 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+33 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+33 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 494.5, 500.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 69.669434 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+34 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+34 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 931.54388 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+35 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+35 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1238.5571 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+36 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+36 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 595.22430 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+37 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+37 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 968.32379 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+38 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+38 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1264.8436 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+39 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+39 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1332.1709 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+40 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+40 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 204.07147 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+41 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+41 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 282.23645 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+42 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+42 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 629.03772 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+43 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+43 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 276.67062 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+44 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+44 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 52.530506 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+45 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+45 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 498.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 4.4515944 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+46 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+46 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 38.507835 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+47 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+47 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 421.35760 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+48 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+48 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 714.19495 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+49 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+49 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 380.55899 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+50 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+50 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 442.61856 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+51 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+51 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1570.1588 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+52 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+52 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 2437.6121 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+53 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+53 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 835.32233 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+54 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+54 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 353.69818 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+55 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+55 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 587.40405 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+56 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+56 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 175.17110 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+57 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+57 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 25.152563 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+58 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+58 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.2225790 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+59 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+59 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.8903496 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+60 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+60 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 98.380356 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+61 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+61 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 178.06911 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+62 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+62 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 92.596672 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+63 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+63 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 95.046196 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+64 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+64 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 584.43378 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+65 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+65 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1418.4474 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+66 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+66 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1204.6835 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+67 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+67 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 494.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 296.92682 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+68 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+68 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 89.920753 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+69 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+69 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 12.464925 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+70 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+70 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 500.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.2225901 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+71 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+71 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 10.906859 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+72 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+72 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 31.830088 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+73 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+73 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 77.684952 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+74 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+74 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 143.74660 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+75 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+75 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 629.80182 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+76 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+76 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 904.30182 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+77 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+77 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 470.53632 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+78 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+78 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 20.032917 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+79 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+79 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 8.9035816 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+80 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+80 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 33.165657 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+81 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+81 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 15.581517 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+82 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+82 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 66.797432 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+83 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+83 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 365.27145 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+84 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+84 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 710.72968 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+85 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+85 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 38.284279 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+86 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+86 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.4451817 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+87 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+87 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.2225731 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+88 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+88 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.4451745 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+89 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+89 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 38.729832 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+90 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+90 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 500.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 327.41714 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+91 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+91 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 182.96619 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+92 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+92 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 59.874344 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+93 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+93 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.8903540 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+94 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+94 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 24.707186 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+95 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+95 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 389.52954 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+96 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+96 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 777.30078 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+97 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+97 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 385.96133 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+98 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+98 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 28.713020 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+99 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+99 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.2225908 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+100 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+100 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 12.242346 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+101 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+101 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 411.56058 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+102 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+102 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 500.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1457.0604 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+103 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+103 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 867.66077 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+104 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+104 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 120.63975 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+105 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+105 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 494.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1.7806022 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+106 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+106 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1.7806425 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+107 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+107 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 164.71117 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+108 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+108 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 735.88232 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+109 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+109 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 698.46704 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+110 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+110 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 183.85768 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+111 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+111 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 19.810032 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+112 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+112 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 19.810324 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+113 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+113 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 500.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 134.66513 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+114 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+114 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 235.27689 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+115 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+115 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 123.76009 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+116 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+116 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 16.916220 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+117 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+117 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 11.796970 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+118 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+118 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 60.096237 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+119 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+119 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 80.351204 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+120 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+120 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 7.3452282 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+121 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+121 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 2.0032892 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+122 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+122 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 8.0127726 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+123 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+123 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.2225803 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+124 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+124 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 8.4578123 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+125 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+125 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.8901801 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+126 ![XIMAGE> read_image 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_sky.fits+126 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMA Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1.7800249 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> crop/xp=500.473531/yp=500.500000/size=50 Overwriting input map ![XIMAGE> write_ima/file=\"3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_expo.fits\" Writing a FITS format image Writing FITS file: 3065_tmp_nuexpomap/3064tmp_expo.fits 2500 records written to file ![XIMAGE> quit ![XIMAGE> exit Tk startup failed: /xtk device unavailable nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: '3064tmp_expo.fits' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuexpomap_0.2.5: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_oa.fits file. nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=3064tmp_psf_2.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=3064tmp_psf_2.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=3064tmp_psf_2.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_2.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_2.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_2.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_2.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_2.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_2.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_2.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_2.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_2.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_0.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@3064tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=3064tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuA2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=3064tmp_psf_1.fits transform=3064tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/ file. nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' file. nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: NULCCO keyword not found or set to FALSE nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: RATE_ORIG column will be added and filled nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: in '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' file. nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: ERROR_ORIG column will be added and filled nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: in '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' file. nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulccorr_0.1.8: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: 'nulccorr' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' updated. nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: Running 'lcurve' nuproducts_0.3.2: Command: lcurve nser=1 window=- dtnb=INDEF nbint=INDEF outfile=2902.flc plot=yes plotdev=2902_lc.gif/gif plotfile=2902_tmp_nuproducts/nu90701312002A01_lcurve.pco tchat=5 lcurve 1.0 (xronos6.0) Minimum Newbin Time 10.000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 5669 Default Newbin Time is: 110.84474 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Default Newbins per Interval are: 512 (giving 1 Interval of 512 Newbins) 512 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: 'lcurve' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_lc.gif' created. nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: Running 'ximage' nuproducts_0.3.2: Command: ximage @2902_tmp_nuproducts/nu90701312002A01_ximage.xco No of detectors read in: 34 ![XIMAGE> chat 0 ![XIMAGE> read/size=600 2902_tmp_nuproducts/2902_sk.img ![XIMAGE> cey 2000 ![XIMAGE> cpd 2902_im.gif/gif ![XIMAGE> disp ![XIMAGE> grid ![XIMAGE> vplabel/bottom/margin=4.5 {Hea_11Aug2020_V6.28_nustardas_19Jun20_v2.0.0, CALDB 20210210} ![XIMAGE> cpd /xtk ![XIMAGE> quit ![XIMAGE> exit Tk startup failed: /xtk device unavailable nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: 'ximage' exit with success. Created '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_im.gif' image nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: Running 'numkrmf' nuproducts_0.3.2: Command: numkrmf grprmffile=CALDB srcregionfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_src.reg outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_sr.rmf usrgtifile=NONE chatter=3 clobber=yes infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt history=yes cmprmf=yes rmfdir=CALDB --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'numkrmf_0.1.8' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt' Name of the input source region file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_src.reg' Name of the output RMF file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_sr.rmf' Name of the input RMF Grouping file :'CALDB' --------------------------------------------------------------------- numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_sr.rmf' file exists, numkrmf_0.1.8: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the numkrmf_0.1.8: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_sr.rmf' file will be overwritten. numkrmf_0.1.8: Warning: CalGetFileName: There are 2 files which match selection criteria. numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: executing 'xselect @6381tmp_srcevt.xco' ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel2902] xsel6381 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/6381_tmp_numkrmf/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/6381_tmp_numkrmf/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/6381_tmp_numkrmf/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt[regfilter("xsel6381_region.xsl",X,Y)] 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 525 525 0 0 0 0 Writing events file 525 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 525 525 0 0 0 0 in 44061. seconds Wrote events list to file ./6381tmp_evt.fits !xsel6381:SUZAKU > read eve nu90701312002A01_cl.evt !> Enter the Event file dir >[2902_tmp_nuproducts/] ./6381_tmp_numkrmf/ !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] !xsel6381:NUSTAR-FPMA > set xyname X Y !xsel6381:NUSTAR-FPMA > filter region 6381_tmp_numkrmf/nu90701312002A01_src.reg !xsel6381:NUSTAR-FPMA > extract events copyall=yes !xsel6381:NUSTAR-FPMA > save events ./6381tmp_evt.fits !> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] no !xsel6381:NUSTAR-FPMA > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/cpf/rmf/nuAcutgrprmf20100101v002.fits' file for RMF Grouping data of detector DET0. numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/cpf/rmf/nuAcutgrprmf20100101v002.fits' file for RMF Grouping data of detector DET1. numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/cpf/rmf/nuAcutgrprmf20100101v002.fits' file for RMF Grouping data of detector DET2. numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/cpf/rmf/nuAcutgrprmf20100101v002.fits' file for RMF Grouping data of detector DET3. numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: executing 'addrmf list=@6381tmp_rmflist.txt rmffile=6381_tmp_numkrmf/nu90701312002A01_sr.rmf' addrmf v1.23 Summing ... 8.743E-01 * /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/cpf/rmf/nuAcutdet0_20100101v001.rmf 1.257E-01 * /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/cpf/rmf/nuAcutdet1_20100101v001.rmf RMF # 1 : /home/nustar1/SOC/CAL 0.87429 NuSTAR FPMA DET0 NONE PI RMF # 2 : /home/nustar1/SOC/CAL 0.12571 NuSTAR FPMA DET1 NONE PI ... using rdrmf5 1.3.3 WARNING - rdrmf5 1.3.3: Problem reading FILTER keyword ... fitsio 3.490 error message: keyword not found in header WARNING - rdrmf5 1.3.3: Problem reading LO_THRES keyword ... fitsio 3.490 error message: keyword not found in header ... read all the keywords ... reading the data ... successfully read RSP_MATRIX data ... using rdrmf5 1.3.3 WARNING - rdrmf5 1.3.3: Problem reading FILTER keyword ... fitsio 3.490 error message: keyword not found in header WARNING - rdrmf5 1.3.3: Problem reading LO_THRES keyword ... fitsio 3.490 error message: keyword not found in header ... read all the keywords ... reading the data ... successfully read RSP_MATRIX data ... using wtrmf5 1.5.0 ... new extension created ... Max # elements in F_CHAN & N_CHAN arrays = 391 ... Max # elements in MATRIX array = 3405 ... Using Fixed length array for MATRIX column ... written the extension header keywords ... written the OGIP required keywords ... written the history keywords ... written the comment keywords ... defined the data structure ... successfully written RSP_MATRIX data numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: executing 'cmprmf infile=6381_tmp_numkrmf/nu90701312002A01_sr.rmf outfile=6381_tmp_numkrmf/nu90701312002A01_sr.rmf threshold=1e-9 clobber=yes' cmprmf v1.04 12 Dec 2018 numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: executing 'fchecksum infile=6381_tmp_numkrmf/nu90701312002A01_sr.rmf update=yes' Checksum keywords updated successfully. --------------------------------------------------------------------- numkrmf_0.1.8: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: 'numkrmf' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_sr.rmf' created. nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: Running 'xspec' nuproducts_0.3.2: Command: xspec - 2902_tmp_nuproducts/nu90701312002A01_xspec.xcm ***Warning: You do not have an up-to-date version of Xspec.init in your ~/.xspec directory. It is recommended that you move your old Xspec.init aside and start up XSPEC again. This will place a new version Xspec.init in your directory, which you may then modify using your old settings. XSPEC version: 12.11.1 Build Date/Time: Thu Aug 13 14:32:09 2020 Executing script file "2902_tmp_nuproducts/nu90701312002A01_xspec.xcm" ... !XSPEC12>chatter 5 !XSPEC12>data 2902_phafile.pha !XSPEC12>response 2902_tmp_nuproducts/2902.rmf !XSPEC12>setplot energy !XSPEC12>ignore **-3. 79.-** !XSPEC12>setplot rebin 10 100 !XSPEC12>setplot command " cpd 2902_ph.gif/gif" !XSPEC12>setplot command "time off" !XSPEC12>setplot command "la t Energy spectrum (nu90701312002A01_sr.pha)" !XSPEC12>setplot command "la ot Hea_11Aug2020_V6.28_nustardas_19Jun20_v2.0.0, CALDB 20210210" !XSPEC12>setplot command "la f" !XSPEC12>plot ldata !XSPEC12>quit !XSPEC12>::tclreadline::readline write /users/nustar/.xspec/xspec.hty XSPEC: quit !XSPEC12>tclexit nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: 'xspec' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_ph.gif' created. ---------------------------------------------------------- nuproducts_0.3.2: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuproducts' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt' products and images created. ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Stage III: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt' products and images created. ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Copying OBEB HK File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/' in '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Copying Level 1 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_uf/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' in '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Stage I: Calibrating '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuflagbad' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuflagbad history=yes infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt bpfile=CALDB outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp dispixfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002B_dspx.fits clobber=yes userbpfile=NONE chatter=3 outbpfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_bp.fits --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nuflagbad_0.1.7' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' Name of the output Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' Name of the input on-board disabled pixel file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002B_dspx.fits' Name of the input on-ground bad pixel file :'CALDB' Name of the input user bad pixel file :'NONE' Name of the output Bad Pixel file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_bp.fits' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_bp.fits' file exists, nuflagbad_0.1.7: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the nuflagbad_0.1.7: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_bp.fits' file will be overwritten. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/badpix/nuBbadpix20100101v004.fits' file for on-ground bad pixel data of detector DET0. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/badpix/nuBbadpix20100101v004.fits' file for on-ground bad pixel data of detector DET1. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/badpix/nuBbadpix20100101v004.fits' file for on-ground bad pixel data of detector DET2. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/badpix/nuBbadpix20100101v004.fits' file for on-ground bad pixel data of detector DET3. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002B_dspx.fits' file for on-board disabled pixel data of detector DET0. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002B_dspx.fits' file for on-board disabled pixel data of detector DET1. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002B_dspx.fits' file for on-board disabled pixel data of detector DET2. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/nu90701312002B_dspx.fits' file for on-board disabled pixel data of detector DET3. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' file. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' file successfully written. nuflagbad_0.1.7: Info: Creating output bad pixel file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuflagbad_0.1.7: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuflagbad' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' updated nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuhotpix' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuhotpix iterate=yes impfac=1.0 bthresh=6 chatter=3 cleanflick=yes outhpfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_hp.fits clobber=yes binsize=600 history=yes logpos=-6 cellsize=5 infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nuhotpix_0.1.6' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' Name of the output Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' Name of the output Hot Pixel file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_hp.fits' Bin size (seconds) for count image generation :'600.000000' Search and flag flickering pixels? : yes Iterate the search : yes --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_hp.fits' file exists, nuhotpix_0.1.6: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the nuhotpix_0.1.6: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_hp.fits' file will be overwritten. nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' file. nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353976903.000000 - 353977503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=14 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353977503.000000 - 353978103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy= 6 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 6 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=29 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353978103.000000 - 353978703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353978703.000000 - 353979303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 9 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353979303.000000 - 353979903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=25 rawy= 9 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=20 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353979903.000000 - 353980503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 5 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353980503.000000 - 353981103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 1 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353981103.000000 - 353981703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 2 rawy=30 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=12 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353981703.000000 - 353982303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 5 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=23 rawy= 3 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353982303.000000 - 353982903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy= 6 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353982903.000000 - 353983503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353983503.000000 - 353984103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353984103.000000 - 353984703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353984703.000000 - 353985303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=19 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353985303.000000 - 353985903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=29 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353985903.000000 - 353986503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 2 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 2 rawy=15 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353986503.000000 - 353987103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy=13 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353987103.000000 - 353987703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=24 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 1 rawy=13 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy= 6 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353987703.000000 - 353988303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=24 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=29 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353988303.000000 - 353988903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy= 1 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy= 8 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=15 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 1 rawy= 9 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353988903.000000 - 353989503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy=13 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=29 rawy=23 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353989503.000000 - 353990103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 9 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=23 rawy= 3 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353990103.000000 - 353990703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353990703.000000 - 353991303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 9 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353991303.000000 - 353991903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353991903.000000 - 353992503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353992503.000000 - 353993103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 1 rawy= 9 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=24 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 2 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353993103.000000 - 353993703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy= 5 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353993703.000000 - 353994303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=28 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=13 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=29 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353994303.000000 - 353994903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=14 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353994903.000000 - 353995503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy= 3 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353995503.000000 - 353996103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy=13 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353996103.000000 - 353996703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=23 rawy=29 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353996703.000000 - 353997303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353997303.000000 - 353997903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=24 rawy= 5 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy= 9 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 1 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353997903.000000 - 353998503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=29 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353998503.000000 - 353999103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 1 rawy= 8 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353999103.000000 - 353999703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=16 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy= 9 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [353999703.000000 - 354000303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=19 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=17 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=19 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=28 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=17 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354000303.000000 - 354000903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354000903.000000 - 354001503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=12 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=23 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 2 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354001503.000000 - 354002103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=26 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=21 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy= 1 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 9 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=29 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354002103.000000 - 354002703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy= 1 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354002703.000000 - 354003303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354003303.000000 - 354003903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy= 9 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354003903.000000 - 354004503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 1 rawy= 9 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354004503.000000 - 354005103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354005103.000000 - 354005703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354005703.000000 - 354006303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=13 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354006303.000000 - 354006903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 5 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354006903.000000 - 354007503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 2 rawy= 6 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354007503.000000 - 354008103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy= 1 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=28 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354008103.000000 - 354008703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354008703.000000 - 354009303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 9 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354009303.000000 - 354009903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=30 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=29 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354009903.000000 - 354010503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354010503.000000 - 354011103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 6 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=29 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354011103.000000 - 354011703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354011703.000000 - 354012303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=30 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354012303.000000 - 354012903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354012903.000000 - 354013503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy= 6 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=14 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354013503.000000 - 354014103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy= 2 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=28 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy= 3 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354014103.000000 - 354014703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=29 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354014703.000000 - 354015303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=23 rawy=18 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354015303.000000 - 354015903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy= 2 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=29 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354015903.000000 - 354016503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354016503.000000 - 354017103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=30 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy= 9 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354017103.000000 - 354017703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 7 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=31 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354017703.000000 - 354018303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354018303.000000 - 354018903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 5 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=22 rawy=15 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=26 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354018903.000000 - 354019503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=11 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=18 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354019503.000000 - 354020103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=26 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 9 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354020103.000000 - 354020703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354020703.000000 - 354021303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354021303.000000 - 354021903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354021903.000000 - 354022503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354022503.000000 - 354023103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354023103.000000 - 354023703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=30 rawy=12 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy= 0 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354023703.000000 - 354024303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 5 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 1 rawy=13 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354024303.000000 - 354024903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=20 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy= 6 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354024903.000000 - 354025503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy= 0 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=25 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354025503.000000 - 354026103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=24 rawy= 2 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354026103.000000 - 354026703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=30 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354026703.000000 - 354027303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354027303.000000 - 354027903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=14 rawy=29 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=22 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354027903.000000 - 354028503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=17 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=19 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=17 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=19 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy= 6 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=18 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=17 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=18 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=19 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=18 det_id=0 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy= 1 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=23 rawy= 3 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354028503.000000 - 354029103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=22 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 1 rawy=15 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354029103.000000 - 354029703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy=13 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354029703.000000 - 354030303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354030303.000000 - 354030903.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=16 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy= 6 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 2 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy= 5 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 0 rawy= 5 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354030903.000000 - 354031503.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354031503.000000 - 354032103.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=25 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354032103.000000 - 354032703.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=12 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354032703.000000 - 354033303.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy=10 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 7 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=31 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy= 2 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=25 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=12 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 3 rawy=27 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=19 rawy=30 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=14 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=17 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating count maps for events with TIME included in [354033303.000000 - 354033603.000000] nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy= 8 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=13 rawy=27 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=16 rawy=22 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=27 rawy=29 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=18 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=20 det_id=2 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 6 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 9 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=10 rawy= 5 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=15 rawy= 6 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=17 rawy= 4 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=18 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=12 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=20 rawy=16 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=26 rawy=10 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Found Hot Pixel in rawx=31 rawy=21 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=11 rawy=30 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=18 rawy=14 det_id=1 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 4 rawy= 1 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx= 8 rawy= 8 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=21 rawy=24 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Iter 1 Found Hot Pixel in rawx=24 rawy=23 det_id=3 nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' file successfully written. nuhotpix_0.1.6: Info: Creating output hot pixel file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuhotpix_0.1.6: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuhotpix' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' updated nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nucalcpha' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nucalcpha phaparfile=CALDB offsetfile=CALDB gradefile=CALDB chatter=3 clobber=yes cleancols=no evtthr=55 history=yes infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt timerise=0.0016 outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nucalcpha_0.2.1' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' Name of the output Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' Name of the input Offset file :'CALDB' Name of the input Grade file :'CALDB' Name of the input PHAPAR file :'CALDB' Delete temporary columns : no --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/grade/nuCgrade20100101v002.fits' file. nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/cap_offset/nuBoffset20100101v001.fits' file. nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBphapar20100101v001.fits' file for PHAPAR data of detector DET0. nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBphapar20100101v001.fits' file for PHAPAR data of detector DET1. nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBphapar20100101v001.fits' file for PHAPAR data of detector DET2. nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBphapar20100101v001.fits' file for PHAPAR data of detector DET3. nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' file. --------------------------------------------------- nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: NuSTAR GRADES nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events 664279 nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 0 86231 12.9811% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 1 12662 1.9061% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 2 7950 1.1968% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 3 10575 1.5920% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 4 9162 1.3792% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 5 598 0.0900% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 6 547 0.0823% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 7 744 0.1120% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 8 876 0.1319% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 9 824 0.1240% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 10 727 0.1094% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 11 786 0.1183% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 12 1006 0.1514% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 13 221 0.0333% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 14 228 0.0343% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 15 255 0.0384% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 16 268 0.0403% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 17 255 0.0384% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 18 235 0.0354% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 19 277 0.0417% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 20 328 0.0494% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 21 740 0.1114% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 22 816 0.1228% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 23 804 0.1210% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 24 844 0.1271% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 25 788 0.1186% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 26 286 0.0431% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 27 74 0.0111% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 28 47 0.0071% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 29 63 0.0095% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 30 50 0.0075% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 31 92 0.0138% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: Total events with grade 32 524920 79.0210% nucalcpha_0.2.1: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcpha_0.2.1: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nucalcpha' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' updated nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nucalcpi' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nucalcpi chatter=3 clcfilterfile=CALDB temperature=5 infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt clcfile=CALDB gainfile=CALDB outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp history=yes hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ clobber=yes --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nucalcpi_0.2.1' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' Name of the input HK Header file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/' Name of the input GAIN file :'CALDB' Name of the output Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' file. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ file. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/gain/nuBgain20100101v008.fits' file for gain data of detector DET0. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/gain/nuBgain20100101v008.fits' file for gain data of detector DET1. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/gain/nuBgain20100101v008.fits' file for gain data of detector DET2. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/gain/nuBgain20100101v008.fits' file for gain data of detector DET3. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/clc/nuBclc20100101v004.fits' file for charge loss correction data of detector DET0. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/clc/nuBclc20100101v004.fits' file for charge loss correction data of detector DET1. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/clc/nuBclc20100101v004.fits' file for charge loss correction data of detector DET2. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/clc/nuBclc20100101v004.fits' file for charge loss correction data of detector DET3. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/clc/nuCclcfilter20100101v001.fits file. nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.317198 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.404543 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.430459 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.665812 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.853978 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.919019 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.921413 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.924274 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.927001 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976903.929691 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.000291 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.244644 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.307930 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.392674 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.402906 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.434864 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.534841 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.550321 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.575858 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.617704 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.638436 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.641035 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.643735 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.676908 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.700079 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.735266 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.847818 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Warning: TIME=353976904.952587 not included in HK input file (using the TEMP values of the first row!) nucalcpi_0.2.1: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcpi_0.2.1: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nucalcpi' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' updated nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuflagevt' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuflagevt depthcutfile=CALDB clobber=yes history=yes evtcutfile=CALDB outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt chatter=3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nuflagevt_0.1.3' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' Name of the output Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET0_SINGLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET1_SINGLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET2_SINGLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET3_SINGLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET0_DOUBLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET1_DOUBLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET2_DOUBLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBdepthcut20100101v004.fits' file for depth cut data of detector DET3_DOUBLE. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBevtcut20100101v001.fits' file for event cut data of detector DET0. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBevtcut20100101v001.fits' file for event cut data of detector DET1. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBevtcut20100101v001.fits' file for event cut data of detector DET2. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBevtcut20100101v001.fits' file for event cut data of detector DET3. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' file. nuflagevt_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuflagevt_0.1.3: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuflagevt' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' updated nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nucoord' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nucoord attinterpol=LINEAR history=yes alignfile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits det1xref=350 mastaspectfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits timemargin=32. pntra=351.1989375 clobber=yes optaxisfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_oa.fits det1reffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_det1.fits det1yref=350 randomizecoordinator=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt follow_sun=yes pntdec=61.18745 teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef seedcoordinator=-1956 aberration=no initseed=no attfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits pixposfile=CALDB chatter=3 -------------------------------------------------------------- Running ' nucoord version 0.1.8 ' -------------------------------------------------------------- nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Name of the Input Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Name of the Output Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' -------------------------------------------------------------- nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Copying input file to '7125_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Computing DET1 and DET2 coordinates nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Running 'nucalcpos' nucoord_0.1.8: Command: nucalcpos saveraw2coord=no chatter=3 initseed=no outfile=7125_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002B_uf.7125tmp alignfile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits infile=7125_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp clobber=yes pixposfile=CALDB history=yes mastaspectfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nucalcpos_0.2.3' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'7125_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' Name of the output Event file :'7125_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002B_uf.7125tmp' Name of the input pixel location file :'CALDB' Name of the input Alignment File :'/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits' Name of the input Mast Aspect Solution File :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcpos_0.2.3: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits file. nucalcpos_0.2.3: Info: Processing '7125_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' file. nucalcpos_0.2.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuBpixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET0. nucalcpos_0.2.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuBpixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET1. nucalcpos_0.2.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuBpixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET2. nucalcpos_0.2.3: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuBpixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET3. nucalcpos_0.2.3: Info: '7125_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002B_uf.7125tmp' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcpos_0.2.3: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucoord_0.1.8: Info: 'nucalcpos' exit with success. DET1 and DET2 coordinates computed. nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Computing X and Y coordinates nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Running 'coordinator' nucoord_0.1.8: Command: coordinator ra=351.1989375 dec=61.18745 interpolation=LINEAR follow_sun=yes skyxnull=-1 history=yes seed=-1956 randomize=yes eventext=EVENTS attfile=7125_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002_att.fits eventfile=7125_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp timecol=TIME teldef=7125_tmp_nucoord/nuB20100101v002.teldef skyynull=-1 chatter=3 aberration=no timemargin=32. using LINEAR interpolation for aspecting 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 0% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 1% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 2% done 3% done 3% done 3% done 3% done 3% done 3% 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done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 94% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 95% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 96% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 97% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 98% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 99% done 100% done nucoord_0.1.8: Info: 'coordinator' exit with success. X and Y coordinates computed. nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Moving temporary file '7125_tmp_nucoord/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' to output file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Output Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.30012tmp' successfully written. nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Creating Optical Axis File nucoord_0.1.8: Info: Running 'nuskypos' nucoord_0.1.8: Command: nuskypos det1xref=350 alignfile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits aberration=no pntra=351.1989375 chatter=3 initseed=no pntdec=61.18745 teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef instrument=FPMB det1yref=350 optaxisfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_oa.fits attfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits mastaspectfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits history=yes det1reffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_det1.fits clobber=yes --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nuskypos_0.1.3' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuskypos_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_oa.fits' file exists, nuskypos_0.1.3: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the nuskypos_0.1.3: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_oa.fits' file will be overwritten. nuskypos_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_det1.fits' file exists, nuskypos_0.1.3: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the nuskypos_0.1.3: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_det1.fits' file will be overwritten. nuskypos_0.1.3: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits file. nuskypos_0.1.3: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits file. nuskypos_0.1.3: Warning: No mast aspect data for TIME=353976903.000000 , not computing Aperture Stop columns. nuskypos_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_oa.fits' file successfully written. nuskypos_0.1.3: Warning: No mast aspect data for TIME=353976903.000000 excluding this row from DET2 calculation nuskypos_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_det1.fits' file successfully written. nucoord_0.1.8: Info: 'nuskypos' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_oa.fits' Optical Axis File created. ---------------------------------------------------------- nucoord_0.1.8: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nucoord' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' updated ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Stage I: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' calibrated. ============================================================ ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Stage II: Screening '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nucalcsaa' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nucalcsaa tentaclerms=4.5 tentacleregcut=yes evtexpr="STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0&&GRADE.LE.26" tentacle=no evtfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ saaparfile=CALDB history=yes saamode=NONE optimizedsanitychecks=yes orbitfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/auxil/nu90701312002_orb.fits tentaclesanitychecks=yes saacalc=3 optimizedrms=4.5 eliminatesource=yes chatter=3 clobber=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/ sourcethr=4.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nucalcsaa_0.1.7' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Housekeeping file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/' Name of the input Orbit file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/auxil/nu90701312002_orb.fits' Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' Name of the output Housekeeping file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' SAA calculation algorithm ('1'=v1; '2'=v2; '3'=v3) :'3' SAA removal function mode :'NONE' New Optimized SAA filtering RMS threshold :'4.500000' New Tentacle SAA filtering RMS threshold :'4.500000' Eliminate the source for events rate estimation : yes Sigma upper limit cut-off for source elimination :'4.000000' Apply Longitude restriction for new tentacle calculation : yes Perform Sanity Checks for new optimized SAA calculation : yes Perform Sanity Checks for new Tentacle SAA calculation : yes --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' file exists, nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' file will be overwritten. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: global.par.saaparfile = '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuCsaapar20100101v003.fits'. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: global.par.hkfile = '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/'. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuCsaapar20100101v003.fits file. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: SAANEW Extension 'SAANEW' nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: TENTACLENEW Extension 'TENTACLENEW' nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: 'SHIELD' column found in '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' file. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: Creating '7891_tmp_nucalcsaa/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' symbolic link to input event file. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: Processing 7891_tmp_nucalcsaa/nu90701312002B_uf.evt file. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: FPM'/' nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: hknrows = 56700 nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: evtnrows = 664279. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: orbitnrows = 56700 nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: SW_SAA column will be added and filled nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: in output file. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: SW_TENTACLE column will be added and filled nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: in output file. nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nucalcsaa_0.1.7: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nucalcsaa' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf' filter file created. nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nufilter' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nufilter gtiexpr="NONE" pntra=351.1989375 nonulls=yes origin=NASA/GSFC mkfconfigfile=CALDB rigfile=$HEADAS/refdata/ history=yes hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/ leapfile=$HEADAS/refdata/leapsec.fits cebhkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ chatter=3 interval=1 attfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits preconfigfile=CALDB attorbfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.attorb teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef pntdec=61.18745 orbitfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/auxil/nu90701312002_orb.fits outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl tlefile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/auxil/NUSTAR_TLE_ARCHIVE.txt.2021080 tlemode=TLE_TEXT2 mkffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf psdcorfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits clobber=yes -------------------------------------------------------------- Running ' nufilter version 0.1.6 ' -------------------------------------------------------------- nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Running 'prefilter' nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Prefilter Attitude Orbit output will be /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.attorb nufilter_0.1.6: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPM - - PRECONF NOW - "-" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuCpreconf20100101v001.fits 1 nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Using FITS PRECONF File from CALDB: nufilter_0.1.6: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuCpreconf20100101v001.fits' extension '1' nufilter_0.1.6: Command: prefilter timeadj=DEFAULT history=yes orbmode=TLE_TEXT2 ranom=351.1989375 rigname=/home/nustar1/ran/heasoft-6.28/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-libc2.27/refdata/ origin=NASA/GSFC chatter=3 interval=1 start=353976903. leapname=/home/nustar1/ran/heasoft-6.28/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-libc2.27/refdata/leapsec.fits decnom=61.18745 orbname=8123_tmp_nufilter/NUSTAR_TLE_ARCHIVE.txt.2021080 columns="TIME POSITION VELOCITY QUATERNION PNTUNIT POLAR SAT_ALT SAT_LAT SAT_LON RA DEC ROLL ELV BR_EARTH FOV_FLAG SUNSHINE SUN_ANGLE MOON_ANGLE RAM_ANGLE ANG_DIST COR_ASCA COR_SAX MCILWAIN_L SAA SAA_TIME " outname=8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb clobber=yes attname=8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_att.fits alignfile=8123_tmp_nufilter/nuB20100101v002.teldef end=354033603. missepoch=2010-01-01T00:00:00.000 monitor: 2010-01-01T00:00:00.000 => mjd[utc]=55197.000000000000 str=10/01/01 00:00:00.000000 status: no special handling for TELESCOP 'NuSTAR' status: derived time offset -3.000000 from leap seconds nufilter_0.1.6: Info: 'prefilter' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.attorb' created nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Create an ASCII Makefilter configuration file nufilter_0.1.6: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPM - - MKFCONF NOW - "-" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuCmkfconf20100101v005.fits 1 nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Using FITS Makefilter Configuration File from CALDB: nufilter_0.1.6: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuCmkfconf20100101v005.fits' extension '1' nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Created '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_mkf.conf' file nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Makefilter output will be /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf nufilter_0.1.6: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf' file exists, nufilter_0.1.6: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the nufilter_0.1.6: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf' file will be overwritten. nufilter_0.1.6: Info: Running 'makefilter' nufilter_0.1.6: Command: makefilter chatter=3 clobber=yes history=yes infileroot="" mission=NuSTAR outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf configure=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_mkf.conf Reading ASCII configuration file /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_mkf.conf Config: OCCULTED 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Opening 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] File 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] TSTART=353976903.00000000000000 TSTOP=354033603.00000000000000 Warning: column OCCULTED in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: SAA 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Warning: column SAA in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: SAA_A 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Warning: column SAA_A in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: SAA_B 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Warning: column SAA_B in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: GEOCOR 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Config: DAY 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Warning: column DAY in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: SLEW 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Warning: column SLEW in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: ORBIT 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits ORBIT D D % Warning: column ORBIT in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_orb.fits[ORBIT] has no TNULL keyword Will use -2147483648 for TNULL Config: SOURCE 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_att.fits ATTITUDE D D % Opening 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_att.fits[ATTITUDE] File 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_att.fits[ATTITUDE] TSTART=353976903.00000000000000 TSTOP=354033603.00000000000000 Warning: column SOURCE in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_att.fits[ATTITUDE] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: RESIDUAL 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_att.fits ATTITUDE D D % Warning: column RESIDUAL in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_att.fits[ATTITUDE] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: LIVETIME 8123_tmp_nufilter/ HK1FPM D D % Opening 8123_tmp_nufilter/[HK1FPM] File 8123_tmp_nufilter/[HK1FPM] TSTART=353976903.00000000000000 TSTOP=354033603.00000000000000 Config: SHLDLO 8123_tmp_nufilter/ HK1FPM D D % Warning: column SHLDLO in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/[HK1FPM] has no TNULL keyword Will use -2147483648 for TNULL Config: SHLDHI 8123_tmp_nufilter/ HK1FPM D D % Warning: column SHLDHI in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/[HK1FPM] has no TNULL keyword Will use -2147483648 for TNULL Config: SW_SAA 8123_tmp_nufilter/ HK1FPM D D % Warning: column SW_SAA in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/[HK1FPM] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: SW_TENTACLE 8123_tmp_nufilter/ HK1FPM D D % Warning: column SW_TENTACLE in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/[HK1FPM] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: CAL0STAT 8123_tmp_nufilter/ HK4CEB D D % Opening 8123_tmp_nufilter/[HK4CEB] File 8123_tmp_nufilter/[HK4CEB] TSTART=353976903.00000000000000 TSTOP=354033603.00000000000000 Warning: column CAL0STAT in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/[HK4CEB] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: CAL1STAT 8123_tmp_nufilter/ HK4CEB D D % Warning: column CAL1STAT in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/[HK4CEB] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: X0_INT 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits PSDPOS D D % Opening 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits[PSDPOS] File 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits[PSDPOS] TSTART=353976903.00000000000000 TSTOP=354033603.00000000000000 Config: Y0_INT 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits PSDPOS D D % Config: X1_INT 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits PSDPOS D D % Config: Y1_INT 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits PSDPOS D D % Config: METGRID_FLAG 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits PSDPOS D D % Warning: column METGRID_FLAG in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002_psdcorr.fits[PSDPOS] has no TNULL keyword Will use 255 for TNULL Config: ANG_DIST 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb PREFILTER D D % Opening 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb[PREFILTER] File 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb[PREFILTER] TSTART=353976903.00000000000000 TSTOP=354033603.00000000000000 Config: RA 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: DEC 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: ROLL 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: ELV 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: BR_EARTH 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: COR_SAX 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: FOV_FLAG 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: MCILWAIN_L 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: MOON_ANGLE 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: RAM_ANGLE 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: SAA 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb PREFILTER D D SAA_PREFILTER Warning: column SAA in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb[PREFILTER] has no TNULL keyword Will use -32768 for TNULL Config: SUNSHINE 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb PREFILTER D D % Warning: column SUNSHINE in file 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb[PREFILTER] has no TNULL keyword Will use -32768 for TNULL Config: SUN_ANGLE 8123_tmp_nufilter/nu90701312002B.attorb PREFILTER D D % Config: nufilter_0.1.6: Info: 'makefilter' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf' created nufilter_0.1.6: Command: ftstat nsigma=3 maxiter=20 clip=no centroid=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl8123ftstat.out infile='/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf[FILTER][col TIME]' nufilter_0.1.6: Command: pget ftstat null ---------------------------------------------------------- nufilter_0.1.6: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nufilter' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf' filter file created. nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuscreen' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuscreen hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ gtiscreen=yes evtrangefile=CALDB cleancols=no history=yes hkrangefile=CALDB gtiexpr=DEFAULT depthcut=NOMINAL gradeexpr=DEFAULT obsmode="SCIENCE" mkffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf clobber=yes timecol=TIME gtiext=GTI infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt usrgtifile=NONE createinstrgti=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt cleanup=yes createattgti=yes gtifile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_gti.fits statusexpr="DEFAULT" outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl evtscreen=yes chatter=3 nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: ftstat outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl8411ftstat.out centroid=yes maxiter=20 clip=no nsigma=3 infile='/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf[FILTER][col TIME]' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: pget ftstat null nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GTI file for TIME selection will be: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_gti.fits nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Using Maketime input file: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords not found in /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf file nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords of /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf file and event file are not consistent nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.ATTITUDE.and.OBSMODE.eq.01" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange01_20100101v007.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for ATTITUDE GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange01_20100101v007.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.INSTRUMENT.and.OBSMODE.eq.01" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange01_20100101v007.fits 2 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for INSTRUMENT GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange01_20100101v007.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' input: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' output: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_gti.fits' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'maketime' . nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Creating /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_gti.fits file using '"(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==1&&RESIDUAL<7)&&(CAL1STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)"' expression nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: maketime infile=8411_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B.mkf time=TIME prefr=0 clobber=yes postfr=0.999999 expr="(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==1&&RESIDUAL<7)&&(CAL1STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)" outfile=8411_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B01_gti.fits compact=no nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_gti.fits' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' input: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' output: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/psd-8411_gti.fits' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'maketime' . nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Creating /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/psd-8411_gti.fits file using '"(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==1&&RESIDUAL<7)&&(CAL1STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==1)"' expression nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: maketime infile=8411_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B.mkf time=TIME expr="(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==1&&RESIDUAL<7)&&(CAL1STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==1)" postfr=0.999999 clobber=yes prefr=0 compact=no outfile=8411_tmp_nuscreen/psd-8411_gti.fits nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/psd-8411_gti.fits' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - EVTRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DEPTHCUT.eq.NOMINAL" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBcutevtrange20100101v001.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Event Selection Expressions from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBcutevtrange20100101v001.fits' file HDU Number 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'gradeexpr' set to: '0-26' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'statusexpr' set to: 'STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'xselect' on '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME selection using GTIs from '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_gti.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE expression for 'xselect' selection: '"0-26"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: xselect @8411_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B01_nuscreen.xco ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel6381] xsel8411 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8411_tmp_nuscreen/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8411_tmp_nuscreen/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8411_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B_uf.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 664279 82890 23106 0 525246 33037 Writing events file 82890 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 664279 82890 23106 0 525246 33037 in 44073. seconds Command not found; type ? for a command listing Wrote events list to file 8411_tmp_nuscreen/xselect8411evt.flt Changing Data directory from: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8411_tmp_nuscreen/ to the current working directory. !xsel8411:SUZAKU > read event !> Enter the Event file dir >[./6381_tmp_numkrmf/] 8411_tmp_nuscreen !> Enter Event file list >[nu90701312002A01_cl.evt] nu90701312002B_uf.evt !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes !xsel8411:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter time file 8411_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B01_gti.fits !xsel8411:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter grade "0-26" !xsel8411:NUSTAR-FPMB > extract events copyall=yes !xsel8411:NUSTAR-FPMB > yes !xsel8411:NUSTAR-FPMB > save events 8411_tmp_nuscreen/xselect8411evt.flt !> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[no] yes !xsel8411:NUSTAR-FPMB > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Output file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/xselect8411evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: Cannot delete 'xautosav.xcm' temporary file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect keycopy=yes outfile=8411_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-8411evt.flt infile=8411_tmp_nuscreen/xselect8411evt.flt histkw=yes clobber=yes copyall=yes expr=".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fsel2425-8411evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '"STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect outfile=8411_tmp_nuscreen/fselect8411evt.flt keycopy=yes clobber=yes copyall=yes expr="STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0" histkw=yes infile=8411_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-8411evt.flt nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fselect8411evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Filtered event file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Selections applied: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME: "(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==1&&RESIDUAL<7)&&(CAL1STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE: "0-26" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: EVENT: STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'nulivetime' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: nulivetime clobber=yes hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ history=yes infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt outfile=NONE chatter=3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nulivetime_0.1.3' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt' Name of the input HK file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/' Name of the output Event file :'NONE' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ file. nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'nulivetime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt' updated ---------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuscreen' exit with success. Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt' created (Observing Mode '01'). nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuscreen' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuscreen evtscreen=yes chatter=3 createattgti=yes gtifile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B02_gti.fits statusexpr="DEFAULT" outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl timecol=TIME gtiext=GTI usrgtifile=NONE createinstrgti=yes infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt cleanup=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B02_cl.evt obsmode="OCCULTATION" clobber=yes mkffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf gtiexpr=DEFAULT depthcut=NOMINAL gradeexpr=DEFAULT hkrangefile=CALDB history=yes hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ gtiscreen=yes cleancols=no evtrangefile=CALDB nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: ftstat outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl8601ftstat.out maxiter=20 infile='/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf[FILTER][col TIME]' clip=no nsigma=3 centroid=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: pget ftstat null nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GTI file for TIME selection will be: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B02_gti.fits nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Using Maketime input file: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords not found in /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf file nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords of /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf file and event file are not consistent nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.ATTITUDE.and.OBSMODE.eq.02" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange02_20100101v005.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for ATTITUDE GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange02_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.INSTRUMENT.and.OBSMODE.eq.02" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange02_20100101v005.fits 2 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for INSTRUMENT GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange02_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' input: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' output: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B02_gti.fits' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'maketime' . nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Creating /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B02_gti.fits file using '"(ELV<=3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(CAL1STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)"' expression nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: maketime infile=8601_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B.mkf expr="(ELV<=3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(CAL1STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)" outfile=8601_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B02_gti.fits postfr=0.999999 prefr=0 clobber=yes time=TIME compact=no nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B02_gti.fits' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - EVTRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DEPTHCUT.eq.NOMINAL" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBcutevtrange20100101v001.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Event Selection Expressions from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBcutevtrange20100101v001.fits' file HDU Number 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'gradeexpr' set to: '0-26' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'statusexpr' set to: 'STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'xselect' on '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME selection using GTIs from '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B02_gti.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE expression for 'xselect' selection: '"0-26"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: xselect @8601_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B02_nuscreen.xco ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel8411] xsel8601 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8601_tmp_nuscreen/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8601_tmp_nuscreen/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8601_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B_uf.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 664279 11309 122202 0 525246 5522 Writing events file 11309 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 664279 11309 122202 0 525246 5522 in 7235.0 seconds Command not found; type ? for a command listing Wrote events list to file 8601_tmp_nuscreen/xselect8601evt.flt Changing Data directory from: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8601_tmp_nuscreen/ to the current working directory. !xsel8601:SUZAKU > read event !> Enter the Event file dir >[8411_tmp_nuscreen] 8601_tmp_nuscreen !> Enter Event file list >[nu90701312002B_uf.evt] nu90701312002B_uf.evt !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes !xsel8601:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter time file 8601_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B02_gti.fits !xsel8601:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter grade "0-26" !xsel8601:NUSTAR-FPMB > extract events copyall=yes !xsel8601:NUSTAR-FPMB > yes !xsel8601:NUSTAR-FPMB > save events 8601_tmp_nuscreen/xselect8601evt.flt !> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] yes !xsel8601:NUSTAR-FPMB > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Output file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/xselect8601evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: Cannot delete 'xautosav.xcm' temporary file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect copyall=yes outfile=8601_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-8601evt.flt keycopy=yes histkw=yes expr=".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))" clobber=yes infile=8601_tmp_nuscreen/xselect8601evt.flt nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fsel2425-8601evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '"STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect outfile=8601_tmp_nuscreen/fselect8601evt.flt copyall=yes clobber=yes infile=8601_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-8601evt.flt expr="STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0" keycopy=yes histkw=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fselect8601evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Filtered event file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B02_cl.evt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Selections applied: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME: "(ELV<=3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(CAL1STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE: "0-26" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: EVENT: STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'nulivetime' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: nulivetime clobber=yes infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B02_cl.evt chatter=3 history=yes hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ outfile=NONE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nulivetime_0.1.3' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B02_cl.evt' Name of the input HK file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/' Name of the output Event file :'NONE' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ file. nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B02_cl.evt' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'nulivetime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B02_cl.evt' updated ---------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuscreen' exit with success. Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B02_cl.evt' created (Observing Mode '02'). nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuscreen' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuscreen chatter=3 evtscreen=yes createattgti=yes gtifile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B03_gti.fits statusexpr="DEFAULT" outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl gtiext=GTI infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt timecol=TIME usrgtifile=NONE createinstrgti=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B03_cl.evt cleanup=yes obsmode="SLEW" clobber=yes mkffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf gtiexpr=DEFAULT depthcut=NOMINAL gradeexpr=DEFAULT hkrangefile=CALDB history=yes gtiscreen=yes hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ cleancols=no evtrangefile=CALDB nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: ftstat infile='/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf[FILTER][col TIME]' nsigma=3 maxiter=20 clip=no centroid=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl8807ftstat.out nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: pget ftstat null nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GTI file for TIME selection will be: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B03_gti.fits nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Using Maketime input file: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords not found in /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf file nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords of /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf file and event file are not consistent nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.ATTITUDE.and.OBSMODE.eq.03" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange03_20100101v005.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for ATTITUDE GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange03_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.INSTRUMENT.and.OBSMODE.eq.03" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange03_20100101v005.fits 2 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for INSTRUMENT GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange03_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' input: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' output: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B03_gti.fits' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'maketime' . nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Creating /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B03_gti.fits file using '"(SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==1)&&(CAL1STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)"' expression nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: maketime clobber=yes outfile=8807_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B03_gti.fits compact=no infile=8807_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B.mkf time=TIME expr="(SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==1)&&(CAL1STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)" postfr=0.999999 prefr=0 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B03_gti.fits' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - EVTRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DEPTHCUT.eq.NOMINAL" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBcutevtrange20100101v001.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Event Selection Expressions from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBcutevtrange20100101v001.fits' file HDU Number 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'gradeexpr' set to: '0-26' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'statusexpr' set to: 'STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'xselect' on '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME selection using GTIs from '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B03_gti.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE expression for 'xselect' selection: '"0-26"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: xselect @8807_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B03_nuscreen.xco ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel8601] xsel8807 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8807_tmp_nuscreen/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8807_tmp_nuscreen/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8807_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B_uf.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 664279 25 138999 0 525246 9 Writing events file 25 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 664279 25 138999 0 525246 9 in 10.000 seconds Command not found; type ? for a command listing Wrote events list to file 8807_tmp_nuscreen/xselect8807evt.flt Changing Data directory from: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8807_tmp_nuscreen/ to the current working directory. !xsel8807:SUZAKU > read event !> Enter the Event file dir >[8601_tmp_nuscreen] 8807_tmp_nuscreen !> Enter Event file list >[nu90701312002B_uf.evt] nu90701312002B_uf.evt !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes !xsel8807:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter time file 8807_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B03_gti.fits !xsel8807:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter grade "0-26" !xsel8807:NUSTAR-FPMB > extract events copyall=yes !xsel8807:NUSTAR-FPMB > yes !xsel8807:NUSTAR-FPMB > save events 8807_tmp_nuscreen/xselect8807evt.flt !> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] yes !xsel8807:NUSTAR-FPMB > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Output file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/xselect8807evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: Cannot delete 'xautosav.xcm' temporary file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect keycopy=yes histkw=yes infile=8807_tmp_nuscreen/xselect8807evt.flt expr=".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))" clobber=yes outfile=8807_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-8807evt.flt copyall=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fsel2425-8807evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '"STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect histkw=yes keycopy=yes infile=8807_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-8807evt.flt expr="STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0" clobber=yes outfile=8807_tmp_nuscreen/fselect8807evt.flt copyall=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fselect8807evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Filtered event file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B03_cl.evt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Selections applied: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME: "(SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==1)&&(CAL1STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE: "0-26" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: EVENT: STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'nulivetime' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: nulivetime clobber=yes outfile=NONE chatter=3 history=yes hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B03_cl.evt --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nulivetime_0.1.3' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B03_cl.evt' Name of the input HK file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/' Name of the output Event file :'NONE' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ file. nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B03_cl.evt' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'nulivetime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B03_cl.evt' updated ---------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuscreen' exit with success. Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B03_cl.evt' created (Observing Mode '03'). nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuscreen' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuscreen hkrangefile=CALDB gradeexpr=DEFAULT depthcut=NOMINAL gtiexpr=DEFAULT cleancols=no evtrangefile=CALDB gtiscreen=yes hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ history=yes outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl statusexpr="DEFAULT" gtifile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B04_gti.fits createattgti=yes chatter=3 evtscreen=yes clobber=yes mkffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf obsmode="SAA" cleanup=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B04_cl.evt gtiext=GTI timecol=TIME infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt usrgtifile=NONE createinstrgti=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: ftstat outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl8997ftstat.out centroid=yes clip=no maxiter=20 infile='/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf[FILTER][col TIME]' nsigma=3 nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: pget ftstat null nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GTI file for TIME selection will be: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B04_gti.fits nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Using Maketime input file: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords not found in /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf file nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords of /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf file and event file are not consistent nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.ATTITUDE.and.OBSMODE.eq.04" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange04_20100101v005.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for ATTITUDE GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange04_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.INSTRUMENT.and.OBSMODE.eq.04" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange04_20100101v005.fits 2 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for INSTRUMENT GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange04_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' input: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' output: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B04_gti.fits' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'maketime' . nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Creating /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B04_gti.fits file using '"(SAA_A==1||SAA_B==1||SW_SAA==1||SW_TENTACLE==1)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(LIVETIME==0)"' expression nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: maketime outfile=8997_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B04_gti.fits postfr=0.999999 clobber=yes time=TIME prefr=0 expr="(SAA_A==1||SAA_B==1||SW_SAA==1||SW_TENTACLE==1)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(LIVETIME==0)" infile=8997_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B.mkf compact=no nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B04_gti.fits' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - EVTRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DEPTHCUT.eq.NOMINAL" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBcutevtrange20100101v001.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Event Selection Expressions from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBcutevtrange20100101v001.fits' file HDU Number 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'gradeexpr' set to: '0-26' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'statusexpr' set to: 'STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'xselect' on '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME selection using GTIs from '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B04_gti.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE expression for 'xselect' selection: '"0-26"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: xselect @8997_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B04_nuscreen.xco ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel8807] xsel8997 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8997_tmp_nuscreen/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8997_tmp_nuscreen/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8997_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B_uf.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 664279 0 139033 0 525246 0 Writing events file 0 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 664279 0 139033 0 525246 0 in 3614.0 seconds Command not found; type ? for a command listing Wrote events list to file 8997_tmp_nuscreen/xselect8997evt.flt Changing Data directory from: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/8997_tmp_nuscreen/ to the current working directory. !xsel8997:SUZAKU > read event !> Enter the Event file dir >[8807_tmp_nuscreen] 8997_tmp_nuscreen !> Enter Event file list >[nu90701312002B_uf.evt] nu90701312002B_uf.evt !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes !xsel8997:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter time file 8997_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B04_gti.fits !xsel8997:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter grade "0-26" !xsel8997:NUSTAR-FPMB > extract events copyall=yes !xsel8997:NUSTAR-FPMB > yes !xsel8997:NUSTAR-FPMB > save events 8997_tmp_nuscreen/xselect8997evt.flt !> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] yes !xsel8997:NUSTAR-FPMB > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Output file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/xselect8997evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: Cannot delete 'xautosav.xcm' temporary file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect clobber=yes histkw=yes infile=8997_tmp_nuscreen/xselect8997evt.flt expr=".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))" copyall=yes outfile=8997_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-8997evt.flt keycopy=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fsel2425-8997evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: output of event list screening is empty nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: no filtered event file generated for nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' event file ---------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuscreen' exit with success. WARNING No Level 2 Event File created (Observing Mode '04'). nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuscreen' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuscreen hkrangefile=CALDB gtiexpr=DEFAULT depthcut=NOMINAL gradeexpr=DEFAULT hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ gtiscreen=yes cleancols=no evtrangefile=CALDB history=yes createattgti=yes gtifile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B05_gti.fits statusexpr="DEFAULT" outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl evtscreen=yes chatter=3 obsmode="CALIBRATION" mkffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf clobber=yes timecol=TIME gtiext=GTI infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt usrgtifile=NONE createinstrgti=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B05_cl.evt cleanup=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: ftstat outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl9164ftstat.out maxiter=20 clip=no nsigma=3 infile='/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf[FILTER][col TIME]' centroid=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: pget ftstat null nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GTI file for TIME selection will be: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B05_gti.fits nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Using Maketime input file: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords not found in /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf file nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords of /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf file and event file are not consistent nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.ATTITUDE.and.OBSMODE.eq.05" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange05_20100101v005.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for ATTITUDE GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange05_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.INSTRUMENT.and.OBSMODE.eq.05" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange05_20100101v005.fits 2 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for INSTRUMENT GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange05_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' input: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' output: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B05_gti.fits' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'maketime' . nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Creating /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B05_gti.fits file using '"(SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0)&&(CAL1STAT==1&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)"' expression nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: maketime prefr=0 postfr=0.999999 expr="(SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0)&&(CAL1STAT==1&&LIVETIME>0)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)" compact=no clobber=yes infile=9164_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B.mkf time=TIME outfile=9164_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B05_gti.fits nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B05_gti.fits' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - EVTRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DEPTHCUT.eq.NOMINAL" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBcutevtrange20100101v001.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Event Selection Expressions from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBcutevtrange20100101v001.fits' file HDU Number 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'gradeexpr' set to: '0-26' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'statusexpr' set to: 'STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'xselect' on '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME selection using GTIs from '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B05_gti.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE expression for 'xselect' selection: '"0-26"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: xselect @9164_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B05_nuscreen.xco ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel8997] xsel9164 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/9164_tmp_nuscreen/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/9164_tmp_nuscreen/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/9164_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B_uf.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 664279 0 139033 0 525246 0 Writing events file 0 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 664279 0 139033 0 525246 0 in 0.0000 seconds Command not found; type ? for a command listing Wrote events list to file 9164_tmp_nuscreen/xselect9164evt.flt Changing Data directory from: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/9164_tmp_nuscreen/ to the current working directory. !xsel9164:SUZAKU > read event !> Enter the Event file dir >[8997_tmp_nuscreen] 9164_tmp_nuscreen !> Enter Event file list >[nu90701312002B_uf.evt] nu90701312002B_uf.evt !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes !xsel9164:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter time file 9164_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B05_gti.fits !xsel9164:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter grade "0-26" !xsel9164:NUSTAR-FPMB > extract events copyall=yes !xsel9164:NUSTAR-FPMB > yes !xsel9164:NUSTAR-FPMB > save events 9164_tmp_nuscreen/xselect9164evt.flt !> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] yes !xsel9164:NUSTAR-FPMB > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Output file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/xselect9164evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: Cannot delete 'xautosav.xcm' temporary file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect histkw=yes copyall=yes expr=".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))" clobber=yes infile=9164_tmp_nuscreen/xselect9164evt.flt keycopy=yes outfile=9164_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-9164evt.flt nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fsel2425-9164evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: output of event list screening is empty nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: no filtered event file generated for nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' event file ---------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuscreen' exit with success. WARNING No Level 2 Event File created (Observing Mode '05'). nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuscreen' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuscreen evtscreen=yes chatter=3 createattgti=yes gtifile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B06_gti.fits statusexpr="DEFAULT" outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl gtiext=GTI timecol=TIME usrgtifile=NONE createinstrgti=yes infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt cleanup=yes outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B06_cl.evt obsmode="SCIENCE_SC" clobber=yes mkffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf gtiexpr=DEFAULT depthcut=NOMINAL gradeexpr=DEFAULT hkrangefile=CALDB history=yes hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ gtiscreen=yes evtrangefile=CALDB cleancols=no nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: ftstat outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl9359ftstat.out nsigma=3 centroid=yes infile='/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf[FILTER][col TIME]' clip=no maxiter=20 nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: pget ftstat null nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GTI file for TIME selection will be: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B06_gti.fits nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Using Maketime input file: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords not found in /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf file nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: INSTRUME keywords of /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf file and event file are not consistent nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.ATTITUDE.and.OBSMODE.eq.06" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange06_20100101v005.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for ATTITUDE GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange06_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - HKRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DATA.eq.INSTRUMENT.and.OBSMODE.eq.06" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange06_20100101v005.fits 2 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Get Expression for INSTRUMENT GTIs selection from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBhkrange06_20100101v005.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' input: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B.mkf' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' output: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B06_gti.fits' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'maketime' . nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Creating /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B06_gti.fits file using '"(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==2)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(CAL1STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)"' expression nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: maketime prefr=0 postfr=0.999999 outfile=9359_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B06_gti.fits time=TIME infile=9359_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B.mkf expr="(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==2)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(CAL1STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)" compact=no clobber=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B06_gti.fits' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif NuSTAR FPMB - - EVTRANGE 2021-03-20 22:56:09 "DEPTHCUT.eq.NOMINAL" retrieve+ clobber=yes CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: CallQuzcif: Info:/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBcutevtrange20100101v001.fits 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Event Selection Expressions from nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrument/nuBcutevtrange20100101v001.fits' file HDU Number 1 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'gradeexpr' set to: '0-26' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Default 'statusexpr' set to: 'STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'xselect' on '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME selection using GTIs from '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B06_gti.fits' file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE expression for 'xselect' selection: '"0-26"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: xselect @9359_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B06_nuscreen.xco ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel9164] xsel9359 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/9359_tmp_nuscreen/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/9359_tmp_nuscreen/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/9359_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B_uf.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 664279 2878 135067 0 525246 1088 Writing events file 2878 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 664279 2878 135067 0 525246 1088 in 1556.6 seconds Command not found; type ? for a command listing Wrote events list to file 9359_tmp_nuscreen/xselect9359evt.flt Changing Data directory from: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/9359_tmp_nuscreen/ to the current working directory. !xsel9359:SUZAKU > read event !> Enter the Event file dir >[9164_tmp_nuscreen] 9359_tmp_nuscreen !> Enter Event file list >[nu90701312002B_uf.evt] nu90701312002B_uf.evt !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes !xsel9359:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter time file 9359_tmp_nuscreen/nu90701312002B06_gti.fits !xsel9359:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter grade "0-26" !xsel9359:NUSTAR-FPMB > extract events copyall=yes !xsel9359:NUSTAR-FPMB > yes !xsel9359:NUSTAR-FPMB > save events 9359_tmp_nuscreen/xselect9359evt.flt !> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] yes !xsel9359:NUSTAR-FPMB > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Output file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/xselect9359evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Warning: Cannot delete 'xautosav.xcm' temporary file nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect infile=9359_tmp_nuscreen/xselect9359evt.flt histkw=yes keycopy=yes outfile=9359_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-9359evt.flt clobber=yes copyall=yes expr=".NOT.((RAWX==0.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWX==31.AND.GRADE==25).OR.(RAWY==0.AND.GRADE==26).OR.(RAWY==31.AND.GRADE==26))" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fsel2425-9359evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'fselect' to select events with expression '"STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0"' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: fselect outfile=9359_tmp_nuscreen/fselect9359evt.flt keycopy=yes histkw=yes infile=9359_tmp_nuscreen/fsel2425-9359evt.flt expr="STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0" copyall=yes clobber=yes nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/fselect9359evt.flt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Filtered event file '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B06_cl.evt' created nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Selections applied: nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: TIME: "(ELV>3&&SAA_A==0&&SAA_B==0&&SW_SAA==0&&SW_TENTACLE==0&&SLEW==0&&SOURCE==2)&&(METGRID_FLAG==0||METGRID_FLAG==2)&&(CAL1STAT==0&&LIVETIME>0)" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: GRADE: "0-26" nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: EVENT: STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0 nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: Running 'nulivetime' nuscreen_0.2.3: Command: nulivetime outfile=NONE history=yes chatter=3 infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B06_cl.evt hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ clobber=yes --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nulivetime_0.1.3' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B06_cl.evt' Name of the input HK file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/' Name of the output Event file :'NONE' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/hk/ file. nulivetime_0.1.3: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B06_cl.evt' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulivetime_0.1.3: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Info: 'nulivetime' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B06_cl.evt' updated ---------------------------------------------------------- nuscreen_0.2.3: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuscreen' exit with success. Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B06_cl.evt' created (Observing Mode '06'). ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Stage II: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' Screened. ============================================================ ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Stage III: Generating '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt' products and images ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: Running 'nuproducts' nupipeline_0.4.8: Command: nuproducts history=yes srcra=351.1989375 detabsflag=yes cleanup=yes bkgphafile=nu90701312002B01_bk.pha offaxisfile=NONE apstopcorrfile=CALDB srcregionfile=DEFAULT pihigh=1909 instrument=fpmb steminputs=nu90701312002 psfdir=CALDB apstophisto=NONE clobber=yes lcbkgcorrfile=NONE runbackscale=no offaxishisto=NONE pilowarf=35 cmprmf=yes obebhkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/ outrmffile=nu90701312002B01_sr.rmf indir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl percent=0.02 vignflag=yes flatflagarf=no binsize=10 pixposfile=CALDB pilow=35 aberration=no initseed=no plotdevice=gif grphibin=10 teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef runmkrmf=yes psffile=CALDB stemout=nu90701312002B01 alignfile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits rmfdir=CALDB hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/ grcorrfile=CALDB psfflag=yes barycorr=no phibin=30 apstopphibin=10 extended=no runmkarf=no correctlc=yes vignfile=CALDB usrgtifile=NONE infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt grprmffile=CALDB detabscorrfile=CALDB rungrppha=no pixbin=5 bkgextract=no imagefile=nu90701312002B01_sk.img chatter=3 srcdec=61.18745 grflag=yes lcsrccorrfile=NONE boxsize=20 pihigharf=1909 inarffile=CALDB write_baryevtfile=no lcexpoflag=yes phafile=nu90701312002B01_sr.pha grhisto=NONE grppsffile=CALDB srcradius=20 lcvignflag=yes lcenergy=10 cutmaps=yes instrprobmapfile=CALDB usrgtibarycorr=yes outdir=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl lcpsfflag=yes apstopflag=yes nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: RaDec2XY: Converting ra: 351.1989375 deg and dec: 61.18745 deg into x,y pixel nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: RaDec2XY: Calculated x: 500.47353140138pixel and y: 500.500000007588pixel nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: Source Extraction Region: CIRCLE( 500.47353140138,500.500000007588,20) nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: Running 'xselect' nuproducts_0.3.2: Command: xselect @9523_tmp_nuproducts/nu90701312002B01_srcxsel.xco ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel9359] xsel9523 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/9523_tmp_nuproducts/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/9523_tmp_nuproducts/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/9523_tmp_nuproducts/lnk-nu90701312002B01_cl.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 52507 31353 0 0 0 21154 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 52507 31353 0 0 0 21154 in 44073. seconds Image has 31353 counts for 0.7114 counts/sec Wrote image to file 9523_sk.img Command not found; type ? for a command listing Warning : downstream software assumes that the WMAP is in detector coordinates extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/9523_tmp_nuproducts/lnk-nu90701312002B01_cl.evt[regfilter("xsel9523_region.xsl",X,Y)] 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 564 564 0 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 564 564 0 0 0 0 in 44073. seconds Spectrum has 564 counts for 1.2797E-02 counts/sec Keyword RA_NOM has two values: 351.1989375 and 3.511989E+02 ... written the PHA data Extension Wrote spectrum to 9523_sr.pha Command not found; type ? for a command listing extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/9523_tmp_nuproducts/lnk-nu90701312002B01_cl.evt[regfilter("xsel9523_region.xsl",X,Y)] 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 564 393 0 0 0 171 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 564 393 0 0 0 171 in 44073. seconds Fits light curve has 393 counts for 8.9170E-03 counts/sec Wrote FITS light curve to file Command not found; type ? for a command listing !xsel9523:SUZAKU > read eve lnk-nu90701312002B01_cl.evt !> Enter the Event file dir >[9359_tmp_nuscreen] 9523_tmp_nuproducts/ !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter pha_cutoff 35 1909 !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > extract image !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > save image 9523_sk.img !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > yes !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > clear pha_cutoff !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > set wmapname X Y !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > set xyname X Y !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter region 9523_tmp_nuproducts/9523_src.reg !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > extract spectrum !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > save spectrum 9523_sr.pha !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > yes !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > set binsize 10 !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter pha_cutoff 35 1909 !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > extract curve exposure=0.0 !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > save curve !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > yes !xsel9523:NUSTAR-FPMB > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Light Curve and/or Spectrum and/or Image generated nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: Running 'nulccorr' nuproducts_0.3.2: Command: nulccorr mastaspectfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits optaxisfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_oa.fits attfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits history=yes psfflag=yes skyinstrfile=NONE vignfile=CALDB pixbin=5 alignfile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef aberration=no inskyinstrfile=NONE corrfile=NONE det1reffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_det1.fits hkfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/ pixposfile=CALDB energy=10 chatter=3 lcfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/ psffile=CALDB phafile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_sr.pha initseed=no expoflag=yes extended=no inaspecthistofile=NONE infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt instrprobmapfile=CALDB boxsize=20 cutmaps=yes outlcfile=NONE vignflag=yes percent=0.02 clobber=yes --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nulccorr_0.1.8' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Light Curve file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' Name of the input Housekeeping file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' Name of the output Corrected Light Curve file :'NONE' Name of the input FITS Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt' Name of the input pixel location file :'CALDB' Name of the input alignment file :'/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits' Name of the input Mast Aspect Solution file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits' Name of the input attitude file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits' Name of the input teldef calibration file :'/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef' Name of the input Instrument Probability Map file :'CALDB' Name of the input DET1 Reference Point file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_det1.fits' Bin size of aspect histogram in pixels :'5' Apply Vignetting correction : yes Name of the input PSF File :'CALDB' Name of the input Vignetting file :'CALDB' Name of the input Optical Axis file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_oa.fits' Name of the output correction file :'NONE' Energy value for PSF and vignetting calculation (keV) :'10.000000' Apply PSF correction : yes Apply EXPOSURE correction : yes --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'nuexpomap infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt pixposfile=CALDB alignfile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits mastaspectfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits attfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef instrprobmapfile=CALDB aberration=no det1reffile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_det1.fits pixbin=5 expomapfile=9727tmp_expo.fits aspecthistofile=9727tmp_asphisto.fits offsetfile=9727tmp_offset.fits det1instrfile=NONE det2instrfile=NONE skyinstrfile=9727tmp_sky.fits vignflag=yes skyx=500.473531 skyy=500.500000 skysize=40 initseed=no energy=10.000000 chatter=3 clobber=yes history=yes percent=0.020000 indet2instrfile=NONE' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nuexpomap_0.2.5' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt' Name of the input pixel location file :'CALDB' Name of the input Mast Aspect Solution file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits' Name of the input Instrument Probability Map file :'CALDB' Name of the teldef calibration file :'/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef' Name of the input alignment file :'/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits' Name of the input vignetting file :'CALDB' Apply Vignetting correction : yes Energy value for vignetting calculation (keV) :'10.000000' Name of the input DET1 Reference Point file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_det1.fits' Bin size of aspect histogram in pixels :'5' Name of the output Offset file :'9727tmp_offset.fits' Name of the output Aspect Histogram file :'9727tmp_asphisto.fits' Name of the output DET1 Instrument Map file :'NONE' Name of the output DET2 Instrument Map file :'NONE' Name of the output SKY Instrument Map file :'9727tmp_sky.fits' Name of the output Exposure Map file :'9727tmp_expo.fits' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits file. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: '9727tmp_offset.fits' file successfully written. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: '9727tmp_asphisto.fits' file successfully written. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrmap/nuBinstrprobmap20100101v001.fits' file for instrument probability map of detector DET0. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrmap/nuBinstrprobmap20100101v001.fits' file for instrument probability map of detector DET1. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrmap/nuBinstrprobmap20100101v001.fits' file for instrument probability map of detector DET2. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/instrmap/nuBinstrprobmap20100101v001.fits' file for instrument probability map of detector DET3. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'nuskytodet pntra=351.198900 pntdec=61.187450 attfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits instrument=FPMB skydetfile=9728tmp_skytodet.fits skyxref=500.473531 skyyref=500.500000 mastaspectfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits alignfile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef aberration=no initseed=no' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nuskytodet_0.1.0' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: R.A. of S/C nominal pointing :'351.198900' Declination of S/C nominal pointing :'61.187450' Focal Plane Module :'FPMB' X coordinate of the SKY reference pixel :'500.473531' Y coordinate of the SKY reference pixel :'500.500000' Name of the input attitude file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits' Name of the input alignement file :'/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits' Name of the input teldef calibration file :'/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef' Name of the input mast aspect solution file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits' Name of the output SKY reference pixel file :'9728tmp_skytodet.fits' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuskytodet_0.1.0: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits file. nuskytodet_0.1.0: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits file. nuskytodet_0.1.0: Info: '9728tmp_skytodet.fits' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuskytodet_0.1.0: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing 9728tmp_skytodet.fits file. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuBpixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET0. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuBpixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET1. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuBpixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET2. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/pixpos/nuBpixpos20100101v007.fits' file for pixpos data of detector DET3. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 1 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 2 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 3 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 4 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 5 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 6 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 7 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 8 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 9 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 10 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 11 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 12 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 13 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 14 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 15 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 16 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 17 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 18 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 19 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 20 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 21 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 22 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 23 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 24 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 25 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 26 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 27 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 28 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 29 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 30 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 31 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 32 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 33 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 34 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 35 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 36 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 37 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 38 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 39 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 40 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 41 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 42 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 43 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 44 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 45 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 46 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 47 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 48 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 49 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 50 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 51 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 52 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 53 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 54 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 55 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 56 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 57 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 58 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 59 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 60 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 61 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 62 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 63 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 64 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 65 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 66 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 67 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 68 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 69 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 70 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 71 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 72 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 73 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 74 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 75 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 76 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 77 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 78 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 79 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 80 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 81 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 82 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 83 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 84 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 85 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 86 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 87 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 88 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 89 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 90 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 91 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 92 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 93 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 94 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 95 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 96 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 97 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 98 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 99 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 100 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 101 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 102 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 103 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 104 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 105 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 106 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 107 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 108 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 109 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 110 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 111 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 112 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 113 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 114 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 115 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 116 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 117 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 118 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 119 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 120 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 121 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Appended 122 image in 9728tmp_det1instr.fits file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'ftcopy infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits+0 outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits copyall=no chatter=1 history=no clobber=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform0.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_0.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform0.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_0.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd0.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[1] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform1.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_1.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform1.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_1.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd1.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[2] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform2.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_2.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform2.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_2.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd2.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[3] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform3.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform3.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_3.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform3.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_3.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform3.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd3.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[4] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd3.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform4.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform4.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_4.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform4.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_4.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform4.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd4.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[5] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd4.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform5.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform5.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_5.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform5.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_5.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform5.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd5.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[6] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd5.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform6.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform6.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_6.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform6.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_6.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform6.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd6.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[7] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd6.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform7.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform7.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_7.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform7.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_7.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform7.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd7.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[8] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd7.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform8.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform8.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_8.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform8.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_8.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform8.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd8.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[9] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd8.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform9.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform9.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_9.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform9.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_9.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform9.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd9.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[10] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd9.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform10.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform10.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_10.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform10.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_10.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform10.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd10.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[11] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd10.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform11.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform11.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_11.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform11.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_11.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform11.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd11.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[12] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd11.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform12.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform12.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_12.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform12.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_12.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform12.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd12.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[13] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd12.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform13.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform13.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_13.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform13.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_13.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform13.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd13.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[14] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd13.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform14.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform14.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_14.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform14.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_14.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform14.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd14.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[15] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd14.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform15.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform15.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_15.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform15.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_15.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform15.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd15.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[16] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd15.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform16.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform16.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_16.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform16.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_16.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform16.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd16.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[17] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd16.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform17.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform17.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_17.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform17.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_17.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform17.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd17.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[18] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd17.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform18.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform18.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_18.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform18.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_18.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform18.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd18.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[19] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd18.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform19.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform19.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_19.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform19.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_19.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform19.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd19.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[20] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd19.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform20.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform20.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_20.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform20.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_20.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform20.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd20.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[21] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd20.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform21.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform21.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_21.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform21.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_21.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform21.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd21.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[22] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd21.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform22.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform22.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_22.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform22.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_22.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform22.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd22.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[23] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd22.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform23.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform23.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_23.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform23.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_23.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform23.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd23.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[24] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd23.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform24.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform24.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_24.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform24.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_24.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform24.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd24.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[25] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd24.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform25.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform25.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_25.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform25.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_25.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform25.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd25.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[26] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd25.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform26.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform26.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_26.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform26.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_26.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform26.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd26.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[27] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd26.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform27.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform27.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_27.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform27.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_27.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform27.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd27.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[28] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd27.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform28.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform28.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_28.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform28.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_28.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform28.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd28.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[29] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd28.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform29.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform29.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_29.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform29.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_29.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform29.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd29.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[30] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd29.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform30.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform30.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_30.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform30.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_30.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform30.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd30.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[31] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd30.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform31.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform31.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_31.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform31.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_31.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform31.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd31.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[32] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd31.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform32.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform32.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_32.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform32.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_32.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform32.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd32.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[33] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd32.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform33.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform33.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_33.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform33.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_33.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform33.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd33.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[34] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd33.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform34.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform34.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_34.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform34.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_34.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform34.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd34.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[35] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd34.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform35.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform35.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_35.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform35.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_35.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform35.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd35.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[36] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd35.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform36.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform36.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_36.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform36.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_36.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform36.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd36.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[37] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd36.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform37.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform37.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_37.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform37.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_37.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform37.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd37.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[38] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd37.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform38.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform38.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_38.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform38.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_38.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform38.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd38.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[39] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd38.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform39.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform39.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_39.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform39.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_39.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform39.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd39.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[40] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd39.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform40.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform40.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_40.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform40.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_40.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform40.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd40.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[41] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd40.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform41.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform41.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_41.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform41.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_41.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform41.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd41.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[42] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd41.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform42.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform42.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_42.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform42.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_42.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform42.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd42.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[43] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd42.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform43.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform43.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_43.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform43.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_43.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform43.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd43.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[44] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd43.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform44.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform44.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_44.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform44.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_44.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform44.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd44.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[45] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd44.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform45.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform45.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_45.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform45.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_45.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform45.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd45.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[46] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd45.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform46.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform46.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_46.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform46.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_46.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform46.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd46.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[47] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd46.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform47.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform47.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_47.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform47.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_47.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform47.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd47.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[48] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd47.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform48.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform48.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_48.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform48.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_48.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform48.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd48.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[49] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd48.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform49.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform49.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_49.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform49.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_49.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform49.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd49.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[50] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd49.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform50.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform50.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_50.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform50.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_50.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform50.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd50.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[51] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd50.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform51.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform51.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_51.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform51.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_51.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform51.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd51.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[52] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd51.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform52.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform52.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_52.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform52.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_52.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform52.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd52.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[53] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd52.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform53.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform53.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_53.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform53.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_53.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform53.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd53.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[54] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd53.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform54.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform54.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_54.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform54.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_54.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform54.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd54.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[55] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd54.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform55.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform55.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_55.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform55.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_55.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform55.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd55.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[56] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd55.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform56.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform56.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_56.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform56.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_56.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform56.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd56.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[57] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd56.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform57.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform57.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_57.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform57.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_57.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform57.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd57.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[58] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd57.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform58.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform58.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_58.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform58.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_58.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform58.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd58.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[59] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd58.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform59.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform59.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_59.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform59.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_59.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform59.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd59.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[60] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd59.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform60.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform60.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_60.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform60.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_60.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform60.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd60.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[61] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd60.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform61.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform61.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_61.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform61.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_61.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform61.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd61.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[62] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd61.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform62.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform62.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_62.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform62.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_62.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform62.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd62.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[63] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd62.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform63.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform63.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_63.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform63.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_63.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform63.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd63.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[64] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd63.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform64.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform64.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_64.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform64.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_64.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform64.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd64.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[65] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd64.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform65.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform65.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_65.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform65.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_65.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform65.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd65.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[66] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd65.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform66.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform66.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_66.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform66.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_66.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform66.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd66.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[67] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd66.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform67.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform67.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_67.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform67.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_67.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform67.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd67.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[68] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd67.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform68.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform68.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_68.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform68.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_68.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform68.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd68.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[69] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd68.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform69.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform69.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_69.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform69.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_69.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform69.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd69.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[70] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd69.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform70.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform70.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_70.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform70.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_70.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform70.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd70.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[71] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd70.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform71.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform71.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_71.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform71.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_71.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform71.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd71.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[72] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd71.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform72.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform72.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_72.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform72.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_72.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform72.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd72.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[73] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd72.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform73.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform73.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_73.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform73.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_73.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform73.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd73.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[74] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd73.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform74.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform74.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_74.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform74.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_74.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform74.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd74.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[75] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd74.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform75.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform75.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_75.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform75.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_75.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform75.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd75.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[76] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd75.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform76.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform76.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_76.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform76.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_76.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform76.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd76.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[77] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd76.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform77.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform77.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_77.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform77.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_77.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform77.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd77.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[78] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd77.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform78.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform78.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_78.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform78.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_78.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform78.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd78.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[79] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd78.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform79.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform79.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_79.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform79.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_79.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform79.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd79.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[80] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd79.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform80.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform80.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_80.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform80.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_80.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform80.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd80.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[81] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd80.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform81.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform81.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_81.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform81.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_81.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform81.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd81.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[82] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd81.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform82.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform82.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_82.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform82.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_82.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform82.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd82.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[83] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd82.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform83.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform83.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_83.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform83.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_83.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform83.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd83.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[84] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd83.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform84.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform84.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_84.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform84.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_84.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform84.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd84.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[85] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd84.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform85.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform85.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_85.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform85.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_85.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform85.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd85.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[86] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd85.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform86.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform86.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_86.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform86.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_86.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform86.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd86.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[87] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd86.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform87.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform87.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_87.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform87.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_87.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform87.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd87.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[88] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd87.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform88.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform88.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_88.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform88.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_88.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform88.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd88.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[89] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd88.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform89.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform89.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_89.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform89.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_89.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform89.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd89.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[90] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd89.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform90.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform90.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_90.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform90.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_90.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform90.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd90.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[91] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd90.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform91.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform91.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_91.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform91.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_91.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform91.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd91.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[92] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd91.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform92.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform92.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_92.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform92.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_92.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform92.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd92.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[93] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd92.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform93.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform93.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_93.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform93.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_93.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform93.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd93.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[94] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd93.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform94.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform94.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_94.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform94.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_94.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform94.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd94.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[95] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd94.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform95.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform95.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_95.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform95.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_95.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform95.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd95.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[96] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd95.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform96.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform96.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_96.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform96.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_96.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform96.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd96.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[97] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd96.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform97.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform97.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_97.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform97.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_97.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform97.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd97.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[98] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd97.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform98.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform98.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_98.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform98.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_98.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform98.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd98.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[99] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd98.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform99.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform99.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_99.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform99.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_99.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform99.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd99.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[100] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd99.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform100.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform100.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_100.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform100.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_100.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform100.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd100.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[101] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd100.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform101.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform101.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_101.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform101.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_101.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform101.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd101.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[102] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd101.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform102.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform102.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_102.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform102.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_102.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform102.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd102.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[103] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd102.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform103.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform103.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_103.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform103.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_103.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform103.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd103.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[104] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd103.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform104.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform104.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_104.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform104.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_104.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform104.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd104.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[105] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd104.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform105.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform105.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_105.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform105.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_105.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform105.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd105.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[106] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd105.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform106.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform106.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_106.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform106.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_106.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform106.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd106.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[107] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd106.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform107.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform107.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_107.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform107.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_107.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform107.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd107.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[108] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd107.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform108.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform108.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_108.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform108.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_108.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform108.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd108.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[109] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd108.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform109.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform109.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_109.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform109.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_109.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform109.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd109.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[110] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd109.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform110.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform110.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_110.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform110.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_110.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform110.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd110.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[111] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd110.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform111.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform111.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_111.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform111.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_111.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform111.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd111.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[112] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd111.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform112.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform112.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_112.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform112.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_112.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform112.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd112.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[113] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd112.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform113.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform113.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_113.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform113.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_113.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform113.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd113.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[114] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd113.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform114.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform114.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_114.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform114.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_114.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform114.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd114.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[115] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd114.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform115.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform115.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_115.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform115.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_115.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform115.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd115.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[116] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd115.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform116.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform116.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_116.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform116.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_116.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform116.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd116.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[117] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd116.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform117.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform117.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_117.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform117.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_117.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform117.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd117.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[118] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd117.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform118.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform118.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_118.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform118.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_118.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform118.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd118.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[119] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd118.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform119.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform119.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_119.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform119.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_119.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform119.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd119.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[120] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd119.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform120.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform120.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_120.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform120.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_120.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform120.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd120.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[121] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd120.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform121.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform121.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det1_121.txt transform=9728tmp_trasform121.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_det2_121.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_trasform121.txt outfile=9728tmp_trasform_upd121.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det1instr.fits[122] outfile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits transform=9728tmp_trasform_upd121.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=97 dimeny=97 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/vign/nuBvign20100101v007.fits file. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'ftcopy infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits+0 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits copyall=no chatter=1 history=no clobber=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353976914.874998 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform0.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.301658 Dec=61.152900 Roll=233.635871 at time 353976914.875 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594179 * x + 0.804333 * y + 6.23966 y' = 0.804333 * x + -0.59418 * y + 386.595 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_0.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform0.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_0.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform0.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform0.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[1] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[1] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[1] keyword=@9728tmp_0_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353977050.750011 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform1.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.301914 Dec=61.155573 Roll=233.656677 at time 353977050.75001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59389 * x + 0.804546 * y + 6.08734 y' = 0.804546 * x + -0.593891 * y + 390.36 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_1.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform1.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_1.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform1.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform1.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[2] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[2] keyword=@9728tmp_1_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354028040.124994 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform2.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.299283 Dec=61.150505 Roll=233.576486 at time 354028040.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594983 * x + 0.803738 * y + 7.84943 y' = 0.803738 * x + -0.594984 * y + 383.508 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_2.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform2.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_2.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform2.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform2.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[3] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[3] keyword=@9728tmp_2_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354016553.124994 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform3.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.299840 Dec=61.153169 Roll=233.577856 at time 354016553.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594971 * x + 0.803747 * y + 7.46242 y' = 0.803747 * x + -0.594972 * y + 387.403 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_3.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform3.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_3.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform3.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform3.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform3.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[4] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[4] keyword=@9728tmp_3_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354016471.749989 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform4.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.296731 Dec=61.156046 Roll=233.573388 at time 354016471.74999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594996 * x + 0.803729 * y + 9.66345 y' = 0.803729 * x + -0.594996 * y + 391.626 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_4.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform4.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_4.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform4.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform4.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform4.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[5] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[5] keyword=@9728tmp_4_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353976916.624994 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform5.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.295846 Dec=61.152634 Roll=233.653122 at time 353976916.62499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.593866 * x + 0.804565 * y + 10.3702 y' = 0.804564 * x + -0.593866 * y + 386.036 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_5.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform5.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_5.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform5.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform5.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform5.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[6] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[6] keyword=@9728tmp_5_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353977036.250011 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform6.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.293922 Dec=61.155728 Roll=233.659568 at time 353977036.25001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.593751 * x + 0.804649 * y + 11.7455 y' = 0.804649 * x + -0.593752 * y + 390.505 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_6.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform6.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_6.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform6.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform6.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[7] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform6.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[7] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[7] keyword=@9728tmp_6_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354028061.124994 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform7.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.292099 Dec=61.150643 Roll=233.560166 at time 354028061.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595124 * x + 0.803634 * y + 12.915 y' = 0.803634 * x + -0.595125 * y + 383.776 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_7.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform7.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_7.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform7.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform7.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[8] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform7.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[8] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[8] keyword=@9728tmp_7_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354004917.249989 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform8.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.292885 Dec=61.153384 Roll=233.584681 at time 354004917.24999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59479 * x + 0.803881 * y + 12.3918 y' = 0.803881 * x + -0.59479 * y + 387.615 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_8.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform8.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_8.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform8.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform8.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[9] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform8.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[9] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[9] keyword=@9728tmp_8_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353977708.125002 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform9.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.291997 Dec=61.165123 Roll=233.648735 at time 353977708.125 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59388 * x + 0.804554 * y + 13.1151 y' = 0.804554 * x + -0.59388 * y + 404.33 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_9.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform9.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_9.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform9.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform9.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[10] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform9.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[10] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[10] keyword=@9728tmp_9_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353977822.000008 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform10.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.291827 Dec=61.167020 Roll=233.650280 at time 353977822.00001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.593856 * x + 0.804571 * y + 13.2407 y' = 0.804571 * x + -0.593856 * y + 407.095 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_10.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform10.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_10.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform10.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform10.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[11] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform10.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[11] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[11] keyword=@9728tmp_10_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353977830.000008 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform11.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.289647 Dec=61.168541 Roll=233.648230 at time 353977830.00001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.593858 * x + 0.80457 * y + 14.7838 y' = 0.80457 * x + -0.593858 * y + 409.322 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_11.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform11.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_11.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform11.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform11.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[12] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform11.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[12] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[12] keyword=@9728tmp_11_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354029075.750004 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform12.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.284791 Dec=61.142856 Roll=233.603682 at time 354029075.75 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594424 * x + 0.804152 * y + 18.1188 y' = 0.804152 * x + -0.594424 * y + 371.997 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_12.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform12.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_12.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform12.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform12.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[13] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform12.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[13] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[13] keyword=@9728tmp_12_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353977010.875006 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform13.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.285841 Dec=61.154731 Roll=233.638280 at time 353977010.87501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.593951 * x + 0.804501 * y + 17.4373 y' = 0.804501 * x + -0.593951 * y + 389.142 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_13.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform13.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_13.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform13.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform13.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[14] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform13.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[14] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[14] keyword=@9728tmp_13_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354027870.374990 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform14.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.285089 Dec=61.150785 Roll=233.540708 at time 354027870.37499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595311 * x + 0.803496 * y + 17.8546 y' = 0.803496 * x + -0.595311 * y + 384.075 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_14.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform14.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_14.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform14.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform14.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[15] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform14.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[15] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[15] keyword=@9728tmp_14_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354016075.874975 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform15.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.285526 Dec=61.155497 Roll=233.522453 at time 354016075.87498 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595572 * x + 0.803302 * y + 17.534 y' = 0.803302 * x + -0.595573 * y + 391.114 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_15.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform15.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_15.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform15.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform15.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[16] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform15.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[16] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[16] keyword=@9728tmp_15_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354021797.499985 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform16.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.286057 Dec=61.158719 Roll=233.507582 at time 354021797.49998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595787 * x + 0.803143 * y + 17.1487 y' = 0.803142 * x + -0.595788 * y + 395.945 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_16.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform16.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_16.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform16.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform16.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[17] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform16.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[17] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[17] keyword=@9728tmp_16_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354033285.749973 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform17.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.281963 Dec=61.161243 Roll=233.505975 at time 354033285.74997 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595759 * x + 0.803163 * y + 20.0477 y' = 0.803163 * x + -0.59576 * y + 399.623 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_17.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform17.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_17.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform17.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform17.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[18] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform17.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[18] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[18] keyword=@9728tmp_17_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353977893.750004 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform18.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.283428 Dec=61.170860 Roll=233.623930 at time 353977893.75 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594123 * x + 0.804374 * y + 19.1596 y' = 0.804374 * x + -0.594123 * y + 412.85 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_18.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform18.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_18.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform18.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform18.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[19] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform18.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[19] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[19] keyword=@9728tmp_18_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354023477.374998 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform19.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.277521 Dec=61.142099 Roll=233.603969 at time 354023477.375 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59433 * x + 0.804221 * y + 23.2641 y' = 0.804221 * x + -0.594331 * y + 370.832 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_19.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform19.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_19.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform19.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform19.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[20] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform19.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[20] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[20] keyword=@9728tmp_19_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354011687.750019 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform20.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.277599 Dec=61.144758 Roll=233.598073 at time 354011687.75002 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594414 * x + 0.80416 * y + 23.207 y' = 0.804159 * x + -0.594414 * y + 374.771 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_20.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform20.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_20.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform20.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform20.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[21] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform20.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[21] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[21] keyword=@9728tmp_20_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353977223.374998 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform21.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.280483 Dec=61.158875 Roll=233.638671 at time 353977223.375 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59388 * x + 0.804554 * y + 21.2362 y' = 0.804554 * x + -0.59388 * y + 395.168 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_21.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform21.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_21.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform21.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform21.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[22] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform21.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[22] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[22] keyword=@9728tmp_21_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353983384.375013 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform22.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.278961 Dec=61.157763 Roll=233.609553 at time 353983384.37501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59427 * x + 0.804266 * y + 22.2788 y' = 0.804266 * x + -0.59427 * y + 393.743 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_22.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform22.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_22.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform22.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform22.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[23] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform22.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[23] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[23] keyword=@9728tmp_22_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354032878.249981 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform23.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.280058 Dec=61.158537 Roll=233.518076 at time 354032878.24998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595566 * x + 0.803306 * y + 21.4036 y' = 0.803306 * x + -0.595567 * y + 395.558 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_23.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform23.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_23.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform23.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform23.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[24] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform23.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[24] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[24] keyword=@9728tmp_23_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353995358.875013 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform24.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.273138 Dec=61.160271 Roll=233.589868 at time 353995358.87501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594474 * x + 0.804115 * y + 26.3808 y' = 0.804115 * x + -0.594475 * y + 397.519 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_24.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform24.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_24.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform24.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform24.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[25] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform24.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[25] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[25] keyword=@9728tmp_24_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353977958.750004 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform25.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.277688 Dec=61.171583 Roll=233.619810 at time 353977958.75 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59411 * x + 0.804384 * y + 23.215 y' = 0.804384 * x + -0.59411 * y + 413.898 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_25.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform25.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_25.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform25.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform25.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[26] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform25.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[26] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[26] keyword=@9728tmp_25_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354026570.374998 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform26.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.276584 Dec=61.168127 Roll=233.515916 at time 354026570.375 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595554 * x + 0.803315 * y + 23.876 y' = 0.803315 * x + -0.595554 * y + 409.593 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_26.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform26.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_26.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform26.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform26.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[27] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform26.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[27] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[27] keyword=@9728tmp_26_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354026767.874998 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform27.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.277748 Dec=61.172479 Roll=233.516986 at time 354026767.875 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595553 * x + 0.803316 * y + 23.0611 y' = 0.803316 * x + -0.595554 * y + 415.967 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_27.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform27.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_27.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform27.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform27.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[28] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform27.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[28] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[28] keyword=@9728tmp_27_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354032743.374990 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform28.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.278084 Dec=61.175270 Roll=233.524911 at time 354032743.37499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595446 * x + 0.803395 * y + 22.8376 y' = 0.803395 * x + -0.595447 * y + 419.999 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_28.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform28.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_28.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform28.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform28.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[29] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform28.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[29] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[29] keyword=@9728tmp_28_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354032670.249996 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform29.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.277619 Dec=61.177526 Roll=233.507481 at time 354032670.25 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595685 * x + 0.803218 * y + 23.1511 y' = 0.803218 * x + -0.595685 * y + 423.429 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_29.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform29.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_29.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform29.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform29.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[30] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform29.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[30] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[30] keyword=@9728tmp_29_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354029485.125002 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform30.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.267810 Dec=61.142121 Roll=233.594413 at time 354029485.125 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594345 * x + 0.804211 * y + 30.1268 y' = 0.80421 * x + -0.594345 * y + 370.864 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_30.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform30.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_30.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform30.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform30.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[31] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform30.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[31] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[31] keyword=@9728tmp_30_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354012087.750004 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform31.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.268202 Dec=61.146181 Roll=233.595441 at time 354012087.75 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594335 * x + 0.804218 * y + 29.8569 y' = 0.804217 * x + -0.594336 * y + 376.807 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_31.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform31.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_31.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform31.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform31.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[32] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform31.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[32] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[32] keyword=@9728tmp_31_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354012009.375013 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform32.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.271819 Dec=61.150292 Roll=233.604436 at time 354012009.37501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594254 * x + 0.804278 * y + 27.3139 y' = 0.804278 * x + -0.594254 * y + 382.787 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_32.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform32.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_32.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform32.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform32.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[33] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform32.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[33] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[33] keyword=@9728tmp_32_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353987412.999985 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform33.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.271589 Dec=61.155404 Roll=233.527041 at time 353987412.99998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595337 * x + 0.803477 * y + 27.3995 y' = 0.803476 * x + -0.595337 * y + 390.842 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_33.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform33.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_33.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform33.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform33.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[34] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform33.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[34] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[34] keyword=@9728tmp_33_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354006724.250019 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform34.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.267167 Dec=61.157041 Roll=233.586177 at time 354006724.25002 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594453 * x + 0.804131 * y + 30.596 y' = 0.804131 * x + -0.594453 * y + 392.772 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_34.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform34.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_34.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform34.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform34.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[35] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform34.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[35] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[35] keyword=@9728tmp_34_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353998516.249981 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform35.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.271090 Dec=61.162711 Roll=233.489483 at time 353998516.24998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595857 * x + 0.803091 * y + 27.7235 y' = 0.80309 * x + -0.595857 * y + 401.816 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_35.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform35.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_35.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform35.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform35.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[36] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform35.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[36] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[36] keyword=@9728tmp_35_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353983763.375006 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform36.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.269615 Dec=61.167069 Roll=233.571030 at time 353983763.37501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594695 * x + 0.803951 * y + 28.8634 y' = 0.803951 * x + -0.594696 * y + 407.588 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_36.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform36.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_36.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform36.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform36.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[37] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform36.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[37] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[37] keyword=@9728tmp_36_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354015101.124994 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform37.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.274540 Dec=61.167925 Roll=233.512688 at time 354015101.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595574 * x + 0.8033 * y + 25.3175 y' = 0.8033 * x + -0.595574 * y + 409.306 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_37.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform37.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_37.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform37.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform37.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[38] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform37.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[38] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[38] keyword=@9728tmp_37_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354032572.749989 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform38.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.272767 Dec=61.172761 Roll=233.512450 at time 354032572.74999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595556 * x + 0.803314 * y + 26.5791 y' = 0.803314 * x + -0.595556 * y + 416.378 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_38.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform38.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_38.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform38.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform38.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[39] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform38.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[39] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[39] keyword=@9728tmp_38_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354032408.624987 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform39.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.273637 Dec=61.175916 Roll=233.526504 at time 354032408.62499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595369 * x + 0.803452 * y + 25.9848 y' = 0.803452 * x + -0.59537 * y + 420.902 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_39.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform39.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_39.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform39.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform39.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[40] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform39.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[40] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[40] keyword=@9728tmp_39_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354026909.499992 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform40.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.273165 Dec=61.179835 Roll=233.506788 at time 354026909.49999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59564 * x + 0.803251 * y + 26.3033 y' = 0.803252 * x + -0.59564 * y + 426.783 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_40.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform40.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_40.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform40.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform40.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[41] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform40.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[41] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[41] keyword=@9728tmp_40_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354026903.874998 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform41.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.273705 Dec=61.180237 Roll=233.526603 at time 354026903.875 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595369 * x + 0.803452 * y + 25.9437 y' = 0.803453 * x + -0.595369 * y + 427.229 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_41.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform41.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_41.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform41.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform41.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[42] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform41.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[42] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[42] keyword=@9728tmp_41_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354012118.875021 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform42.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.264362 Dec=61.142823 Roll=233.585782 at time 354012118.87502 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594424 * x + 0.804152 * y + 32.5592 y' = 0.804152 * x + -0.594424 * y + 371.932 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_42.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform42.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_42.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform42.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform42.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[43] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform42.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[43] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[43] keyword=@9728tmp_42_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354018037.000015 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform43.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.263300 Dec=61.145935 Roll=233.600849 at time 354018037.00002 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594199 * x + 0.804318 * y + 33.3316 y' = 0.804318 * x + -0.594199 * y + 376.371 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_43.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform43.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_43.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform43.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform43.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[44] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform43.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[44] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[44] keyword=@9728tmp_43_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353983180.250011 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform44.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.267346 Dec=61.154577 Roll=233.592907 at time 353983180.25001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59436 * x + 0.804199 * y + 30.4729 y' = 0.804199 * x + -0.594361 * y + 389.115 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_44.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform44.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_44.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform44.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform44.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[45] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform44.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[45] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[45] keyword=@9728tmp_44_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353981528.249989 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform45.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.269779 Dec=61.159321 Roll=233.535188 at time 353981528.24999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.5952 * x + 0.803578 * y + 28.6951 y' = 0.803577 * x + -0.5952 * y + 396.506 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_45.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform45.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_45.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform45.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform45.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[46] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform45.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[46] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[46] keyword=@9728tmp_45_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354020579.624987 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform46.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.264869 Dec=61.157890 Roll=233.501851 at time 354020579.62499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595607 * x + 0.803276 * y + 32.1302 y' = 0.803276 * x + -0.595608 * y + 394.62 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_46.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform46.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_46.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform46.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform46.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[47] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform46.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[47] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[47] keyword=@9728tmp_46_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354014831.499992 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform47.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.265023 Dec=61.159765 Roll=233.507838 at time 354014831.49999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595525 * x + 0.803337 * y + 32.0307 y' = 0.803337 * x + -0.595526 * y + 397.322 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_47.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform47.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_47.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform47.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform47.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[48] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform47.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[48] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[48] keyword=@9728tmp_47_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353992705.374990 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform48.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.261723 Dec=61.164459 Roll=233.494648 at time 353992705.37499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59567 * x + 0.80323 * y + 34.3575 y' = 0.80323 * x + -0.59567 * y + 404.271 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_48.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform48.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_48.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform48.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform48.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[49] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform48.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[49] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[49] keyword=@9728tmp_48_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353997863.125002 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform49.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.265262 Dec=61.169459 Roll=233.505808 at time 353997863.125 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595557 * x + 0.803313 * y + 31.8734 y' = 0.803313 * x + -0.595557 * y + 411.536 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_49.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform49.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_49.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform49.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform49.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[50] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform49.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[50] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[50] keyword=@9728tmp_49_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354003477.124987 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform50.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.265311 Dec=61.171106 Roll=233.505245 at time 354003477.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595565 * x + 0.803307 * y + 31.8407 y' = 0.803307 * x + -0.595565 * y + 413.953 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_50.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform50.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_50.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform50.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform50.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[51] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform50.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[51] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[51] keyword=@9728tmp_50_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354009191.124987 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform51.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.266325 Dec=61.174266 Roll=233.512476 at time 354009191.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595476 * x + 0.803373 * y + 31.1364 y' = 0.803373 * x + -0.595477 * y + 418.535 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_51.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform51.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_51.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform51.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform51.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[52] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform51.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[52] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[52] keyword=@9728tmp_51_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354003434.374990 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform52.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.267388 Dec=61.177723 Roll=233.518602 at time 354003434.37499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595403 * x + 0.803427 * y + 30.3972 y' = 0.803427 * x + -0.595404 * y + 423.56 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_52.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform52.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_52.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform52.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform52.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[53] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform52.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[53] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[53] keyword=@9728tmp_52_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354000676.875006 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform53.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.259070 Dec=61.144203 Roll=233.590801 at time 354000676.87501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594288 * x + 0.804252 * y + 36.312 y' = 0.804252 * x + -0.594288 * y + 373.878 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_53.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform53.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_53.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform53.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform53.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[54] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform53.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[54] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[54] keyword=@9728tmp_53_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353986171.249996 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform54.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.260455 Dec=61.148237 Roll=233.489649 at time 353986171.25 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595724 * x + 0.803189 * y + 35.2264 y' = 0.803189 * x + -0.595724 * y + 380.541 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_54.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform54.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_54.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform54.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform54.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[55] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform54.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[55] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[55] keyword=@9728tmp_54_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353989070.250019 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform55.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.253143 Dec=61.149006 Roll=233.583286 at time 353989070.25002 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594321 * x + 0.804228 * y + 40.5045 y' = 0.804228 * x + -0.594321 * y + 380.926 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_55.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform55.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_55.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform55.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform55.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[56] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform55.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[56] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[56] keyword=@9728tmp_55_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353981502.624987 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform56.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.260674 Dec=61.160084 Roll=233.534526 at time 353981502.62499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595098 * x + 0.803654 * y + 35.1369 y' = 0.803653 * x + -0.595098 * y + 397.563 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_56.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform56.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_56.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform56.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform56.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[57] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform56.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[57] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[57] keyword=@9728tmp_56_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354014738.374998 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform57.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.257286 Dec=61.156068 Roll=233.498278 at time 354014738.375 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595564 * x + 0.803308 * y + 37.4882 y' = 0.803308 * x + -0.595565 * y + 391.924 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_57.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform57.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_57.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform57.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform57.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[58] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform57.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[58] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[58] keyword=@9728tmp_57_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354008517.624994 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform58.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.253983 Dec=61.159407 Roll=233.501633 at time 354008517.62499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595477 * x + 0.803373 * y + 39.8329 y' = 0.803373 * x + -0.595477 * y + 396.765 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_58.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform58.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_58.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform58.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform58.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[59] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform58.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[59] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[59] keyword=@9728tmp_58_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353991565.124994 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform59.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.258560 Dec=61.163198 Roll=233.515486 at time 353991565.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595339 * x + 0.803475 * y + 36.6152 y' = 0.803475 * x + -0.595339 * y + 402.249 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_59.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform59.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_59.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform59.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform59.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[60] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform59.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[60] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[60] keyword=@9728tmp_59_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353992022.874975 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform60.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.259417 Dec=61.167617 Roll=233.495784 at time 353992022.87498 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595625 * x + 0.803262 * y + 35.9939 y' = 0.803262 * x + -0.595626 * y + 408.872 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_60.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform60.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_60.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform60.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform60.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[61] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform60.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[61] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[61] keyword=@9728tmp_60_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353997660.249981 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform61.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.258539 Dec=61.171497 Roll=233.507204 at time 353997660.24998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595455 * x + 0.803389 * y + 36.6324 y' = 0.803389 * x + -0.595455 * y + 414.463 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_61.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform61.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_61.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform61.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform61.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[62] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform61.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[62] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[62] keyword=@9728tmp_61_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354026584.374975 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform62.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.261572 Dec=61.174272 Roll=233.499074 at time 354026584.37498 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595606 * x + 0.803277 * y + 34.4828 y' = 0.803277 * x + -0.595606 * y + 418.609 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_62.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform62.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_62.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform62.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform62.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[63] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform62.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[63] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[63] keyword=@9728tmp_62_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353986175.749996 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform63.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.254754 Dec=61.149794 Roll=233.500790 at time 353986175.75 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595498 * x + 0.803357 * y + 39.2747 y' = 0.803357 * x + -0.595498 * y + 382.698 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_63.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform63.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_63.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform63.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform63.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[64] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform63.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[64] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[64] keyword=@9728tmp_63_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980485.249981 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform64.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.256561 Dec=61.156080 Roll=233.499791 at time 353980485.24998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595534 * x + 0.80333 * y + 38.0034 y' = 0.80333 * x + -0.595534 * y + 391.925 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_64.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform64.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_64.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform64.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform64.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[65] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform64.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[65] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[65] keyword=@9728tmp_64_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353986077.999985 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform65.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.255217 Dec=61.154867 Roll=233.510335 at time 353986077.99998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59537 * x + 0.803452 * y + 38.9638 y' = 0.803452 * x + -0.59537 * y + 390.061 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_65.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform65.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_65.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform65.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform65.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[66] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform65.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[66] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[66] keyword=@9728tmp_65_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980570.624987 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform66.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.256163 Dec=61.163175 Roll=233.511633 at time 353980570.62499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595363 * x + 0.803457 * y + 38.3068 y' = 0.803457 * x + -0.595363 * y + 402.226 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_66.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform66.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_66.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform66.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform66.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[67] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform66.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[67] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[67] keyword=@9728tmp_66_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980618.624971 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform67.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.259412 Dec=61.166876 Roll=233.513701 at time 353980618.62497 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595374 * x + 0.803449 * y + 36.0158 y' = 0.803449 * x + -0.595374 * y + 407.654 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_67.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform67.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_67.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform67.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform67.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[68] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform67.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[68] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[68] keyword=@9728tmp_67_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353990730.999992 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform68.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.243205 Dec=61.163108 Roll=233.513656 at time 353990730.99999 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595176 * x + 0.803596 * y + 47.4748 y' = 0.803596 * x + -0.595176 * y + 402.022 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_68.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform68.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_68.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform68.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform68.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[69] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform68.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[69] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[69] keyword=@9728tmp_68_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353985764.124994 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform69.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.252158 Dec=61.168535 Roll=233.512402 at time 353985764.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595303 * x + 0.803501 * y + 41.1467 y' = 0.803501 * x + -0.595303 * y + 410.042 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_69.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform69.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_69.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform69.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform69.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[70] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform69.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[70] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[70] keyword=@9728tmp_69_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978031.500008 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform70.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.248884 Dec=61.178345 Roll=233.596499 at time 353978031.50001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594083 * x + 0.804404 * y + 43.566 y' = 0.804404 * x + -0.594083 * y + 423.767 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_70.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform70.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_70.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform70.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform70.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[71] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform70.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[71] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[71] keyword=@9728tmp_70_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980229.124994 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform71.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.251554 Dec=61.156637 Roll=233.505976 at time 353980229.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595386 * x + 0.80344 * y + 41.553 y' = 0.80344 * x + -0.595386 * y + 392.66 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_71.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform71.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_71.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform71.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform71.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[72] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform71.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[72] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[72] keyword=@9728tmp_71_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980422.624987 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform72.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.250685 Dec=61.159581 Roll=233.509284 at time 353980422.62499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595329 * x + 0.803482 * y + 42.1748 y' = 0.803482 * x + -0.595329 * y + 396.941 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_72.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform72.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_72.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform72.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform72.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[73] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform72.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[73] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[73] keyword=@9728tmp_72_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980501.624979 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform73.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.251315 Dec=61.164651 Roll=233.512487 at time 353980501.62498 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595292 * x + 0.80351 * y + 41.7384 y' = 0.80351 * x + -0.595292 * y + 404.346 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_73.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform73.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_73.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform73.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform73.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[74] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform73.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[74] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[74] keyword=@9728tmp_73_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353980311.249981 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform74.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.250462 Dec=61.167109 Roll=233.509010 at time 353980311.24998 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59533 * x + 0.803481 * y + 42.3408 y' = 0.803481 * x + -0.59533 * y + 407.966 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_74.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform74.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_74.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform74.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform74.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[75] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform74.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[75] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[75] keyword=@9728tmp_74_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353985282.000000 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform75.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.243751 Dec=61.163590 Roll=233.493738 at time 353985282 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595462 * x + 0.803384 * y + 47.0666 y' = 0.803384 * x + -0.595462 * y + 402.878 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_75.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform75.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_75.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform75.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform75.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[76] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform75.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[76] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[76] keyword=@9728tmp_75_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353979884.374990 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform76.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.247118 Dec=61.173208 Roll=233.512194 at time 353979884.37499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595244 * x + 0.803545 * y + 44.7164 y' = 0.803545 * x + -0.595244 * y + 416.852 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_76.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform76.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_76.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform76.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform76.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[77] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform76.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[77] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[77] keyword=@9728tmp_76_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353979519.124994 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform77.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.247022 Dec=61.176407 Roll=233.528550 at time 353979519.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595014 * x + 0.803716 * y + 44.8054 y' = 0.803716 * x + -0.595014 * y + 421.416 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_77.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform77.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_77.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform77.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform77.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[78] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform77.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[78] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[78] keyword=@9728tmp_77_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353989743.375021 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform78.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.232505 Dec=61.173417 Roll=233.531302 at time 353989743.37502 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594797 * x + 0.803876 * y + 55.0702 y' = 0.803876 * x + -0.594797 * y + 416.917 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_78.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform78.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_78.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform78.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform78.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[79] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform78.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[79] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[79] keyword=@9728tmp_78_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978157.375006 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform79.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.238446 Dec=61.184059 Roll=233.595248 at time 353978157.37501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.593972 * x + 0.804486 * y + 50.949 y' = 0.804486 * x + -0.593972 * y + 432.073 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_79.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform79.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_79.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform79.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform79.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[80] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform79.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[80] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[80] keyword=@9728tmp_79_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353979740.624994 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform80.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.240653 Dec=61.170860 Roll=233.498649 at time 353979740.62499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595355 * x + 0.803463 * y + 49.2701 y' = 0.803463 * x + -0.595355 * y + 413.468 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_80.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform80.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_80.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform80.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform80.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[81] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform80.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[81] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[81] keyword=@9728tmp_80_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353979556.124987 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform81.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.240532 Dec=61.172909 Roll=233.504542 at time 353979556.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595271 * x + 0.803525 * y + 49.3641 y' = 0.803525 * x + -0.595271 * y + 416.425 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_81.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform81.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_81.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform81.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform81.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[82] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform81.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[82] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[82] keyword=@9728tmp_81_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354007136.875021 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform82.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.228310 Dec=61.170954 Roll=233.526762 at time 354007136.87502 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594809 * x + 0.803867 * y + 58.0302 y' = 0.803867 * x + -0.594809 * y + 413.314 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_82.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform82.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_82.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform82.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform82.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[83] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform82.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[83] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[83] keyword=@9728tmp_82_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978643.249996 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform83.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.234404 Dec=61.179940 Roll=233.537909 at time 353978643.25 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594727 * x + 0.803927 * y + 53.7401 y' = 0.803927 * x + -0.594727 * y + 426.435 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_83.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform83.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_83.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform83.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform83.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[84] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform83.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[84] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[84] keyword=@9728tmp_83_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978047.750004 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform84.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.236879 Dec=61.185015 Roll=233.584870 at time 353978047.75 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594099 * x + 0.804392 * y + 52.0459 y' = 0.804392 * x + -0.594099 * y + 433.538 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_84.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform84.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_84.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform84.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform84.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[85] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform84.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[85] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[85] keyword=@9728tmp_84_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978051.874998 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform85.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.234850 Dec=61.185709 Roll=233.579375 at time 353978051.875 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594151 * x + 0.804354 * y + 53.475 y' = 0.804354 * x + -0.594151 * y + 434.581 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_85.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform85.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_85.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform85.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform85.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[86] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform85.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[86] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[86] keyword=@9728tmp_85_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354007821.374990 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform86.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.221327 Dec=61.165113 Roll=233.491226 at time 354007821.37499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595222 * x + 0.803562 * y + 62.9257 y' = 0.803562 * x + -0.595222 * y + 404.975 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_86.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform86.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_86.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform86.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform86.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[87] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform86.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[87] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[87] keyword=@9728tmp_86_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354001924.625010 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform87.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.222060 Dec=61.167501 Roll=233.497462 at time 354001924.62501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595143 * x + 0.80362 * y + 62.4159 y' = 0.80362 * x + -0.595143 * y + 408.431 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_87.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform87.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_87.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform87.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform87.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[88] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform87.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[88] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[88] keyword=@9728tmp_87_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353996063.374998 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform88.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.220713 Dec=61.170426 Roll=233.510417 at time 353996063.375 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594945 * x + 0.803767 * y + 63.3841 y' = 0.803767 * x + -0.594945 * y + 412.61 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_88.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform88.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_88.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform88.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform88.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[89] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform88.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[89] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[89] keyword=@9728tmp_88_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353995543.750011 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform89.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.221465 Dec=61.173516 Roll=233.506031 at time 353995543.75001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595016 * x + 0.803714 * y + 62.8488 y' = 0.803714 * x + -0.595016 * y + 417.173 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_89.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform89.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_89.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform89.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform89.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[90] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform89.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[90] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[90] keyword=@9728tmp_89_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978431.750004 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform90.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.228919 Dec=61.184650 Roll=233.557871 at time 353978431.75 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59438 * x + 0.804184 * y + 57.6424 y' = 0.804184 * x + -0.59438 * y + 433.147 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_90.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform90.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_90.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform90.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform90.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[91] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform90.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[91] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[91] keyword=@9728tmp_90_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978100.875006 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform91.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.226846 Dec=61.187377 Roll=233.562026 at time 353978100.87501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594296 * x + 0.804246 * y + 59.1145 y' = 0.804246 * x + -0.594296 * y + 437.097 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_91.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform91.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_91.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform91.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform91.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[92] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform91.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[92] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[92] keyword=@9728tmp_91_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978095.125002 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform92.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.227788 Dec=61.189419 Roll=233.577080 at time 353978095.125 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594096 * x + 0.804394 * y + 58.4665 y' = 0.804394 * x + -0.594096 * y + 439.983 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_92.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform92.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_92.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform92.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform92.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[93] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform92.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[93] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[93] keyword=@9728tmp_92_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354013845.124994 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform93.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.215871 Dec=61.164229 Roll=233.485662 at time 354013845.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595232 * x + 0.803554 * y + 66.7788 y' = 0.803554 * x + -0.595232 * y + 403.684 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_93.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform93.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_93.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform93.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform93.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[94] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform93.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[94] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[94] keyword=@9728tmp_93_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354019537.124994 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform94.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.216416 Dec=61.167197 Roll=233.494355 at time 354019537.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595117 * x + 0.803639 * y + 66.4041 y' = 0.803639 * x + -0.595117 * y + 407.972 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_94.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform94.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_94.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform94.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform94.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[95] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform94.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[95] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[95] keyword=@9728tmp_94_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354007852.874990 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform95.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.215062 Dec=61.170882 Roll=233.496391 at time 354007852.87499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595072 * x + 0.803672 * y + 67.3648 y' = 0.803672 * x + -0.595072 * y + 413.344 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_95.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform95.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_95.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform95.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform95.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[96] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform95.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[96] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[96] keyword=@9728tmp_95_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353984482.000000 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform96.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.218002 Dec=61.176667 Roll=233.498191 at time 353984482 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595083 * x + 0.803664 * y + 65.2902 y' = 0.803664 * x + -0.595083 * y + 421.822 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_96.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform96.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_96.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform96.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform96.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[97] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform96.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[97] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[97] keyword=@9728tmp_96_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353995621.625017 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform97.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.213035 Dec=61.177901 Roll=233.523066 at time 353995621.62502 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594673 * x + 0.803968 * y + 68.8301 y' = 0.803968 * x + -0.594673 * y + 423.413 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_97.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform97.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_97.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform97.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform97.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[98] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform97.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[98] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[98] keyword=@9728tmp_97_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353989804.500023 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform98.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.212498 Dec=61.180804 Roll=233.524846 at time 353989804.50002 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594641 * x + 0.803991 * y + 69.2126 y' = 0.803991 * x + -0.594641 * y + 427.648 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_98.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform98.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_98.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform98.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform98.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[99] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform98.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[99] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[99] keyword=@9728tmp_98_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978092.625002 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform99.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.221541 Dec=61.189857 Roll=233.581405 at time 353978092.625 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.593959 * x + 0.804496 * y + 62.8867 y' = 0.804496 * x + -0.593959 * y + 440.551 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_99.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform99.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_99.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform99.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform99.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[100] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform99.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[100] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[100] keyword=@9728tmp_99_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354019607.624994 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform100.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.210203 Dec=61.167568 Roll=233.480064 at time 354019607.62499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595241 * x + 0.803547 * y + 70.7823 y' = 0.803547 * x + -0.595241 * y + 408.578 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_100.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform100.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_100.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform100.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform100.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[101] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform100.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[101] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[101] keyword=@9728tmp_100_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354013779.249996 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform101.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.207439 Dec=61.171356 Roll=233.500556 at time 354013779.25 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59492 * x + 0.803785 * y + 72.7601 y' = 0.803785 * x + -0.59492 * y + 413.958 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_101.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform101.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_101.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform101.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform101.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[102] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform101.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[102] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[102] keyword=@9728tmp_101_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354030607.875006 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform102.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.207308 Dec=61.174664 Roll=233.493353 at time 354030607.87501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595019 * x + 0.803711 * y + 72.8457 y' = 0.803711 * x + -0.595019 * y + 418.853 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_102.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform102.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_102.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform102.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform102.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[103] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform102.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[103] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[103] keyword=@9728tmp_102_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353984378.625002 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform103.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.211753 Dec=61.180170 Roll=233.497547 at time 353984378.625 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595015 * x + 0.803714 * y + 69.7088 y' = 0.803714 * x + -0.595015 * y + 426.916 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_103.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform103.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_103.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform103.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform103.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[104] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform103.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[104] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[104] keyword=@9728tmp_103_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353983871.625010 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform104.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.212623 Dec=61.183986 Roll=233.532292 at time 353983871.62501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594538 * x + 0.804067 * y + 69.1332 y' = 0.804067 * x + -0.594538 * y + 432.255 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_104.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform104.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_104.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform104.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform104.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[105] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform104.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[105] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[105] keyword=@9728tmp_104_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353983882.125002 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform105.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.212202 Dec=61.187712 Roll=233.538761 at time 353983882.125 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594442 * x + 0.804138 * y + 69.4391 y' = 0.804138 * x + -0.594442 * y + 437.662 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_105.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform105.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_105.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform105.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform105.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[106] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform105.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[106] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[106] keyword=@9728tmp_105_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353996273.874990 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform106.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.204211 Dec=61.167464 Roll=233.478512 at time 353996273.87499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59519 * x + 0.803585 * y + 75.0183 y' = 0.803585 * x + -0.595189 * y + 408.399 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_106.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform106.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_106.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform106.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform106.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[107] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform106.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[107] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[107] keyword=@9728tmp_106_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354025424.249996 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform107.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.203543 Dec=61.170640 Roll=233.479642 at time 354025424.25 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595165 * x + 0.803603 * y + 75.4925 y' = 0.803603 * x + -0.595165 * y + 413.037 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_107.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform107.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_107.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform107.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform107.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[108] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform107.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[108] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[108] keyword=@9728tmp_107_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353996260.749996 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform108.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.199476 Dec=61.174675 Roll=233.500950 at time 353996260.75 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594817 * x + 0.803862 * y + 78.3919 y' = 0.803861 * x + -0.594817 * y + 418.763 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_108.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform108.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_108.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform108.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform108.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[109] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform108.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[109] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[109] keyword=@9728tmp_108_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353984330.375006 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform109.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.204397 Dec=61.180690 Roll=233.496982 at time 353984330.37501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594933 * x + 0.803776 * y + 74.9084 y' = 0.803776 * x + -0.594933 * y + 427.634 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_109.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform109.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_109.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform109.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform109.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[110] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform109.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[110] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[110] keyword=@9728tmp_109_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353978082.375006 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform110.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.205642 Dec=61.187205 Roll=233.566052 at time 353978082.37501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.593979 * x + 0.804481 * y + 74.106 y' = 0.804481 * x + -0.593979 * y + 436.675 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_110.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform110.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_110.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform110.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform110.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[111] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform110.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[111] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[111] keyword=@9728tmp_110_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353983877.000008 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform111.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.206306 Dec=61.186598 Roll=233.547859 at time 353983877.00001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594242 * x + 0.804286 * y + 73.6159 y' = 0.804286 * x + -0.594242 * y + 435.924 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_111.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform111.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_111.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform111.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform111.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[112] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform111.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[112] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[112] keyword=@9728tmp_111_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354025402.124994 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform112.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.196581 Dec=61.171411 Roll=233.478231 at time 354025402.12499 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.5951 * x + 0.803652 * y + 80.4142 y' = 0.803652 * x + -0.5951 * y + 414.131 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_112.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform112.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_112.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform112.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform112.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[113] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform112.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[113] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[113] keyword=@9728tmp_112_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353996027.500008 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform113.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.193398 Dec=61.174996 Roll=233.489726 at time 353996027.50001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594899 * x + 0.8038 * y + 82.6771 y' = 0.8038 * x + -0.594899 * y + 419.278 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_113.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform113.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_113.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform113.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform113.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[114] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform113.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[114] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[114] keyword=@9728tmp_113_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354001267.500023 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform114.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.196071 Dec=61.177434 Roll=233.526820 at time 354001267.50002 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594412 * x + 0.804161 * y + 80.8277 y' = 0.804161 * x + -0.594412 * y + 422.591 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_114.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform114.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_114.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform114.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform114.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[115] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform114.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[115] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[115] keyword=@9728tmp_114_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354024450.375006 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform115.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.193766 Dec=61.181800 Roll=233.499974 at time 354024450.37501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59476 * x + 0.803903 * y + 82.4273 y' = 0.803903 * x + -0.59476 * y + 429.169 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_115.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform115.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_115.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform115.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform115.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[116] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform115.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[116] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[116] keyword=@9728tmp_115_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=353983844.125002 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform116.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.201159 Dec=61.185763 Roll=233.521884 at time 353983844.125 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594543 * x + 0.804063 * y + 77.2256 y' = 0.804063 * x + -0.594543 * y + 434.859 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_116.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform116.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_116.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform116.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform116.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[117] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform116.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[117] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[117] keyword=@9728tmp_116_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354030251.250011 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform117.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.188818 Dec=61.178659 Roll=233.519165 at time 354030251.25001 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.59443 * x + 0.804147 * y + 85.9471 y' = 0.804147 * x + -0.59443 * y + 424.396 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_117.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform117.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_117.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform117.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform117.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[118] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform117.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[118] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[118] keyword=@9728tmp_117_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354030231.875013 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform118.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.186817 Dec=61.180930 Roll=233.497751 at time 354030231.87501 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594706 * x + 0.803943 * y + 87.3372 y' = 0.803943 * x + -0.594706 * y + 427.867 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_118.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform118.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_118.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform118.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform118.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[119] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform118.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[119] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[119] keyword=@9728tmp_118_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354030237.875021 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform119.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.181044 Dec=61.180353 Roll=233.470627 at time 354030237.87502 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.595015 * x + 0.803714 * y + 91.3894 y' = 0.803714 * x + -0.595015 * y + 427.185 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_119.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform119.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_119.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform119.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform119.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[120] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform119.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[120] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[120] keyword=@9728tmp_119_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354030243.875021 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform120.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.176896 Dec=61.181502 Roll=233.501819 at time 354030243.87502 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594527 * x + 0.804076 * y + 94.355 y' = 0.804076 * x + -0.594527 * y + 428.613 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_120.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform120.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_120.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform120.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform120.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[121] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform120.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[121] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[121] keyword=@9728tmp_120_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getxform teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef from=RAW to=SKY image=yes segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 mjdref=55197.000766018522 time=354030240.875021 attfile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/nu90701312002_att.fits aberration=no history=yes outfile=9728tmp_getxform121.xform' Assuming RAW coordinate segment 1 for all data Using NuSTAR FPMB pointing RA=351.175730 Dec=61.181442 Roll=233.489653 at time 354030240.87502 Extracted the following transform: x' = 0.594683 * x + 0.80396 * y + 95.1663 y' = 0.80396 * x + -0.594683 * y + 428.607 nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'applyxform infile=9728tmp_from_det2_121.txt transform=9728tmp_getxform121.xform outfile=9728tmp_to_sky_121.txt' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9728tmp_skytrasform121.txt outfile=9728tmp_skytrasform121.xform' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=9728tmp_det2instr.fits[122] outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits transform=9728tmp_skytrasform121.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=137 dimeny=137 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image Appending Extension to an existing output file nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'getwcs teldef=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/teldef/nuB20100101v002.teldef coord=SKY segment=1 ra=351.198900 dec=61.187450 outfile=9727tmp_sky.fits[122] history=yes' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fthedit infile=9727tmp_sky.fits[122] keyword=@9728tmp_121_skywcs operation=add value=0 chatter=1 history=no protect=yes longstring=no' nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'fchecksum infile=9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits update=yes' Checksum keywords updated successfully. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: '9727tmp_sky.fits' file successfully written. nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: executing 'ximage @9728tmp_ximage.xco' No of detectors read in: 34 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+1 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+1 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1.2362067 Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+2 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+2 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 33.568363 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+3 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+3 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 48.962044 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+4 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+4 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 31.186657 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+5 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+5 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 3.5248520 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+6 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+6 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 3.5118179 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+7 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+7 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 144.16258 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+8 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+8 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 337.04239 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+9 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+9 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 461.20831 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+10 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+10 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 72.315948 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+11 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+11 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 12.458280 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+12 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+12 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.8309002 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+13 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+13 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 17.862677 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+14 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+14 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 360.71811 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+15 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+15 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 506.23724 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+16 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+16 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 498.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 846.14252 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+17 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+17 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 494.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 540.90222 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+18 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+18 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 167.71777 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+19 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+19 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 500.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 34.094677 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+20 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+20 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 73.360863 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+21 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+21 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 660.51160 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+22 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+22 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 889.13019 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+23 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+23 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 962.85406 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+24 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+24 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1280.5334 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+25 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+25 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 724.87604 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+26 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+26 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 500.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 145.42322 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+27 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+27 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 38.885941 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+28 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+28 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 65.499214 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+29 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+29 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 40.730137 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+30 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+30 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 6.4365349 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+31 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+31 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 63.020042 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+32 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+32 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 861.99670 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+33 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+33 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1203.1764 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+34 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+34 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 500.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1019.0544 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+35 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+35 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1547.5236 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+36 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+36 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1393.5494 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+37 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+37 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 439.85944 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+38 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+38 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 515.49695 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+39 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+39 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 668.12744 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+40 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+40 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 210.42577 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+41 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+41 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 29.914070 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+42 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+42 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.4152694 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+43 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+43 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 30.024904 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+44 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+44 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 361.52710 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+45 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+45 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 631.71014 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+46 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+46 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 592.92999 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+47 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+47 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1592.9441 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+48 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+48 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 2231.0029 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+49 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+49 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 833.81958 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+50 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+50 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 344.57401 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+51 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+51 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 326.69055 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+52 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+52 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 64.049629 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+53 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+53 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 10.605545 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+54 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+54 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.4151009 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+55 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+55 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 69.666649 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+56 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+56 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 163.65781 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+57 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+57 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 126.17672 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+58 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+58 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 450.82907 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+59 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+59 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1131.5536 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+60 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+60 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1068.2241 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+61 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+61 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 213.77888 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+62 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+62 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 45.334179 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+63 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+63 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 3.7432580 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+64 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+64 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1.4556860 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+65 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+65 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 31.609720 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+66 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+66 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 80.064636 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+67 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+67 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 121.92368 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+68 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+68 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 455.54431 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+69 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+69 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 500.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 721.30438 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+70 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+70 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 500.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 470.81216 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+71 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+71 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 24.123312 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+72 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+72 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 7.2785516 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+73 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+73 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 498.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 18.508081 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+74 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+74 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 4.1591096 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+75 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+75 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 31.817495 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+76 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+76 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 196.72855 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+77 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+77 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 639.06708 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+78 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+78 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 72.993851 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+79 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+79 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 494.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 5.8227959 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+80 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+80 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.2079669 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+81 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+81 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 500.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 12.269648 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+82 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+82 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 187.78557 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+83 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+83 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 200.26694 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+84 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+84 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 130.38994 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+85 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+85 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 47.621281 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+86 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+86 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.6238736 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+87 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+87 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 496.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 8.3181705 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+88 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+88 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 217.52257 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+89 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+89 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 686.05518 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+90 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+90 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 590.39087 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+91 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+91 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 205.87944 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+92 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+92 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 12.477765 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+93 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+93 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.2079594 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+94 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+94 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 6.6547236 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+95 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+95 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 220.43741 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+96 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+96 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 965.34174 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+97 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+97 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1114.0222 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+98 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+98 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 389.09717 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+99 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+99 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 31.401039 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+100 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+100 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 1.4557275 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+101 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+101 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 72.577644 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+102 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+102 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 395.94141 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+103 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+103 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 596.42273 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+104 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+104 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 294.26910 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+105 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+105 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 66.754219 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+106 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+106 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 7.9024744 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+107 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+107 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 3.7432201 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+108 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+108 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 70.081749 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+109 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+109 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 126.23147 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+110 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+110 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 494.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 150.56247 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+111 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+111 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 55.733414 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+112 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+112 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 4.7830024 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+113 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+113 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 499.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 4.1590962 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+114 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+114 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 19.132099 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+115 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+115 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 37.224133 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+116 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+116 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 49.493835 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+117 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+117 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.4159146 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+118 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+118 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 495.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 3.5353568 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+119 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+119 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 497.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 6.4467983 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+120 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+120 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 500.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.2079451 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+121 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+121 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 496.5, 500.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 8.5263109 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> read 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+122 ![XIMAGE> read_image 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_sky.fits+122 WARNING: Unknown telescope Telescope NUSTAR FPMB Image size = 136 x 136 pixels Image rebin = 1.000 Image center = 497.5, 498.5 Reading an image Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 0.2079421 ![XIMAGE> sum_ima Processing MAP1 image Freed TMPMAP1 ![XIMAGE> save_ima Copied MAP1 to MAP9 ![XIMAGE> crop/xp=500.473531/yp=500.500000/size=50 Overwriting input map ![XIMAGE> write_ima/file=\"9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_expo.fits\" Writing a FITS format image Writing FITS file: 9728_tmp_nuexpomap/9727tmp_expo.fits 2500 records written to file ![XIMAGE> quit ![XIMAGE> exit Tk startup failed: /xtk device unavailable nuexpomap_0.2.5: Info: '9727tmp_expo.fits' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuexpomap_0.2.5: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_oa.fits file. nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[7] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[7] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[7] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[7] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[7] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[7] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[7] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[6] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform2.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform2.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_2.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform2.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[5] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[4] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[1] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[1] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[1] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[1] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[2] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform0.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform0.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_0.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform0.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'combinexform command=@9727tmp_trasform1.txt outfile=9727tmp_trasform1.xform' nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: executing 'imagetrans infile=/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/psf/nuB2dpsfen4_20100101v001.fits[3] outfile=9727tmp_psf_1.fits transform=9727tmp_trasform1.xform inverse=none method=AREA dimenx=325 dimeny=325 seed=0 bitpix=-32 zeronull=no history=yes' Reading image Transforming Writing transformed image nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/ file. nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' file. nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: NULCCO keyword not found or set to FALSE nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: RATE_ORIG column will be added and filled nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: in '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' file. nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: ERROR_ORIG column will be added and filled nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: in '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' file. nulccorr_0.1.8: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nulccorr_0.1.8: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: 'nulccorr' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/' updated. nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: Running 'lcurve' nuproducts_0.3.2: Command: lcurve nser=1 window=- dtnb=INDEF nbint=INDEF outfile=9523.flc plot=yes plotdev=9523_lc.gif/gif plotfile=9523_tmp_nuproducts/nu90701312002B01_lcurve.pco tchat=5 lcurve 1.0 (xronos6.0) Minimum Newbin Time 10.000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 5669 Default Newbin Time is: 110.84474 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Default Newbins per Interval are: 512 (giving 1 Interval of 512 Newbins) 512 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: 'lcurve' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_lc.gif' created. nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: Running 'ximage' nuproducts_0.3.2: Command: ximage @9523_tmp_nuproducts/nu90701312002B01_ximage.xco No of detectors read in: 34 ![XIMAGE> chat 0 ![XIMAGE> read/size=600 9523_tmp_nuproducts/9523_sk.img ![XIMAGE> cey 2000 ![XIMAGE> cpd 9523_im.gif/gif ![XIMAGE> disp ![XIMAGE> grid ![XIMAGE> vplabel/bottom/margin=4.5 {Hea_11Aug2020_V6.28_nustardas_19Jun20_v2.0.0, CALDB 20210210} ![XIMAGE> cpd /xtk ![XIMAGE> quit ![XIMAGE> exit Tk startup failed: /xtk device unavailable nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: 'ximage' exit with success. Created '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_im.gif' image nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: Running 'numkrmf' nuproducts_0.3.2: Command: numkrmf outfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_sr.rmf grprmffile=CALDB usrgtifile=NONE srcregionfile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_src.reg rmfdir=CALDB cmprmf=yes chatter=3 clobber=yes history=yes infile=/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'numkrmf_0.1.8' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: Name of the input Event file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt' Name of the input source region file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_src.reg' Name of the output RMF file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_sr.rmf' Name of the input RMF Grouping file :'CALDB' --------------------------------------------------------------------- numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_sr.rmf' file exists, numkrmf_0.1.8: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the numkrmf_0.1.8: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_sr.rmf' file will be overwritten. numkrmf_0.1.8: Warning: CalGetFileName: There are 2 files which match selection criteria. numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: executing 'xselect @13053tmp_srcevt.xco' ** XSELECT V2.4k ** !> Enter session name >[xsel9523] xsel13053 Command not found; type ? for a command listing Got new mission: NUSTAR OBJECT OBS_ID DATE-OBS 1 PNV_J23244760p6111140 90701312002 2021-03-20T22:56:09 Notes: XSELECT set up for NUSTAR Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 5.0000 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = X Y with binning = 1 Energy keyword = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 could not get minimum time resolution of the data read MJDREF = 5.5197000766019E+04 with TIMESYS = TT Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/13053_tmp_numkrmf/ HK Directory is: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/13053_tmp_numkrmf/ extractor v5.37 1 Apr 2020 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /home/nustar1/tmp/tmp_ran/13053_tmp_numkrmf/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt[regfilter("xsel13053_region.xsl",X,Y)] 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 564 564 0 0 0 0 Writing events file 564 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Time Phase Grade Cut 564 564 0 0 0 0 in 44073. seconds Wrote events list to file ./13053tmp_evt.fits !xsel13053:SUZAKU > read eve nu90701312002B01_cl.evt !> Enter the Event file dir >[9523_tmp_nuproducts/] ./13053_tmp_numkrmf/ !> Reset the mission ? >[yes] !xsel13053:NUSTAR-FPMB > set xyname X Y !xsel13053:NUSTAR-FPMB > filter region 13053_tmp_numkrmf/nu90701312002B01_src.reg !xsel13053:NUSTAR-FPMB > extract events copyall=yes !xsel13053:NUSTAR-FPMB > save events ./13053tmp_evt.fits !> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] no !xsel13053:NUSTAR-FPMB > quit !> Save this session? >[no] no numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/cpf/rmf/nuBcutgrprmf20100101v001.fits' file for RMF Grouping data of detector DET0. numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/cpf/rmf/nuBcutgrprmf20100101v001.fits' file for RMF Grouping data of detector DET1. numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/cpf/rmf/nuBcutgrprmf20100101v001.fits' file for RMF Grouping data of detector DET2. numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: Processing '/home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/cpf/rmf/nuBcutgrprmf20100101v001.fits' file for RMF Grouping data of detector DET3. numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: executing 'addrmf list=@13053tmp_rmflist.txt rmffile=13053_tmp_numkrmf/nu90701312002B01_sr.rmf' addrmf v1.23 Summing ... 9.521E-01 * /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/cpf/rmf/nuBcutdet0_20100101v001.rmf 2.837E-02 * /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/cpf/rmf/nuBcutdet1_20100101v001.rmf 3.546E-03 * /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/cpf/rmf/nuBcutdet2_20100101v001.rmf 1.596E-02 * /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/cpf/rmf/nuBcutdet3_20100101v001.rmf RMF # 1 : /home/nustar1/SOC/CAL 0.95213 NuSTAR FPMB DET0 NONE PI RMF # 2 : /home/nustar1/SOC/CAL 2.83690E-02 NuSTAR FPMB DET1 NONE PI RMF # 3 : /home/nustar1/SOC/CAL 3.54600E-03 NuSTAR FPMB DET2 NONE PI RMF # 4 : /home/nustar1/SOC/CAL 1.59570E-02 NuSTAR FPMB DET3 NONE PI ... using rdrmf5 1.3.3 WARNING - rdrmf5 1.3.3: Problem reading FILTER keyword ... fitsio 3.490 error message: keyword not found in header WARNING - rdrmf5 1.3.3: Problem reading LO_THRES keyword ... fitsio 3.490 error message: keyword not found in header ... read all the keywords ... reading the data ... successfully read RSP_MATRIX data ... using rdrmf5 1.3.3 WARNING - rdrmf5 1.3.3: Problem reading FILTER keyword ... fitsio 3.490 error message: keyword not found in header WARNING - rdrmf5 1.3.3: Problem reading LO_THRES keyword ... fitsio 3.490 error message: keyword not found in header ... read all the keywords ... reading the data ... successfully read RSP_MATRIX data ... using rdrmf5 1.3.3 WARNING - rdrmf5 1.3.3: Problem reading FILTER keyword ... fitsio 3.490 error message: keyword not found in header WARNING - rdrmf5 1.3.3: Problem reading LO_THRES keyword ... fitsio 3.490 error message: keyword not found in header ... read all the keywords ... reading the data ... successfully read RSP_MATRIX data ... using rdrmf5 1.3.3 WARNING - rdrmf5 1.3.3: Problem reading FILTER keyword ... fitsio 3.490 error message: keyword not found in header WARNING - rdrmf5 1.3.3: Problem reading LO_THRES keyword ... fitsio 3.490 error message: keyword not found in header ... read all the keywords ... reading the data ... successfully read RSP_MATRIX data ... using wtrmf5 1.5.0 ... new extension created ... Max # elements in F_CHAN & N_CHAN arrays = 320 ... Max # elements in MATRIX array = 3748 ... Using Fixed length array for MATRIX column ... written the extension header keywords ... written the OGIP required keywords ... written the history keywords ... written the comment keywords ... defined the data structure ... successfully written RSP_MATRIX data numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: executing 'cmprmf infile=13053_tmp_numkrmf/nu90701312002B01_sr.rmf outfile=13053_tmp_numkrmf/nu90701312002B01_sr.rmf threshold=1e-9 clobber=yes' cmprmf v1.04 12 Dec 2018 numkrmf_0.1.8: Info: executing 'fchecksum infile=13053_tmp_numkrmf/nu90701312002B01_sr.rmf update=yes' Checksum keywords updated successfully. --------------------------------------------------------------------- numkrmf_0.1.8: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: 'numkrmf' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_sr.rmf' created. nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: Running 'xspec' nuproducts_0.3.2: Command: xspec - 9523_tmp_nuproducts/nu90701312002B01_xspec.xcm ***Warning: You do not have an up-to-date version of Xspec.init in your ~/.xspec directory. It is recommended that you move your old Xspec.init aside and start up XSPEC again. This will place a new version Xspec.init in your directory, which you may then modify using your old settings. XSPEC version: 12.11.1 Build Date/Time: Thu Aug 13 14:32:09 2020 Executing script file "9523_tmp_nuproducts/nu90701312002B01_xspec.xcm" ... !XSPEC12>chatter 5 !XSPEC12>data 9523_phafile.pha !XSPEC12>response 9523_tmp_nuproducts/9523.rmf !XSPEC12>setplot energy !XSPEC12>ignore **-3. 79.-** !XSPEC12>setplot rebin 10 100 !XSPEC12>setplot command " cpd 9523_ph.gif/gif" !XSPEC12>setplot command "time off" !XSPEC12>setplot command "la t Energy spectrum (nu90701312002B01_sr.pha)" !XSPEC12>setplot command "la ot Hea_11Aug2020_V6.28_nustardas_19Jun20_v2.0.0, CALDB 20210210" !XSPEC12>setplot command "la f" !XSPEC12>plot ldata !XSPEC12>quit !XSPEC12>::tclreadline::readline write /users/nustar/.xspec/xspec.hty XSPEC: quit !XSPEC12>tclexit nuproducts_0.3.2: Info: 'xspec' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_ph.gif' created. ---------------------------------------------------------- nuproducts_0.3.2: Exit with success ------------------------------------------------------------ nupipeline_0.4.8: Info: 'nuproducts' exit with success. '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt' products and images created. ============================================================ nupipeline_0.4.8: Stage III: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt' products and images created. ============================================================ ============================================================ NuSTAR pipeline Report Task: nupipeline Version: 0.4.8 Release Date: 2020-05-20 ============================================================ evt: .... Optical Axis RA from RA_OBJ keyword : 351.1989375(deg) evt: .... Optical Axis DEC from DEC_OBJ keyword : 61.18745(deg) evt: .... Source RA from RA_OBJ keyword : 351.1989375(deg) evt: .... Source DEC from DEC_OBJ keyword : 61.18745(deg) FPMA: .... Stage I: Calibrating Level 1 Event File: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' FPMA: .... Stage I: Calibrated Event File: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' FPMA: .... Stage II: Screening Level 1a Event File: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A_uf.evt' FPMA: .... Stage II: Created Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt' for Observing Mode '01' FPMA: .... Stage II: Created Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A02_cl.evt' for Observing Mode '02' FPMA: .... Stage II: Created Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A03_cl.evt' for Observing Mode '03' FPMA: .... Stage II: WARNING No Filtered Level 2 Event File created for Observing Mode '04' FPMA: .... Stage II: WARNING No Filtered Level 2 Event File created for Observing Mode '05' FPMA: .... Stage II: Created Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A06_cl.evt' for Observing Mode '06' FPMA: .... Stage III: Generating products and images on Level 2 Event File: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt' FPMA: .... Stage III: Generated products and images on Level 2 Event File: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002A01_cl.evt' FPMB: .... Stage I: Calibrating Level 1 Event File: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' FPMB: .... Stage I: Calibrated Event File: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' FPMB: .... Stage II: Screening Level 1a Event File: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B_uf.evt' FPMB: .... Stage II: Created Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt' for Observing Mode '01' FPMB: .... Stage II: Created Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B02_cl.evt' for Observing Mode '02' FPMB: .... Stage II: Created Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B03_cl.evt' for Observing Mode '03' FPMB: .... Stage II: WARNING No Filtered Level 2 Event File created for Observing Mode '04' FPMB: .... Stage II: WARNING No Filtered Level 2 Event File created for Observing Mode '05' FPMB: .... Stage II: Created Filtered Level 2 Event File '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B06_cl.evt' for Observing Mode '06' FPMB: .... Stage III: Generating products and images on Level 2 Event File: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt' FPMB: .... Stage III: Generated products and images on Level 2 Event File: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002B01_cl.evt' ============================================================================================= nupipeline_0.4.8: Exit with no errors - Sun Mar 21 21:03:17 PDT 2021 ============================================================================================= ============================================================================================= If the NuSTARDAS software was helpful for your research work, the following acknowledgement would be appreciated: "This research has made use of the NuSTAR Data Analysis Software (NuSTARDAS) jointly developed by the ASI Space Science Data Center (SSDC, Italy) and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech, USA)." ============================================================================================= ============================================================================================= Licensed for use by: California Institute of Technology (MAIN) - Shopbell License: 2049:****-****-****-CDE5 Input files: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/ Output files: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/Web/housekeeping/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/ Licensed for use by: California Institute of Technology (MAIN) - Shopbell License: 2049:****-****-****-CDE5 Input files: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/ Output files: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/Web/housekeeping/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/ Licensed for use by: California Institute of Technology (MAIN) - Shopbell License: 2049:****-****-****-CDE5 Input files: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/ Output files: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/Web/housekeeping/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/ ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1244: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc | ./base/gsicc_manage.c:2025: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1244: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc | ./base/gsicc_manage.c:2025: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1244: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc | ./base/gsicc_manage.c:2025: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1244: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc | ./base/gsicc_manage.c:2025: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile Input files: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/ Output files: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/Web/housekeeping/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/ Licensed for use by: California Institute of Technology (MAIN) - Shopbell License: 2049:****-****-****-CDE5 % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating divide by 0 % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating illegal operand Licensed for use by: California Institute of Technology (MAIN) - Shopbell License: 2049:****-****-****-CDE5 === burst pixels === Input files: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/ Output files: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/Web/housekeeping/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/nu90701312002A_uf_burst.pdf Output files: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/Web/housekeeping/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/nu90701312002B_uf_burst.pdf === QA dead pixels === Input files: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/ Output files: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/Web/housekeeping/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/nu90701312002A_uf_qapix.txt Non-functioning list: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/Web/housekeeping/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/nu90701312002A_uf_nonfcn_list.txt Output files: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/Web/housekeeping/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/nu90701312002B_uf_qapix.txt Non-functioning list: /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/Web/housekeeping/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/nu90701312002B_uf_nonfcn_list.txt nulyses --tool checkrates -d /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002 -s f Licensed for use by: California Institute of Technology (MAIN) - Shopbell License: 2049:****-****-****-CDE5 trace_src: Tracing source for FPMA --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nuskytodet_0.1.0' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: R.A. of S/C nominal pointing :'351.198937' Declination of S/C nominal pointing :'61.187450' Focal Plane Module :'FPMA' X coordinate of the SKY reference pixel :'500.000000' Y coordinate of the SKY reference pixel :'500.000000' Name of the input attitude file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits' Name of the input alignement file :'CALDB' Name of the input teldef calibration file :'CALDB' Name of the input mast aspect solution file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits' Name of the output SKY reference pixel file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_sky2detA.fits' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuskytodet_0.1.0: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_sky2detA.fits' file exists, nuskytodet_0.1.0: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the nuskytodet_0.1.0: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_sky2detA.fits' file will be overwritten. nuskytodet_0.1.0: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits file. nuskytodet_0.1.0: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits file. nuskytodet_0.1.0: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_sky2detA.fits' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuskytodet_0.1.0: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- trace_src: Tracing source for FPMB --------------------------------------------------------------------- Running 'nuskytodet_0.1.0' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Parameters List: R.A. of S/C nominal pointing :'351.198937' Declination of S/C nominal pointing :'61.187450' Focal Plane Module :'FPMB' X coordinate of the SKY reference pixel :'500.000000' Y coordinate of the SKY reference pixel :'500.000000' Name of the input attitude file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits' Name of the input alignement file :'CALDB' Name of the input teldef calibration file :'CALDB' Name of the input mast aspect solution file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_mast.fits' Name of the output SKY reference pixel file :'/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_sky2detB.fits' --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuskytodet_0.1.0: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_sky2detB.fits' file exists, nuskytodet_0.1.0: Warning: parameter 'clobber' set, the nuskytodet_0.1.0: Warning: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_sky2detB.fits' file will be overwritten. nuskytodet_0.1.0: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_att.fits file. nuskytodet_0.1.0: Info: Processing /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits file. nuskytodet_0.1.0: Info: '/home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/event_cl/nu90701312002_sky2detB.fits' file successfully written. --------------------------------------------------------------------- nuskytodet_0.1.0: Exit with success. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Licensed for use by: California Institute of Technology (MAIN) - Shopbell License: 2049:****-****-****-CDE5 /home/nustar1/nustarops/fltops/Web/housekeeping/90701312_PNV_J23244760p6111140/90701312002/nu90701312002_tracks.pdf Tracesrc2det: Using this alignment file: /home/nustar1/SOC/CALDB/data/nustar/fpm/bcf/align/nuCalign20200901v001.fits MRDFITS: Binary table. 7 columns by 228208 rows.